How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


My reading and understaning what others say is good in most cases, but myself speaking not so good and also have some problems when writing.


Well... my reading and my understanding of spoken English is quite good. The reason for that is my english education at school and the fact that I often watch american TV series oder movies in their original language. Also the fact of using the Internet improves my englisch because most of the information we can geht here is in English.
My written English is also good or in other words: it´s good enough too chat in online chatrooms or games :-D.
But my spoken english isn´t that good, the simple reason for that is that I rarely have to speak english ;).


I play alot of Online Games so i need to talk abit English or people wouldnt understand what iam saying.

In school i dont have much problems with English but i still need alot of practice in English : (


English shouldn't be much a problem these days as it is needed for gaming, reading & in the end there's also an increasing need to be capable of this language in the business.


According to TOEFL IPT: 587 points. According to an IELTS done just a few days ago 6.5 with 5.5 in writing, 7 on speaking and on everything else 6.5. Those exams were requirements for some projects that I'm working on but these things are absolutely biased, zum Besipiel: In writting I did write a very nice and long essay... with no errors whatsoever but apparently this was not enough and they gave me such lower result, please note I just did write in the past months a whole master thesis for the Fachhochschule Aachen and that was no problem whatsoever, instead in listening, while I did not understood anything on the cd that they were playing, they gave me an average score... and I was like, wasn't supposed to be exchanged both writing and listening?

From there on I just realized that TOEFL and IELTS are just nice ways to rip your money off.


the first answer from the poll is a nice trick XD
i would say that my english is pretty good.many native english speaking persons said so.
some even said that my english is better then from some native english speakers XD
and i gotta tell you that it's easy to speak better german then native germans do.
because most germans suck at their own language i tell ya.


the guys that i met at the gamescom last year said that i speak good enough so they could understand me


I think my english is very well. Most of the time I speak and chat with real english people and they say that my english is very good. They understand what i want to say.


My English is pretty good, but I don't want to forget basic parts of sentences so I still can use them.
If you don't speak English often enough or don't try to read or watch something in English, it wont improve.
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