[Diskussion] Watch it weekly or watch it when it's completed.


I always watch it when it's complete. I watched weekly anime from spring 2009 to 2011, but there were two animes (Souten Kouro and Hyouge Mono) that were dropped by the only group that released them and another fansub group finished them two years later. When I watched the last episode of Souten Kouro (december of 2011) I decided that I wouldn't start watching another weekly anime again. Hyouge Mono was finished in 2013.

And about the long running anime that I'm watching, which are Detective Conan and One Piece, I watch them in a marathon once a year.
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Used to only watch upon completion but recently I've been starting to watch weekly as it's updating.

One Piece I will probably wait until it's completely finished haha.


I like to wait until the end and then watch it all in one go, but for some anime I just can't wait (mostly cos ppl will spoil it for me). I hate having to wait a week after getting to a good part of an anime, so that's why I like to leave it until completion.


I like to wait until it's complete and watch at my own pace/marathon it. i can't stand waiting a week for each episode, although it does make spoilers a little hard to avoid sometimes


Really depends on the series or the time i've got, some i cant wait for, others i'll watch them all when i have the time


I watch it weekly if it's really excellent but normally I just wait for the series to finish before downloading the whole lot.
For me i usually watch animes that are already finished.
I just hate waiting a whole week for just one episode and when it ends with a really big cliffhanger its just the worst :D


I Prefer to watch it after it's completed.
If the the series gets me hooked i will continue to watch it until the end.
If not i will probably drop it.


I wait until it's completed so I could sit back, put it on my side monitor, and play it in the background while I do other things.