[Frage] Your Favourite Video Game?

pretty hard question, i would distinguish between multiplayer and singleplayer. As far as multiplayer experience is concerned my choice is clear, definitely Duke Nukem 3d. Still know all levels and secrets by heart from the thousands of coop runs and in deathmatch trip bombs, lasermines, jetpacks and holodukes were just pure genius.
In singleplayer no game has stolen more of my time than the civilization series, so thats my pick there.


Chief 0perating 0fficer
hmm, i would say it's CounterStrike Source.
But at the moment i'm playing S4League (It's not as good as CSS but still verry funny ^^)


obviously the best video game or role playing game is Final Fantasy 7
i luv it... Cloud strife even the anime was soooo hoot :wakuwaku:
i really want a remaked ff7