[Frage] Your Favourite Video Game?


My favourite video game is Gothic 1 + 2 and also Risen (currently waiting for Risen 2 :wakuwaku:)
Mass Effect is close to them but I'm grown up with Gothic and played it a long time so it stays in my head among the good old times.


uff, hard to say it...

but let me say mass effect 2, max payne, fahrenheit and runaway for nowaday games^^

and Broken Sword 1+2, Monkey Island 1-3, Super Mario Bros., Secret of Mana and Half Life for the oldschool ones xD


Mass Effect 2 has to be my favorite game because of the awesome voice work and storyline.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


ghost of freedom
Otaku Veteran
PS1: Final Fantasy XIII
PS2: Final Fantasy X
PS3: Not decided yet. Maybe the Assassins Creed series. Don't know.


My favorite game right now is a tie between Persona 3 and 4, due to the story, character interaction, and the turn-based combat a lot of modern RPGs forsake.


Harvest Moon!

Nothing says fun and exciting like running around and picking up vegetables, grooming the cow, and fishing day in and day out. >.>


My favorite games are:

Resident Evil 1 (Original of 1996)
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the patriots
Gothic 1,2 and 3
Fable 1 and 2
The legend of Zelda series
Silent Hill 1
Star Ocean The last Hope INTERNATIONAL
Left4Dead 1 and 2
Half Life 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer


Witcher (waiting for witcher2),
Total War games
TES IV (waiting for TES V),
Mass Effect 1/2,
Dark Messiah,
Assassin's Creed (2,3 have not played yet)

-----[ Doppelpost hinzugefügt ] -----

By the way SHOGUN 2 is out now! I'm going to buy in a couple of days. It will be something! Saw the video reviews - there are no words. I think anime fans should enjoy the war in medieval Japan))
i'd have to say the assassin's creed series! so many things to do, amazing action and gripping storyline! can't wait for the next one!!