Naruto / Shippuuden / Gaiden / Boruto [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler!]


Otaku Veteran
stimmt yamato hat nur die gene des ersten bekommen und theoretisch aus dem reagenzglas geboren aber kein direkter klon, sonst wäre er viel stärker


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
Spoiler 513

513 Kabuto vs Tsuchikage

With the Tsuchikage's jutsu, Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Tsuchikage take off into the sky.

Kabuto opens Deidara's head with a kunai and does ? with ? (TN: yes the ? are there in the Japanese spoiler)
Kabuto: I'm using a different talisman from Orochimaru-sama. I won't restrict you, Deidara. I don't even understand fine arts
Deidara: That's okay, there's no way you could understand my fine art that easily, yeah
Kabuto: Yeah. Anyway, the explosion you set off right before you died... It became quite the topic of discussion
Deidara: I told you, didn't I? You can't understand it that easily. To that that would take time. Ye... Yeah.

Naruto makes all the animals line up in a row, to the amusement of Guy and Bee.
Bee's friend: We'll have all the animals take shelter in the big turtle's shell
Aoba: Since we told him we were here to do a survey on the ecology, he'll probably want to do this
Yamato: If Naruto gets wind of the war, it won't be good. He isn't going to stay silent if we don't prevent him from finding out. After all, it's a war to protect Naruto himself.

Kabuto: About the coordinates of this place... They're shifting, aren't they
Tsuchikage suddenly punches Kabuto
Kabuto: Launching an ambush on me, are we, Tsuchikage?
Tsuchikage: Why do you have this bird and Deidara?
What Tsuchikage had punched was a clay bunshin of Kabuto, which then breaks apart
Deidara: It's been a while, Old man Oonoki. This Deidara here's a clay bunshin too
Next to them is a bird with the real Deidara and kabuto
Then Deidara goes "Katsu!!" and the bunshin explodes!!

Naurto can't tell if an armadillo is male or female so goes to ask Bee
Bee: The armadillo's a shy one ♪ It isn't proper to check its sex ♪
Naruto: But this is an ecology survey!
Bee: I'll keep quiet about this so you just go report that it's a female ♪
Naruto: But it's written on the armadillo's back that it's a male. Go ask that old man. He's the boss of this palce right?
Bee: I'll lend a listening ear and ask the armadillo
Bee: Private is privacy ♪
Naruto: No wonder this is an S-rank mission~~~!!
Bee: Even if the sex has been reversed YO it's not like the world has been turned upside down. What an idiot, this bastard!
In the water there is a huge snake... Bee's friend senses the abnormality
The huge squid in the sea also senses it

Deidara has exploded the bunshin. The tsuchikage next to him had been a clay bunshin made by Akatsuchi
"Why are you alive" and other aori
Deidara: I was supposed to have killed Sasuke!!
Tsuchikage: (It seems like you don't know anything... Deidara)
Kabuto: It couldn't be that it came here without us doing anything?

Bee's friend: Has this location been found out already?
The big snake bites the big turtle's tail, turtle screams
At that sound, the location of the island has been revealed
Kabuto, Deidara fly there in a hurry, with tsuchikage hot on their heels

The island rocks, Naruto thinks its an earthquake
The snake won't let go of the turtle's tail
Kabuto: (Using all types of medicines on Manda's cells~~~ That is the 2nd Generation Manda. It surpasses the original Manda in size, strength and perception!
Deidara gets a shock when he sees the island
Kabuto: It isn't an island, it's on a turtle. And in there wait the Hachibi and Kyuubi
Deidara: You mean that Naruto guy's in there! Yeah!
Kabuto: I'm going to stop the shaking of the island. Deidara, the biggest one please

The 2nd gen Manda gets onto the island

In the sea, the jellyfish Deidara made is below the turtle

Deidara: I'm going to explode it

All the animals have been flipped on their backs too
Yamato: Mokuton: Jukai Kotan (birth of a sea of trees)!!
He calls forth a whole lot of trees to form a cushion for the animals
Naruto: This is some crazy earthquake
Bee: The world is really turning upside down. What an idiot, this bastard!
Naruto looks at the flipped-over Armadillo. It was a male after all.
Yamato: This is hardly the time to be carrying out an ecology survey---!!
Bee's friend: It's definite that something is happening out there. But please play along with him about this being an earthquake!

Kabuto lands on the island
Deidara: I'll handle those guys. I have some debts to pay off
Tsuichikage: Deidara, you should know how dreadful I can be...
Deidara: Oh crap, the old man's snapped
Tsuchikage: You haven't forgotten, have you
Tsuchikage makes something like a cero in his two hands (TN: for non-bleach fans, a cero is like some bullet of light)

The strongest elderly shinobi's livid!!

mal sehen ob der alte opa den titel auch verdient hat


Stamm User
Tja Kabuto und Daidera(ka was der nun ist) fackeln nicht lange, sondern machen erstmal mächtig Eindruck. So wird die eigentlich so sichere Insel angegriffen und Naruto muss sich bald erneut seinem alten Widersacher stellen müssen. Aber erstmal wird fröhlich darüber diskutiert, ob das seltsame Tierchen nun männlich oder weiblich ist (selbst nach der Explosion)^^ Egal, außerdem ist noch interessant, dass nächstes mal der fliegende (WTF?^^) Tsuchikage samt Gefolge richtig loslegen wird. Alles in allem ein typisches "Vorbereitungschap", das für die nun folgenden Kämpfe den Grundstein gelegt hat. Nicht mehr und auch nicht weniger.

greets Gannendorf


stimmt yamato hat nur die gene des ersten bekommen und theoretisch aus dem reagenzglas geboren aber kein direkter klon, sonst wäre er viel stärker
sowei ich es vertsanden hab, war er bereits geboren worden und hat mit vielen anderen kindern die gene der ersten generation eingeimpft bekommen. alle bis auf ihm sind dann gestorben.

zum chap:
fands bisschen enttäsuchend. ein klon von ner schlange... die kontrolle über einen toten... es er scheinen ja keine neuen mehr... immer die selben figuren die gegen einander kämpfen.
bin nur gespannt was aus kabuto geworden und wie stark der ist.

pit sahat

Naja so schlimm finde ich das jetzt auch nicht. So können wir mehr über daidara und sein dorf erfahren. Mal sehen wie das so weitergeht, aber die die klonarmee vom imperator auf kamino,...oh ich meinte natürlich die klonarmee von tobi in seinem versteck finde ich noch seltsamer. Die fällt für mich in die kategorie "danzo", weil da schon wieder dieses gen-experiment-ding losgeht. Vielleicht wird daraus noch was vernünftiges, aber im moment finde ich es doch recht seltsam.


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe handelt Deidara selbständig mal sehen was er macht wenn er erfährt das Sasuke noch am leben ist genau frag ich mich wie Itachi und Nagato reagieren wenn er sie gegen Naruto und Bee beschwört und der tsuikage kann fliegen wird ja immer besser.


also iwie ist das doch mal echt langweilig, zuerst heißt es, die insel sei richtig heavy und so gut wie nicht auffindbar und dann schon im nächsten chap haben sie die^^
echt nervig, wenn die story manchmal eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewig hinausgezögert wird und dann auf einmal so ein fettes speed up :-\
aber mir ist vorhin etwas eingefallen, was mit kabuto und madara zu tun haben könnte...

kabuto kann ja tote wiederbeleben und ihnen sogar eine gewisse selbstständigkeit erlauben und madara hat richtig erschrocken ausgesehn, als er auf einmal den einen sarg gesehn hat...
wäre es nicht möglich, dass in diesem einen sarg sein bruder drinen steckte?!
ich meine, der soll auch nicht grad schwach gewesen sein und es ist noch viel kontroverses und diskretes in der story von den beiden versteckt, iwann muss da mehr kommen ...
wäre auf jedenfall mal echt eine geile wendung, wenn auf einmal dessen bro zurückkehrt und dann den rest aufmischt^^
sagt mal kann es sein das konoha nen ganz neune style hat?

weil der pain ya nen krater draus gemacht hat weswegen konoha ya logischerweise etz in der mitte nach unten gehen muss
Yamato hilft beim Aufbau mit seinen Kräften. Da er ja ein Klon vom 1. Hokage ist und somit nicht nur Holz sondern auch Landschaften erzeugen kann, ist deine Anfrage eigentlich nur lächerlich! Einfach mal den Manga lesen, dann weißte Bescheid!

lächerlich xD

alter is ya ok ich kann doch nix dafür wenn ich nich jedes kapitel 5 mal durchlese und mal was übersehe...:kukukuh:


514 Kabuto's Plan
Enraged... At an ex-pupil!!

Tsuchikage prepares some Chiriton (Clay release) jutsu in mid-air
Deidara: Things are getting worse and worse! Chiriton all of a sudden? He's gonna even more fired up! Yeah!!

Kabuto watches Deidara as he gets on the turtle

Deidara runs away by getting on a bird
Tsuchikage: I won't let you get away!!
When he releases the Chiriton, Akatsuchi stops him from behind.
Akatsuchi: If you do that, you'll kill even the island tortoise!!
Tsuchikage: Eh! How puzzling! It was so huge I could only see the scenery!!
Deidara: There's an opening!! Yeah!!
He releases a clay bird from his hand and right before Tsuchikage's eyes: Katsu!!
The bird explodes, but the attack was blocked by Akatsuchi's golem
Tsuchikage: Were you trying to get us away from this island
Deidara: Akatsuchi's golem, huh. You're just the same as ever, clinging around Tsuchikage, you hindering bastard!! Yeah!!

Manda is going on a rampage on the island
Kurotsuchi: That damned snake!!
Kabuto is squating down and doing something
Kurotsuchi: It's got to be that guy controlling the snake! He was Orochimaru's subordinate, even though he's just a bean sprout of a bastard!!
Manda tells Kabuto something using telepathy
Kabuto: I see, Naruto's somewhere on this turtle huh. In that case... Where is the entrance?

Naruto is holding his head
Yamato: (Shit, what's happening outside!?) S... Seems like there are an aw... Awful lot of earthquakes today, huh
Aoba: Ye... Yeah!
Naruto: ... Even so, that's way too many! In the first place were earthquakes ever able to reverse the ground and the sky?
Yamato: Uh... It just looks like it because it was shaking so much...
Naruto: Really...? I'm going to go out and take a quick look!!
Yamato: No, no~~ You're in the midst of an important S-rank mission, so finish your mission!
Naruto: But... I'm just going to take a quick look...
Yamato (makes a stern face): What's most important to a ninja is to complete his mission as fast as possible!! And that mission is a single mission, that was assigned to you precisely because you are you!! It is a mission only you can do!! That is why you were tasked with it... Do you understand! Naruto!
Naruto: ....
The armadillo behind them stretches out
Aoba: (As expected, even Naruto has begun to notice the abnormalities... We tricked him that this was a S-rank mission but what he is doing is just checking whether animals have a penis. Naruto isn't an idiot... He must already have figured it out...)
Naruto: Yeah! I got it! I'll focus on my mission!!
Aoba: (Good! For the time being everything is going well! It's great he's an idiot!!)

Kurotsuchi does some seals
Kabuto notices Kurotsuchi
Kurotsuchi: (Too slow!!) Youton: Sekkaikori no Jutsu (TN: melting release: hardening quicklime); he spits quicklime out of his mouth
Kabuto evades the attack: You've appeared, huh (I wonder if Aoba is here too...)
Just then, Yamato, Motoi, Aoba arrive
Kurotsuchi: Don't just come out here so nonchalantly! I can take care of him alone!! (as he is saying this...)
Aoba: You really are Tsuchikage's granddaughter...
Kabuto: Excellent... Can I have you lead me to where Naruto is?
Yamato: A snake... That voice... You couldn't be...
Kabuto removes his hood: We meet again, Yamato
Kurotsuchi: I'll send a flow over there!!Get him!! (expanding his mouth) Suiton: Mizu Rappa (water trumpet)
Aoba: That's great!
Kabuto evades
Aoba: It's no good! He read your moves!!
Kurotsuchi: (while saying "get him!")... I got him!
Yamato: This is...
Kabuto: I see
Kuro: (My Sekkaikori no Jutsu is instant cement! By spilling some water around, I expand my range... And when it reacts with water, it solidifies!!) With this, you can't move any more!!
Yamato: Motoi-san, Aoba, don't step on this water!
Cement encases Yamato's body (TN: I don't know if Ohana meant Kabuto...)
Kuro: I have another plan within this plan!
Aoba: Alright! Once he gets solidified, he's mine! I'll get intel out of him!
Deidara and Tsuchikage and flying towards the sky, they are so fast Akatsuchi is lagging a little
Deidara (You've gotten even faster than when you were in your prime, haven't you, gramps)
tsuchikage: You always fought from a long distance! I don't like that!!
Deidara: Shut up! (I'll get him with C4!! yeah!)

Trees come out of Yamato's hand, Aoba rides on those trees towards where Kabuto is, solidified
Aoba: Kabuto... You sure have fallen... Becoming even more and more like Orochimaru
Kabuto: Before worrying about me, you should worry about falling from there
Yamato: Aoba, focus!
Aoba is about to reach Kabuto but Kabuto sheds his skin and becomes a snake. It slithers along Yamato's tree and nears Yamato. Aoba falls into the cement
Yamato: He shedded! Is this it!?
Yamato sends out blocks of wood from his waist, and sends Motoi flying away on them
Yamato: Motoi-san, stay away!!
Kabuto bites Yamato...
Kabuto: Kurotsuchi, I knew how your jutsu worked, so I was able to make you let down your guard
Aoba: !!?
Motoi: Yamato!!
Kuro: Shit!!
Yamato runs away

Tsuchikage: You're pretty good for flying up this high arent you!!
Deidara: Don't look down on me, gramps!! Your Chiroton and my Bakuton (exploding release), which of them is Art...?
From behind Deidara, the Edo Tensei coffins appear
Deidar: !!? What the hell? I was just at the best part!! Yeah!!
The coffin shuts and disappears.
Yamato (TN: I think Ohana meant Kabuto) takes refuge in Manda's nostrol. Manda disappears.

Tsuchikage returns
Tsuchikage: Deidara got away... How about you guys?
Motoi: Yamato, the one who used Mokuton and was keeping an eye on the Kyuubi, got captured...
Aoba: Our guy got away too!! Help me out of this situation!! I'll go right after him!! Where did Kabuto go!?
Motoi: I cant sense the enemy any more... I don't know which way he went either. It's no use.
Tsuchikage: They couldn't get as far as the Kyuubi and Hachibi huh... I don't know about that Mokuton user who probably stood out because he could be used as a hostage for interrogation...
Tsuchikage gets Aoba out of the cement
Tsuchikage: The problem now is that intel could get into their hands from that Yamato!
Aoba: Yamato-san isnt someone you can get intel out of that easily!!
Tsuchikage: That's not what I'm saying. If he's up against Madara, then he has really strong eye jutsu... He won't be able to do anything if he has those eye jutsu used against him

Yamato is tied up and falls to the ground
Yamato: Kuh!
Madara: You've brought me quite a different present, hmm?
Kabuto: That is certainly true... But this guy was the one watching over the Kyuubi and is in possession of some top-secret information. Even better, with this guy, we can make those Zetsus even stronger... Rather than doing the impossible, the minute we caught this guy, I was choosing the method that would be 4 times more efficient. For you guys, that is.
Zetsu: ...

Madara's right eye is the Sharingan; left eye is the Rinnegan
Madara: In that case, hurry up. This left eye is craving war

Nagato's Rinnegan is with Madara...!!

Naruto is on break next week because Kishimoto's doing some data collection/research.

Soso ein OP Sharingan und ein Rinnegan Auge hat er nu ... :<
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Alles klar...
jetzt macht er sich auf den Weg im Kaptain Aizen zu befreien, damit die beiden zusammen mit Blackbeard die Welt unterwerfen und sämmltiche guten Storylines auf ewig abschaffen können >_>"


Anime Freak
Otaku Veteran
Du hast was wichtiges vergessen! Kabuto belebt cell und frieza wieder und dann gehts ab. Ok das mit dem wiederbeleben könnte auch Madara jetzt machen, aber das sind kleinigkeiten, details.