How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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Reading english novels or subtitles is no problem for
and even talk with some people shouldt be that diffcult.
But I really need practise in listenning comprehension.
I may should watch some english movies ^^


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Otaku Veteran
Got myself 100 points in the "TOEFL iBT" last month (from a maximum of 120 points). And it definitely wasn't one of my best days.
Gotta get back into practice though, as I'm starting to lack some of the basic vocabulary D:


I have no problems to read or understand english, when i talk english it happens that my brain dont find the word i would like to say. And with writing english im not very good so i hope that i didnt make to many mistake with that what i have write here.

Ps. I think english is a very nice language and its almost speaken every where on this planet.
And its very easy to learn more easier than something like French(well i speak that too but i hate it).

So Long


well well, what to say about my english?

depends on which english you guys talking about,

the real british english? - learned in school, hated it big time, using it successfully in my job now

the american english? - trained and teached by friends over several years, learned to love it!

the a bit more dignified australian english? - see the british last part

the "icanhazcheesburger" english? - wuut ya on 'bout? thaz not even reahl english!

took me only a 72hours session to get the word pizza pronounced right :hot: (actually it makes my friend still laugh at me when i try it :( xD )

all at all, in the last 4 years i growed to love english, sometimes i catch myself thinking in english instead of german. :twirly: paragraph roleplayer in english as also in german, but my english RP is way better if you ask for my opinion.


In my mind, the only way to speak a fluent english is to use it often. I mean, idk if u got a good lvl by learning at school, btw, watching english anime all weeks was better for me than everything. Perhaps english teachers should use better medias than old audio tapes...


I wouldn't say my english is that good, but I never had problems talking to people when I visited England or when I'm chatting.
Also I do nearly everything in english to the point where even my thought process is english.
Watching anime with eng subs, playing games on english, or even googling problems on english.
I just watched all Scrubs episodes on english and there are some jokes which just don't translate well into german.
Tho it was hard sometimes because of the many different diseases and symptomps and all.


My English isn't that good, I knew a lot of words, I'm able to understand everything I read... but my grammar is seriously bad. In my free time, I like to go on reddit, this has the advantage that I'm learning English without doing anything, but I think I'll take some Language lectures to improve it, it's without doubt one of the most important things in work.


Well, I think my English level is well above average, having visited an advanced vocational college specialized in foreign languages,
I've had roughly 9 years of English classes in school (counting first class in Argentina aswell).

Aside from that, I generally prefer playing games and watching movies in their original language, which also helped me improve my English over time.
When I started being confident about talking in English, I generally joined up game servers and started talking instead of chatting.
Oh and, I talk in English with my sister's boyfriend mostly.

Sometimes I have trouble understanding foreigners talking English. As for native English speakers, though, it's not a significant matter anymore.
So yeah, English is pretty much on the same level as my native language (Spanish). My German though is still way ahead.

Oh and, if you ever thought your English teacher wasn't right in one than more occasion, you were most probably right.

My English is near 90% good!
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