also torent geht sache ist nur das ich es in englisch spielen möchte kan miher da jemad helfen?
versuch das mal:
Click Password ist Der Oppai Slider 2 Updater 1.06 von Dili.
* add K.S.'s English NoDVD Launcher
* add New Poses from Illusion (4th and 5th)
* add New Models from Illusion's (A-GA, Sexy Beach and Lume)
* add Illusion's Christmas Package
* add alessi's and took's Uncensor Patch FINAL v1.00 (all girls)
* add took's Uncensored CGIs
* add gizzalucy and took's english translation v0.01
* add FBrossard's Oppai2Explorer
* add SorryAngel's OPPatcher4+
* add Dili's OS2 Launcher v1.01
* add Dili's Uncensor Switcher v1.01
* add Ultimate Save unlocking all Extras
1. Rename your OS2 game directory so that it does not contain any japanese unicode characters (example, from "C:\Program Files\Illusion\おっぱいスライダー2" to "C:\Program Files\Illusion\Oppai Slider 2").
2. Click "Start" in the Windows Taskbar, then "Run", then type "regedit" and push enter.
3. Goto the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\illusion\おっぱいスライダ ー2" and double click on the "INSTALLDIR" key name.
4. Replace the path in the "Value data" field with your renamed OS2 game directory and click "OK".
5. Run the Updater.