How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


Hello everybody!

My english went down a few years ago. My understanding and reading is how should I put this near top notch but the writing and speaking goes literally to's not good enough for a base dialogue with somebody who is from somewhere and this person speaks of course better english but the most important thing about languages is like always: If you don't train it you're losin' it!

But back to topic: The best way to learn this language is to listen to music, play games and read books that are in english or even a way better option to speak with somebody whos native language is english. That's the best way in my opinion. I began to learn since I was 6 years old. I watched many cartoons on cartoon network and began to translate it in school and got myself an german-english dictionary. My greatest flaw if anybody is seeing it's my grammar and the tenses all the other things are no problem most of the time.

Greetings and good night Dante_Phoenix :megane:

nick north

Apart from speaking my English skills are pretty sick (in many ways). Writing in English is sometimes even easier for me than writing in German because English is more like a straight-forward language with less grammar and about 20 different words for everything (especially the adjectives) with each having a slightly different meaning, which gives you sometimes a better possibility for expression than other languages.


I've passed several tests to confirm that my english is pretty good.
When I came back from a year in California my English was pretty screwed up, thanks
to the slang they speak there. But I've gotta admit that I didn't improve the last few years :p


Formal speaking of any language can be pretty dramatic from a normal everyday conversation.

My experience comes from both English and Japanese compared from formal training versus a normal everyday conversation or television show.


Going by how I've been told plenty of times how my grasp on the English language is nothing short of sublime, I'd say I qualify for "Like my native language" :D . It ain't, but in effect it's all the same to me. Shows, too... about 95% of all sites I browse regularly are English. Can't fathom where I'd find a decent German equivalent for many things.


I'd say my English is pretty good, but I wouldn't say that I speak it as good as I speak my native language.
My marks are very good and I even managed to confuse a british guy once as he wouldn't believe me that I'm actually german at first. I even thought about spending a year or two in Canada, but I should really finish school first :P


My english is pretty good. Actually I am curious. My friend spent some time in Germany and a lot of Germans asked him to speak to them more in English. What is the motivation for this? Is it a commerce reason or more of a curiousity thing to help them improve their spoken english? And if it is a commerce thing, is Mandarin also a language of interest in Germany?


English is my native, however I wish to learn as many languages as possible so that I will never be left in the dark of a conversation. For now, translators are the way for me to work around it.