Naruto / Shippuuden / Gaiden / Boruto [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler!]


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Otaku Veteran
endlich sieht man Kisame in voller action :wakuwaku: der arme wurde ja immer von Itachi an der langen Leine gehalten.

Wenn der Spoiler stimmt und Kisame mit Samehada fusieren kann und so zu einen "Monster" wird würde das wenigsten erklären warum er über so große Chakra reserven verfügt. Seine Chakra Level soll ja auf den gleichen sein wie Naruto. Kisame erinnert eh an einen Fischmensch aus One Piece als ein richtiger Mensch.

Die nächste Frage wo sich mir stellt ob die anderen Kage so einfach Danzo absetzen können. Die 5 großen Ninja Dörfer scheinen ja doch unabhänig voneinder zu sein. Danzo scheint auch nicht der Typ zu sein wo freiwillig seinen Stuhl räumt. Naruto und Freunde gegen Root dürfte wohl bald anstehen?


Otaku Veteran
Um ehrlich zu sein kam mir Kisame nie so ultra mächtig vor, aber wenn das mit der fusion stimmt dann kann ich das schon verstehn, dass er dann so stark wird.
Ich warte aber immer noch darauf dass naruto kyuubi endlich kontrolieren kann, dann müsste er ja richtig mega stark sein (aber auch nur theoretisch, dieser schisser^^)


Otaku Veteran
Es sind die ersten Pics da könnt ihr euch auf Chronos-Numbers ansehen gerade keine lust alle selber hochzuladen.

Dazu gibt es noch ein bisschen neues Script Material auch von der Seite.

Die anderen Spoiler findet ihr weiter vorne.

More Script
黒土が 白ゼツ拾う
そこに、キバ リー サクラ サイが来る。
Kurotsuchi picks white Zetsu up
Sub-chan is passionate/enthusiastic and passionate
Sabu-chan’s dog finds Kisame and they prepare for battle.
Naruto is on the roof is concentrating in Sennin Mode. Also there now are Kiba, Lee, Sakura, and Sai.
Perhaps master Sub-can is strong?
Black Zetsu picks up White Zetsu
Kisame finds Suba-chan and co rapping. Apparently suba-chan might possibly be strong as well.
Sakura, Kiba, Lee and Sai approach Naruto, who’s on the roof meditating in Sage Mode.
He turns Sage-Mode
While he’s attempting to see where Sasuke is, Sakura and co. come.

Quelle: Chronos-Numbers
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@bskbob naja root sind n paar von danzous truppe aber so viele können das ja nich sein, da das ne spezialeinheit ist

@pein also ich find hachibi sieht eher lustig als stark aus, da er keine beine hat, sondern nur arme und schwänze

da masatake zu faul ist hier die bilder^^



Otaku Veteran
Es gibt jetzt auch die ersten Dialog Teile

468: Hachibi and Kyuubi (8-Tails and 9-Tails)
A shudder of the proclimation of war upon the 5 Kages...!?
Tsuchikage: The 4th Great Ninja he for real!?
Everyone: !!?
Madara: I'm not some idiot who would joke about something like this.

Raikage: ...
Madara: Next time let us meet on the battlefield.
Madara disappears like a whirlpool into his mask.
Tsuchikage: So...what's going on...?

Gaara: We have no choice but to band together, in opposition to the 7 Bijuu.
Raikage: ...
Mizukage: Raikage-sama, do you object to this?
Raikage: It seems my younger brother is safe but... allow Akatsuki to go on any further than this is unallowable! We shall become allied forces and settle the score!
Tsuchikage: So what of Konoha? Seeing as the Hokage ran at a time like this.

Raikage: Danzou is like bad gossip that but be stopped! In the matters on our recent conference he has lost all credibility! Besides, if the ninja of Konoha are informed of this, he will lose his standing.

Gaara: I will communicate what was discussed to trustworthy Konoha shinobi.
Raikage: Who?
Gaara: The Sharingan weilder Hatake Kakashi.
Tsuchikage: That White Fang's son huh.

Raikage, remembers when Kakashi and Naruto were kneeling on the ground.
Kakashi ( clumsy, young shinobi with the Cloud and be the Raikage-sama to allow this working together of countries...seeing as you to have this perception amongst the 5 Kages, what would others think?)
Raikage: Fine, it seems we can trsut him over Danzou.

Kankurou: ...right.
Shii: Raikage-sama, let us quickly act to search for Killer Bee! Akatsuki will be aiming for the Hachibi and Kyuubi and will certainly be persistant.
Raikage: Yes, Shii, put together a search party and inform the rest of the village to look out for Bee.
Shii: Yes sir!

Darui: We must also inform Samui's team too since Omoi and Karui took the news of Bee hard.

Mizukage: In order to prevent Madara's "Eye of the Moon" plan , we absolutely must not hand over the Hachibi and Kyuubi. I think it would be best if the allied forces went ahead and located the Hachibi and Kyuubi and hid them.

Gaara: ...
Choojuurou: E...exactly! If the day something like the Juubi were to be revived...
Tsuchikage: imagine the power 7 bijuu Madara has collected...and the jutsu using the bijuu.
Akatsuchi: We can't allow it, we can't let something that great out!

Tsuchikage: Wouldn't it be best if we try and calculate our war potential as the allied forces, along with the Hachibi and Kyuubi.
Gaara: That won't work, we must protect those two even if there is a war. There must be a reason to Madara waging a war with the 7 bijuu he's collected...Perhaps it is too hard for Madara, in his weakened state, and the rest of Akatsuki's members to seize the Hachibi and Kyuubi. Even if he were able, the risk is too great to imagine...moreover, if a war were to occur, he would expect that we would bring them out as weapons.

Mizukage: I agree.
Raikage: I also share the same sentiments with the Kazekage! If you think about it, we absolutely should not bring the Hachibi and Kyuubi out right in front of the enemy. In the first place, the Hachibi is my younger brother, and to use him in any sort of plan, it would have to fly by me first. He's too unpredictable...on the other hand he could also cause chaos on the battlefield.

Gaara: The 9-tails Naruto is the same.
Kankurou: If you can say that.
Temari, shyly: Haha...right...

Mizukage: Understood. So we shall protect and confine the Hachibi and Kyuubi then. Tsuchikage?
Tsuchikage: ...yes...
Raikage: I shall offer information on Bee to you then of the Rock, Mist, Sand, and Leaf. With that we shall form search teams and move! Report information back to me as his older brother if you find the Hachibi. My younger brother will only listen to me! And Kazekage...about Kakashi, we're leaving that to you.
Gaara: Right...

Raikage: Along the way here I met Hatake Kakashi and the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. They are probably still here in the Land of should search this land first.

Gaara: Understood.
Mifune: ...
Choojuurou: I say something?
Raikage: What?
Raikage: Come out and say it!

Choojuurou: A...among the Akatsuki, is one of us of the 7 Swordsman, Hoshigake Kisame...that man...has the chakra capacity equal to that of a Jinchuuriki...and among the 7 swordsman, wielded Samehada, a terrible sword...if he fuses with his sword he can utilize power comparable of a Jinchuuriki as well. Like a bijuu without a tail...from what I heard from my senpai, he was a special one...By no means, do not underestimate him...

Tsuchikage: We know that! More than that really ok? Madara is pulling the strings right. The power of the 7 bijuu is not yet known to us...if we restrain the Hachibi and Kyuubi, and the place where we, the allied forces are protecting those two...if we are to be annihilated, there would be no meaning. I think it would be to our benefit if the allied forces used those two at the tip of this war.

Raikage: ...
Mifune: I wonder about that.
Tsuchikage: ?
Mifune: This is the first time an allied force has been able to come about. This power is again not yet known...there is certain risk that Madara will use the power of the 7 bijuu. He won't come here to make negotiations and it would not be in his favor to make such terms, am I right. Besides, we samurai will also participate in this war! Tsuchikage-dono...even with this, do you still have reservations?
Tsuchikage laughing: Hm.

While looking at the fallen samurai, Suigetsu: Raikage and Kazekage both seem to have gone up there. As I thought, Sasuke and Karin went up there before them. Shall we go up and take a look?
Juugo: But they've probably been warned...we would be found quickly.
Suigetsu: In that case...I have a good plan but...
White Zetsu laying down.
Akatsuchi: What happened to this guy! Gross!

Master Sabu-chan: Shinobiii~~shinobi~~shinobi weepinggg~~~♪
Master Sabu-chan has samurai hair and a punch-perm (laugh)

Master Sabu-chan, whose eyes are opening wide: That was just singing right, including Enya's feelings and soul! Hoi! Try it from there!
Bee: Ya! Shinobi--shinobiiii. Postposing our time of deathh~~♪
Bee is enduring
Unable to endure: Uiiii~~iiiiii~~
Sabu-chan sways along, while Bee awaits his opinion.

Sensing fear, Sabu-chan: You have a passion for being passionless!! You're not going to sing it all? Is it going to be like that? That's it then!
Bee, a little surprised: Passion...?
Master Sabu-chan: That's right, passion! Like the words that make up "Enya", if you want to be on the same level of passion in the world of music, performing is important! And then embellishment! More, from the nose all the way to the stomach turn those feelings!
Sabu-chan's pet Pon'oo* senses something. Pon'oo* is is big and looks like a badger.
Master Sabu-chan: What's wrong Pon'oo*?
[Pon'oo is the name of the dog]

Snow falling, Naruto sits in meditation.
Naruto: (If I continue doing what I have been doing until now, even is I search and look for Sasuke, it's of no use...there's no choice but to use Sennin mode...first I must raise the duration time!
Also there, Yamato: Naruto, come back in soon!
Naruto goes into Sennin mode: !
Kakashi: ...

Kiba: We've finally found you!
Naruto: Saku-chan...! Sai and Kiba...fuzzy eyebrows even.
Kakashi: Why did you guys come here?
Yamato: ?
Sakura: Naruto...I have something I need to talk to you about...
Naruto: ...?

Master Sabu-chan: Who are you!?
Bee: It's Akatsuki Master Sabu-chan. It will take some of your personal time, but there's no way around it, let's terminate him quickly.
Kisame: It took a while to find you Hachibi. My blade Samehada likes strong chakra. Seems delicious, the smell of your chakra, and to finally get the chance to taste it...Sorry but I'll have you become fish bait for my Samehada. But of course I won't kill you.
Killer Bee VS Kisame!!
Quelle: Chronos-Numbers
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Hey hey hey , habe ich was verpasst Oo
Sakura sieht ein das Sasuke doch getötet werden muss ... stand das im letzten Chapter?

War ich wohl unaufmerksam ... habs in English gelesen , und wen dieser Gaylord Sai sein Mund aufmacht wirds nur überflogen xD Bei Sakura die Transe auch xD


Drama Sith Queen
Otaku Veteran
Ich freu mich drauf, dass Kisame endlich mal all-out gehen kann. Das ist einer von denen, bei denen ich mir am ehesten nen fetzigen Kampf erlauben kann. Und ich kann mir net vorstellen, das Naruto sich überzeugen lässt, Sasuke umzubringen, der ist meiner Meinung nach zu stur dazu.


Otaku Veteran
Ich hoffe ja so inständig das Sasuke so dumm ist und Sakura angreift und verletzt.

Denn dann ist auch für Naruto Schluss. Da er ja im Prinzip nur wegen dem Versprechen zu Sakura hinter Susi hinterher rennt.

Da es sein weg des Ninjas ist.
Er wollte ihn zwar auch immer selber retten. Aber dieses exzessive besessene retten von Susi wurde durch Sakura ausgelöst.

Wenn ihr was durch Sasuke passiert dann war es das. Dann killt Naruto ihn.
Es wird eine kleine predigt geben das er ihn nur wegen ihr noch nichts getan hat und ihn retten wollte und dann legt er ihn um.

Vielleicht reicht auch schon das Gespräch das Sakura ihn nicht mehr retten will und so aus seinem Versprechen gelöst wird.

Aber ich denke es wird darauf hinauslaufen das Sakura ihn erst selber aufhalten will dabei versagt und verletzt wird und dann wird Naruto ihn jagen.

Zumindest sieht meine momentane Hoffnung so aus.


Drama Sith Queen
Otaku Veteran
Ich kann mir das ganze gut vorstellen. Sasuke wird wieder eine seiner coolen Sprüche ablassen und sich danach daran machen, seine so heiss geliebte Rache an Konoha (des wird langsam zum Selbstzweck bzw. ist es schon) zu vollziehen.
Hip hip Hooray -.-


Otaku Veteran
aber ganz ehrlich in narutos momentanan zustand (Lusche) hat er gegen einen voll aufgepumpten sasuke 0 chance
erst wenn er den 5. kyuubischwanz "aktiviert" hat er irgendeine schance gegen "Susi" (mit 4 schwänzen konnte naruto orochimaru nicht besiegen und sauke ist stärker als oro)
Und wir alle wissen ja er will niemanden verletzten und setzt höchsten den 3. oder 4. schwanz ein, da er sich noch ein bissl kontrolieren kann^^

-----[ Doppelpost hinzugefügt ] -----
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Drama Sith Queen
Otaku Veteran
Nuja, schwach würde ich ihn nicht nennen, unseren Naruto. Man muss nur wissen, wie man es betrachtet. Der hat eine solche Konstitution, dass er irgendwann zurückschlagen wird, egal wie oft unser lieber "Übersasuke" ihn trifft. Und falls der Treffer dann mit ner Technik a la Rasen Shuriken ausgeführt wird... naja wir werden sehen.