How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer



English was the second language I learned at school and I always played games on the N64. Most of the N64 games where in English so I had to learn it to understand what I had to do. I now watch a LOT of anime and most of those series are subbed in English so my English got better and better. Reading is now easy, only speaking and writing is a bit more tricky. Speaking English is just a bit different than speaking in your first language. I hope it will get better so I can speak more convincing.


I'd say my english is enough to survive in the buisness jungle...
My pronouncing sucks tho..

Since I need to know 4 languages in total I can't concentrate on one to be perfect.


i think my english is a bit above the average. i'm learning english since i'm 6 and my english teacher told me that my skills are remarkable, but i'm not quite sure about that... :)
Also zuhöhren b.z.w lesen ist für mich schon fast kein Problem(bis auf hier und das paar Vokabeln) aber selbst sprechen oder schreben überforderd meine Gehirnzellen^^


Freedom Fighter
Otaku Veteran
i think that talking with a real person in english and reading of an internet page is a huge difference. because on the web, you dont have thoes factors active as u would have when ur standing infront of a person.

the stardine

"good but not good enough" fits perfectly for me.
i get along at work, i can watch english movies, read english books and communicate.
i`m always a little bit shy in the beginning but it get`s better while talking. pronunciation is quite good.

english is my favourite foreign language, i hated french at school! :dark:


Well, I've been living two years in England and I'm actually quite well with it.
Sure, there are oftentimes problems, but actually it is quite good ...


my english is not so good, but i have a friend he speak only english, so i try it to speak english and when i dont know the word i try to explain it. And every week i go in the work to the enlish lesson when i have time, but most i havent the time. and my grammar is so bad i think.


Otaku Elite
Otaku Veteran
I understand English better than I speak it, that's cause I'm watching sitcoms (Friends, The Nanny) in English.

Ryudo Kaze

こんにちは everybody.
(Hello/Good day)

Well... I can't say much about my skills in English. Or I rather let others decide.
I think they're good enough, even if I have my problems at typing or writing English. That's because I don't have the chance to write English with my friends in my spare time. Not to mention that I only have a limited amount of time to spear. Well, and some of my friends just don't understand a single word in English, but that's another problem.

At last I can read, listen, understand and speak pretty okay. My English is good enough to speak with native and business speakers. Even if I miss some of the vocabulary and I have to explain what I mean pretty often.
Funny is, that I sometimes run in to translation problems. That is, if the term is some kind of technical game or story lingual – also known as technobabble (I hope I spelled that right) – or I miss the meaning of the word completely. Well... and if it's a kind of antique English.
So I had my problems with the original Lord of the Rings I read in the past. The last problems I encountered nowadays were some sentences in Valkyrie Profile – Covenant of the plume. That was some serious English.
Well... and sometimes I miss words in German. I know the meaning of them, but I totally forgot the German translation...

I got my knowledge from English moves, games, radio dramas, and school. Well... and from practising.
Funny enough, I encounter many people who are not able to speak English. I worked in a IT company two years ago and they had an IT specialist who couldn't speak English. I didn't notice until I had to deal with a phone call he got from an outsourcing company in the US. He asked me, if I could speak with his caller because he could not understand a single word. The only thing he said to her was: "Wait a moment, please."
I thought that fact was somewhat funny and refreshing. xD
As you can see... such things even happen today... sometimes.

But enough talk... for now. ^^

(Best regards.)