[Frage] Your Favourite Video Game?


Tetris, and i'm not kidding. I mean, from all games out there, this is the only one i could pick anytime, anyday, and play for hours. Who would've thought a russian military experiment would end like that


My favorite of all time is Metal Gear Solid 4. For one who played the whole series, this game is just a big climax. Biggest wow effect I ever had on a game - struggleing with final fantasy X tho.


I have platform favorites.
PC: All blizzard games are great!
Nintendo: Zelda ocarina of time. (all zelda games are fun!)
Playstation: FF X (and also here all Final Fantasy games are fun)

If i have to choose one: Diablo II LoD.
My favourite video game.. atm. i'd say the new x-men game with wolverine, slaugthering people is awesome :hahaha:

Else all time.. perhaps the Dune series or C&C


Private Eye
Otaku Veteran
There are soooooooooo many of 'em ... O_____O

To tell the tuth...hmmm... I woul prefer Final Fantasy IX!


My favorite is the Suikoden Series.Great games alas the series looses a lot of its potential after part 3


Final Fantasy VIII offered the Best storyline i ever wittnessed
Those huge and dramatic changes.. the greate character design, the guardian forces.. everything fits in.. altough most of the people say VII ist the best, i cannot agree :hahaha:


Phew dude that's a tough question, seriously.
The game that keept me hooked for the longest time would be easy... but this.. mhh
I guess I can't name my one personal favourite but only a smorgasboard of different kinds of games:

For RPG's TESIII: Morrowind
MMO's: Star Wars Galaxies with all expansions untill the devasting patch came and mate it suck like hell
Shooter: well I hate fps games but ... naw dunno :P
RTS: Wc3 (funmaps) Starcraft (real game... even though I suck!)
Beat em up: Super Smash Bros Melee all the fucking way !


At the Moment, i enjoy Star Ocean 4 and Tales of Vesperia.

The best Game i ever played would be Final Fantasy Tactics tough, over 800+ hours played speaks for itsself ;)

Otherwise i enjoy AION right now, had the chance to betatest it and so far its amazing, before that i played WoW but quit 3 weeks ago because i got bored (cleaned every Content before that) and SWG until they released the Jedipatches which destroyed the Game