How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer

My English is pretty god, but not god enough, i look Anime´s , Hentai´s in english dub or sub
and I think that my reading ist very good, but I have problems with speaking or writing english.
I learnt it from Sholl of course, and a lot from my first games on my Sony Play Station and the games i play couse they were only on english in the begining.



Not as good as it should be after 8 long years of learning it.
Okay.. you cant really say that 8 school years are really 8 years.
In school you have to do other things than learning of course.
But I think I could make somebody understand what I want if I just try it hard enough.
Even if it's really hard sometimes without having a clue of grammar and just try to follow your sense :P
English is my mother tongue, so I don't think it's much of a question when it comes to me and my skills.

Though if anyone wants their English homework corrected by me... go ahead, make my day! >=D


Hmmm i gues my english is quite but it could be mutch better. I have no problem understand any english movie/anime or text but my grammatic sucks ^.^


I am the end!
Otaku Veteran
Habe nur sehr selten probleme mit der englischen sprache.
Meistens nur dann wenn es wirklich heftige umgangssprache ist ^.^
Ansonsten muss ich ehrlich zugeben dass ich ab und zu etwas in englisch besser beschreiben kann als in Deutsch.
Aber wie sagt man doch so schön? Man lernt immer etwas neues dazu. Oder
Man lernt niemals aus.

mfg GematriA


Chief 0perating 0fficer
Habe nur sehr selten probleme mit der englischen sprache.
Meistens nur dann wenn es wirklich heftige umgangssprache ist ^.^
Ansonsten muss ich ehrlich zugeben dass ich ab und zu etwas in englisch besser beschreiben kann als in Deutsch.
Aber wie sagt man doch so schön? Man lernt immer etwas neues dazu. Oder
Man lernt niemals aus.
well said.

But here's the English-Section, so u should have said that in English ^^

ok. It often happens, that i'm missing some german words, but then i remember the english or the japanese word ^^

so english isn't a problem at all.
Much better than the rest of my foreign languages ^^


I guess my english understanding is nice. That's because i usually watch animes in english sub/dub.

Besides my fav. music is metal/hiphop(oldschool) in english ofc. There's pretty much to translate hehe and you get better in fast understanding too. My biggest problem is death metal or fast english with dialect or ridiculous hard english on CNN.

CNN on Naruto sub level would be great. :hahaha: