[Diskussion] What was your favorite anime growing up?


I grew up watching pokemon, dbz, digimon, and yugioh. Oh man, the good old days where they were really awesome (waking up early morning just to watch them).


By far my favorite anime when I was young? Definitely Sailor Moon! Everyday when
I came home, I threw my bag in the corner, ran to the TV and watched it. :-D
I grew up watching animes like - Dragon ball z, Gatekeepers, Fushigi Yuugi etc back in 1998 those were some awesome times
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Chin Chan,Sailor Moon,Dragonball I love Chin Chan I watched it before every Day with my Dad and then when I was in the Hospital for 1 year I watched Dragonball,Dragonball Z with my Dad again Day by Day ^^


I grew up watching animes like Pokemon (it was actually my first anime - or should I say the first anime that was declared as an anime :twirly: - because I think that other series like "Ohayo spank" were animes too, but I didn't have a clue about that!), Digimon, Dragonball / Z, Chin Chan, Inu Yasha... yeah, stuff like that. :happy: