How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


My english is very good. I love this language, that's why I only read english books and I watch movies and series in english whenever it's possible.


My English is pretty damn good. I am almost a native english speaker though I do make my share of grammar and spelling mistakes. :kukukuh:


i don't really know how good my english knowledge is. I think it's enough to communicate with an english person. But i think when i spend my holiday in Miami it will become better :-D


i think my english is ok sometimes i cant remember some words or i didnt understand what someone said but all in all its ok :)


well I think my english is pretty good but it could be better ...
I can understand native speakers good and they understand me
though I sometimes make mistakes in grammar or spelling ... so practice makes the master... I still have a bit of school left to lern and I hope for the best ^^

If my comment sucked correct me please...:huh:

Shin X

I'm learning English for about 7 years now and after all that time I guess I can claim my English is quite good. Beside school I improved it while surfing on the net browsing through countless boards like this one in which sometimes I just had to talk in that language. Improving my skills concerning English kind of was neccessary regarding the fact that most animes and mangas on the net were published in English much earlier than in German.


Since I use English most of the time when surfing the Internet it's pretty good I guess. I also watch movies in their original language, which is English most of the time. Also books, comics and stuff like that. I've also studied in the US for half a year and didn't have any problems. However, I DID have some difficulties understanding some people in England when they were talking really fast and with accent!


Tötet User
i watch movies in the O-language too and understand "everything" and I think it´s pretty good but not good enough^^


The Flash
Otaku Veteran
To read a text in english is ok,
but it is a problem for me to understand the slang of some people ^^
i started learning english at school and since then i watch english movies and series, read english books and also write sometimes in english (like now ;)).
Thanks to this i have no problem understanding and writing it and a very small problem with speaking, because that's just an absence of training.


I thing it is quite good, reading, watching und writing are no problem. Here on the board I just use German because it's more confortible und the normal way.