Dragon Ball Z to Rerun on Japanese TV in HD in April

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Otaku Gott
Otaku Veteran
Also sieht ja echt super aus aber die alten Zeichnungen find ich auch gut also kann man nicht sagen das ich jetzt nur auf sowas gewartet hätte aber werds mir bestimmt reinziehen.


Freedom Fighter
Otaku Veteran
Ich freu mich auch schon elendig, gibt sogar nen video schon ;x
wenn ihr direkt auf die youtube seite geht stehen rechts sogar nochn paar infos
naja, dieser vid ist zusammen geschnitten vom dragonball games.

ich dachte das es weiter geht als ich diesen thread gelesen hab da ja nur goku jr und vegeta jr die einzigen die noch weiter lebten.


Hmmm für die Ganz doofen HD Quali das heißt DBZ die Serie wird so zu sehen sein wie das Special
was auf Shonen Jump zu sehen war? also ich finds geil wenn man dann DBZ in dem geilen zeichenstil
gucken kann als im alten *_____* ich mein die Efecte und Farben waren doch 1a beim Special

Ich finds nur scheiße das DB oder DBZ nicht hier auf DVD produziert wird *kotz würg dafür hasse cih das
Internet weils mans laden kann xDDDD

Okay zurück zum thema will ja niht rausfliegen hier *lach =))


oO boah hammer und ich hatte zu erst verstanden, die würden die alten 291 folgen wieder neu austrahlen, nur eben in hd. krass, geil, hammer XD. hoffe doch sehr das sich dafür ne sub gruppe findet.


Stamm User
Hm ich kenn die Serie wie so ziemlich jeder andere zwar auch auswendig, aber ein Neustart ohne Filler und mit neuer Technik klingt doch ganz interessant. Wenn dann noch die Kämpfe nicht mehr so elendig in die Länge (Stichwort Cell und vor allem Boo) gezogen werden, wäre das wirklich ideal. Bin mal gespannt wie die ersten Folgen sind^^

greets Gannendorf

Monkey >D< Ruffy

Zukünftiger Piratenkönig
Otaku Veteran
Muss ja sagen nach dem trailer sieht meine meinung doch anders aus optisch einfach hammer und hoffe die strecken das net wieder so
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


broly und cooler sind von den movies.. Dieser Trailer is einfach aus den Videos der DBZ Games zusammengeschnitten.


naja, dieser vid ist zusammen geschnitten vom dragonball games.

ich dachte das es weiter geht als ich diesen thread gelesen hab da ja nur goku jr und vegeta jr die einzigen die noch weiter lebten.
Ju hab ich auch mitbekommen erst spät leider :/
nen kumpel hatte mir noch nen opening vergleich gelinkt alt und neu aber da war ich mir auch ned sicher weil bei ssj die haare extrem hell waren ^^ aber des findi ch ned mehr ;x


"DragonBall Kai" New Details

VegettoEX @ 8:56 am EST -- The upcoming issue of Weekly Shônen Jump confirms that the "refreshed" version of DBZ for Japanese TV (you know about this, right?) will in fact be called...

]Dragon Ball Kai

As pointed out on Kanzentai, the kanji 改 means "renewed" or "revised". I personally find it interesting that, if they were going to give it a new name in the first place, they didn't go with something like Shin DragonBall Z, as said kanji has popped up in a variety of products over the years (like Shin Butôden and Shin Budôkai, so perhaps that alone would have led to too much confusion). The "Z" appears to be dropped completely, but this will indeed be the DBZ TV series (at least for now; there has been no word on any other DB series receiving a similar treatment).

There is not a whole lot of additional information, but you will notice that the two screen shots in the image are indeed semi-cropped, similar to FUNimation's "faux"-remastered boxsets. Keeping in mind that Toei's promotional materials for the "Dragon Box" versions of the movies are all shown in 4:3 despite the products being 16:9, we should not yet jump to any conclusions. At the same time, it will/would be incredibly disheartening to see Toei go such a cheap route. However, we did receive word from our buddy Wasted Wisher way back when that:

it seems that TOEI is going to be re-drawing some scenes from Dragonball for broadcast on high-def tv. The touch-ups will include some re-done background art (most likely to broaden certain scenes for widescreen)

Will it be a combination of cropping and actual extension, as opposed to FUNimation's sets which did not create actual new footage? I suppose we will have to wait until April 5th...!

VegettoEX @ 12:19 pm EST -- Wasted Wisher hasn't led us wrong in the past yet, so we have faith that the trend continues!

The upcoming "refreshed" version of DBZ being produced in HD for Japanese television (now called Dragon Ball Kai, so we'll just call it that from here-on-out) will apparently have the following new content going for it:

- A brief look at the last moments of Bardock and Planet Vegeta
- An overview of young Goku's growing up years (Dragonball, the pre-Z period) up until his triumph over Piccolo at the Tenkaichi-Budokai.
- The all-too-brief and yet still somewhat triumphant return of FARMER WITH A SHOTGUN!

And sadly (although that really all depends on how you look at things...)
- Goku's winky has disappeared!

That's right, through the miracle of "we're just not gonna draw it anymore", Li'l Goku is no longer going to be allowed to show off "Even Littler Goku" on TV. But don't worry, they won't do anything so blatant as to digitize tighty-whiteys on him.

There ya' go. We're pretty confident with the inside-scoop, but we'll see for sure how it plays out on April 5th.

Even More DragonBall Kai Information
VegettoEX @ 11:14 am EST -- kei17 has a fresh V-Jump scan for us with even more information on the upcoming DragonBall Kai:

The opening stuff is the standard fare we have come to expect from the earlier announcements (like "Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Start of Dragon Ball Z's Broadcast!" and "The Son Goku Legend, Once More!! And its name is... DRAGON BALL KAI"). However, the interesting material appears under the header "The four points that make up the world of "Kai"!":


The story will be developed speedily!
"Kai" starts from the invasion of the Saiyans. This version will be re-edited to hew more closely to Akira Toriyama's original story, so the story's development will progress all the faster!

The opening and ending songs will be completely renewed!!
The opening and ending songs will together be made anew! Furthermore, in "Kai", the background music will be newly recorded. Let's enjoy "Kai", where even the music has been powered up!!

Through digital processing, the image will be made vibrant!!
All the grime, damage and noise remaining on the "Z" film will be removed! In HD, the image will be even clearer. We've carefully made the ultra-powerful "Kai" world even more impressive!

An all-star voice cast will record the lines anew!!
The original main cast, centered around Masako Nozawa as Son Goku, will reunite, yo. They'll breathe life into the characters again, to support their appeal!!

So there you go. We once again are left with just as many questions as we have answers, but we're heading in the right direction. While it doesn't blatantly say, "Yes, we are specifically cutting down filler material", it heavily implies something along those lines. We just have the phrasing "renewed" for the music, without any confirmation on whether or not it's Shunsuke Kikuchi's original score as-is but re-recorded to match the higher fidelity of the newly-recorded voices, or if it's a completely new adaptation of that score. Along those same lines, the true nature of the OP/ED themes are up in the air.

We won't leave you hanging with that, though. Our buddy Wasted Wisher popped in again with a couple additional remarks:

Don't know anything about the intro and ending song yet, or anything past episode 1.
All of the scenes that were being worked on so far are not being cropped...in fact, quite the reverse, they're being extended. The old format of the original footage is too small to fit the standard frame sizes used for anime nowadays. So all the artwork has to be extended outwards to fit the new frame sizes; this includes both the animation itself and the background art.

While slightly unrelated to DragonBall Kai, we do have one little nugget of info for you courtesy (yet again) of kei17:

Another page I haven't scanned yet says that they will carry Manga version of 2008 Special on V Jump. It's not drawn by Akira Toriyama.

Mangaka is オオイシナホ (Ooishi Naho), who never drawn manga under this name.

OK, then! Look for a manga adaptation of last year's Ossu! Kaette Kita Son Gokû to Nakama-tachi!! at some point in the near future courtesy of V-Jump.

EDIT: Die angeforderte Quelle auch nochmal in diesem Post ^^: http://daizex.com/

OK da kann man nun mit gemischten gefühlen rangehen. 191 Folgen fallen wohl weg......
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Konoha Uncut Crew NG
Ok es ist für mich gegessen.
Dieser Satz alleine reicht für mich:

"It's not drawn by Akira Toriyama."

Woher nimmst du eigentlich die Infos. Quelle?
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