How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


my english is good enough to watch english movies, read most english books etc.
though I lack active using the language :(
but I try to practice, speak with english friends and stuff
but watching CNN sucks :D it's boring like hell, all the time the same crap

anyway without being able to use english I think you are kinda stranded
I mean you need it everywhere, in your job, in the Internet, and it's the most common language
(hopefully you won't be stuck in germany all your life ;)) even in the german language or culture
itself there are more and more Anglicisms...


My "written" english is quite okay I guess. Speaking it though is difficult for me, because in a conversation I often can not remember basic words, which makes a fluent conversation not possible.
I think that problem is related to the fact that I don't have the opportunity to practice speaking english and all my knowledge about this interesting language is based on video games, books, anime's and what I was taught in school, so basically I just learned the "written form" of english.

English is imo (besides German, of course ;) ) the most suitable language you should learn at first, especially if your native lagnuage is German. Easy to learn, everywhere needed. I could not imagine watching anime's with german subtitles because somehow it seems out of place (it's hard to describe, but I get this weird feeling that it is somehow not right, especially in dramatic/erotic dialogues).
The same goes for example the series Dr. House. Not only that the actors had to be voiced over by another actor, most of them speak, even in critical moments, emotionless (the voice actor of Dr. House is an exception, but Cameron for example gives me the chills).

And maybe a last recommendation to all people who are not that good at english: Play visual novels or watch anime's in english/with english subtitles. Play/watch it in window mode. If you spot a word you don't know, do not just read over it. Go to or any other translating site and search for the word. This will be probably very annoying at the beginning, but after some time you will know the most common words.

Not only that learning english will help you in your future carreer, it allows you to play a lot of h-games/visual novels since the chance of a german translation is low or will take some time (Sengoku Rance is a good example, awesome game with a good story, really something I am happy about not missing it). The same goes for anime's as well.

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I read Kant and Nietzsche; but not in the original German.

My command of the English language is masterful. My feats of sophistry stir the soul just as my feats of logic illuminate the mind, and yet....

Mein Deutsche ist Scheiße.


My english was so much bad :D
the best school attestation note there I get was a 4-
without the babelfish Plugin an Leo I have a big problem to understand complet sentence:hot:
But I does not stop lerning english.


well i'm learning english from a very early age one yet but for everybody who wants know nearly most of the language one should spend a least a year in a foreign country


I am the end!
Otaku Veteran
Habe nur sehr selten probleme mit der englischen sprache.
Meistens nur dann wenn es wirklich heftige umgangssprache ist ^.^
Ansonsten muss ich ehrlich zugeben dass ich ab und zu etwas in englisch besser beschreiben kann als in Deutsch.
Aber wie sagt man doch so schön? Man lernt immer etwas neues dazu. Oder
Man lernt niemals aus.
well said.

But here's the English-Section, so u should have said that in English ^^

ok. It often happens, that i'm missing some german words, but then i remember the english or the japanese word ^^

so english isn't a problem at all.
Much better than the rest of my foreign languages ^^
Well yeah I kinda forgott 'bout that XD sry
It's also kind of sarcastic, when I'm on my own, with nobody around my english know-how is at a quite high level. But if it comes to speaking with natives, I'm always losing my cool and start mumbling nonesense XD
It was a disaster while our stay in London (picadilly circus), I'm speaking american english, this swollen british was the hell on earth... but I made it through this in one piece, so it was not that bad at all.
I'm sure my grammar is worth improving but, I think every english speaking user should understand me without any noteworthly trouble, do they?

regards GematriA


Well, i think, my english is quite good. I'm good in hearing, reading and unterstanding, but not soo good in speaking, but it's enough. Everyone will know, what i want to say.
I had begun last summer to play games in english and watch series and movies in english too. I like english more than german, it sounds in the most ways better to me. But just the american english.


I guess my written English is quite okay. I manage to write reasonable sentences neither too simple nor too similar to my German "ThomasMann"-sentences... Reading books or watching movies isn't really a problem either, as long as the protagonists speak standard English (i.e. no Southern or ghetto accents).
However, my pronunciation is really awful. If you'd only hear me you'd easily come to the conclusion I wouldn't know any English at all...

Real Mayer

Well my english is almost perfect (I'm a talent in languages 'cause my mother is half-italian, half-french and my father's german;) and I've some relatives in the US, too. ), but it's obvious that I've still some problems with grammar ^^


I can understand written things very good, but I have problems to understand when somebody speaks in English
and i think my grammar is bad
I can´t speak it very well and in wrintng Emglish I´m not better than in speaking.

Deutsch geht besser


My english writing is average, probably above, i understand most of the things i read in english, and if there are words i don't understand, i just use google translate!


Otaku Veteran

i speak and write only a simplified english, or more a denglisch? :huh:

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