How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


赤いオンドリ - 僕はオタクです!
Google Translator combined with German is a real mess, we have seen posts here which hardly could be understood at all.


My english is good enough for having a short conversation or reading a doujin for example....but if I want to understand every word, I have to look up some^^:megane:


Otaku Veteran
Er... couldn't find my post here (I was sure to write some sentences here before... oO), so well let's make a new one. ;D

For some reasons I can't pronounce the "th" that way it should. That was a cause why some students laugh at me in school, but when i wrote all the good marks in the class-tests they had nothing to laugh about anymore. ;D So may you can imagine that talking English isn't is what i do prefer. Writing or reading English is much easier for me.


Woo? :>

anyway, english is pretty easy ^^ the non-formal one, i mean...

well, i think today its important to speak english, writing not that much, but speaking. because if you are able to speak english, you have to opportunity to get a better (-payed) job.
in many firms which trade around the world its important that their "workers" can communicate with the clients outside germany.

well like everybody else said, reading english is quite easier then speaking/writing english ^.^'
that's exactly what i wanted to say.


My english ist very schlecht.Lesen und verstehen ist kein Problem für mich aber selber englisch reden ist nicht so meine Sache.Mehr gibt es da nicht zu sagen.xD


Jack's Smirking Revenge
it's not half bad I guess... reading/writing is okay... but speaking foreign languages (not just English) causes me some trouble... eventually I tried to improve my skills... but it seems like I'm a lost cause :(


well i guess my problem is writing essays and so :)
i can talk fluently and my pronunciation is good as well (because my father is American...)
the main issue is, i was risen up bilingual... but just untill i was 2 ... well then the english part of my family say "byebye" and went back off to the states... from now on my english was gettin worse ...
yeah, as worse as it's now... and as i said, my main problem is to write correct sentences... when i speak english it sounds way better than my written language...


two years ago i worked in a "only-english-office". so i had to live with it, but after several months with some native speakers i learned a lot about spoken an written english.

Everyone who wants to learn english should speak and hear it in original.

I try to improve it or at least to keep it at this level.


I agree here. I try to keep in touch with some US american people on teamspeak or similar programs. It's hard to be good at english only talking to people through programs though...