[English] Slave Maker 3 [Version 3.2.06a]

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Otaku Veteran

Upgrade auf Version 3.2.03 [Final Beta]

Hier ist das Upgrade auf v3.2.03. Ich werde dann wahrscheinlich nächste Woche eine Full Game Version hochladen, da der Entwickler die kommende Woche für die letzten Tests und Bugfixes nutzen wird und dann hoffentlich auch eine non-Beta Version hochladen wird.

Hi, here is the final beta for the 3.2.03 release of the game. I will run this beta test for the next week and then do a full release once any issues raised are fixed.

New features

Lady Farun rescue and meeting have been re-written, with more text and options. The 'rescue' event has additional options if your slave maker is present at the time. The rescue will only happen once
There is the start of an event during the Lady Farun meetings, but it is only the first part. It is no complete yet
Sareth/Evil Mine event has been fixed and updated along with the Lady Farun meetings. A 'new' reward can be received from the quest now. Importantly the event will only happen once
the minor slave Deala is removed from general sale but is available in another way

All minor slaves and assistants can now declare their love for you, and count toward you limit of lovers given by the Leadership skill
All minor slaves and assistants can become cumsluts, but it will take quite a long time
All minor slaves and assistants can become impregnated, but by default only one will actually become pregnant, but this is a trivial xml edit to enable for other slaves
All minor slaves and assistants can be affected by the 'Unnatural Cum' advantage. Again will take quite a long time to occur
Several minor slaves now have custom events, notably the nurse Cora (try talking to her), the fox-girl Narry, and Maran the mother
All minor slaves can have custom events, including any custom ones added by players.
Kasumi's Cumslut training can now be learned by Slave Makers who have the skill 'Slut Trainer'. Initially you will need to train Kasumi and then use her for a few slaves, but after a few you will learn the skill 'Slut Trainer 2' and can do it yourself
Once Naru decides to become a nudist and gains the 'Naked' dress you will be able to convince other slaves to do it as well. It is easier for slave makers with the skill 'Slut Trainer' and otherwise relies on your slaves level in the Naked act
New event in the Forest
Tiredness and illness affect all slaves and your slavemaker. On a day a slave becomes ill they cannot be used for training. This means for your main slave they cannot do any trainings at all. Your slaves maker will be unable to do any personal trainings. Minor slaves or assistants will be unable to participate in acts.
Simple method added to change from one house to another. Currently a flat fee of 10000GP to change. This will change in future
Developer support Changes

a lot of changes to the xml parsing system, adding new statements, variables, new nodes. See Acts.xml for the new act support
actually there is quite a lot and I will document more in an updated SDK

Preserve save games
To ensure you can use save games from the previous versions, just make sure you install the game into the exact same folder. Do not rename the folder, or install into a sub-folder.

Backup save games
As this is a beta version I recommend backing up any important save games before installing this beta
a) run the game
b) load the save game
c) save to a new slot, say like slot 80

Known Issues
There are a couple if issues I have not been able to fix yet

the first time you go to the Talk to your Slaves screen it can be blank, with not slaves listed. This only seems to happen if you are not playing the game full screen. I have not got a fix for this, but if you exit and re-enter the screen it works fine
The game does not upgrade Kasumi quite correctly to teach Cumslut training. Will work fine in a new game just not with existing save games. Will be fixed in the full release.
Some odd text issues with some Lady Farun meetings, with text layout and structure. Only in an unusual case and is reasonably clear, just awkward.

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Stamm User
Ich warte auf eine endgültige Version. Werde mir das Spiel komplett neu machen müssen, da ich schon wieder meinen Save in die Tonne getreten habe -.- VERDAMMT!


Otaku Veteran
@selbi7: Hast du dein übliches Passwort geändert, oder ist da irgendwas schiefgelaufen?
Ja sry, hab tatsächlich die Bindestriche vergessen :-p. Ich werd mal ne kleine Notiz auf der ersten Seite hinterlassen...

Ja ich hoffe auch das nächstes WE dann die Beta zu Ende ist. Naja, aber ich hab meine Saves zum Glück noch xD


Full Release von der 3.2.03 [Final Beta] ist draußen, muss sagen, das er Aktuell richtig flott ist...

1,6GB groß, mal schaun Selbi7 ob du auch so schnell bist wie unser slavemaker Programmierer ;)
Denn von multiupload will ich 1,6gb nicht unbedingt downloaden.

Ja muss sagen, das Spiel entwickelt sich richtig prächtig.


Otaku Veteran
Full Release von der 3.2.03 [Final Beta] ist draußen, muss sagen, das er Aktuell richtig flott ist...
Ja, das hab ich ja oben geschrieben. Da er aber am WE die Beta Phase beendet und danach ein non-beta Full Release veröffentlicht, werde ich mir das Beta Full Release sparen und dann in ein paar Tagen eine hoffentlich weitestgehend Bugfreie Full Release Version hochladen ^^


die neuste version is derzeitig nicht zu erreichen. Die rapid links stehen als offlin drin <.<

greez Fallin

:edit: passiert hier auch noch was ? frage steht ja nun schon lange drin aber bis jetzt keine reaktion
nich so deine art irgenwie. biste derzeitig nicht da ???
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Auf der Entwicklerseite ist der full release der Version 3.02.03 von Slavemaker nun draußen. Ebenso ein Update von der Version 3.02.03 Beta.


Otaku Veteran

Full Game Version 3.2.03

So endlich ist die Beta-Phase beendet und hier ist nun die non-beta Version 3.2.03 als Full Game Version.

Here is the full release for Slave Maker 3.2.03

It has some additional fixes above the last version of the beta that was released, notably for Minako, and also an upgraded version of Unohana Retsu.

Download all parts and extract into a folder of your choice. To preserve save sames from a previous release, extract into the exact same folder. Only extract the first part, your archiving program will automatically extract the other parts.

For those who did not try the beta release this version includes quite a number of feature changes. Nothing major, mostly incremental improvements. There are quite a few new slaves, developed using the xml system

minor slaves have some more personality, having special events and extra graphics
Lady Farun meetings and encouters have been expanded
additional new events in the game
upgrades for multiple slaves (including bug fixes for Menace, Urd, Minako)
latest upgrade of the SM Enounter event (ie Red Lily Bar events)
new house, the Galleon
illness events work a bit differently
minor slaves and assistants can confess love to your slave maker
some minor slaves and assistants can become pregant. Actually almost all have graphics and the capability, but it is disabled by default
Naru's Naked dress is now learnable by your Slave Maker for use by your slaves
Cumslut training can be learned by Slave Makers with 'Slut Trainer' skill, but Kasumi is still needed as the initial cumslut
Otherwisea lot of other changes, explore the changes!

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Für Slavemaker ist auf der Entwicklerseite ein kleiner Fix erschienen. Wird allerdings als Version 3.2.04 geführt, auch wenn er nur wenig Änderungen beinhaltet.


Otaku Veteran

Hier das Fix welches das Game auf v.3.2.04 aufwertet (Nur für v.3.2.03). Hauptsächlich Bugfixes und ein neues Slave (Seamus Aran).

A sort of new release, version 3.2.04. This is just a bug fix release for version 3.2.03. It does a few low level changes and alters some options but otherwise no real content changes. Otherwise a rollup of the previously posted fixes (posted in the forums as a beta)


Zoom and Colours options are removed from Options.
There is now a configuration.xml file that allows this and some other settings to be changed. The idea is these settings will almost never be altered by anyone, so they are removed from Options but you can alter them. You can also customise the background colour if you really want.
Low level class changes, but should be mostly transparent
New slave Samus Aran from Metriod games by Mad_Jackal


Love confessions from minor slaves for slave makers with Lesbian Trainer skill
male servant using a strap-on for anal sex
change participants button appearing incorrectly
issues with Urd and the uninhibitory potion
answering no to take the uninhibitory potion variant was the same as answering yes
some small text issues with sex act descriptions and Cora's introduction
Miku had a large image appear when used as an assistant
Issues with Peach as an assistant and her Bought Back image cycling/flickering
corrects a few text problems with tentacle pregnancies
fixes a bug in xml with conversation incorrectly using charisma
incorrectly showing assistantpronoun/slavepronoun for some text

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