[Diskussion] One Piece [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler]


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Ruffy kennt ja auch niemanden vor dem er Angst haben könnte. Selbst wenn der PK auf einmal auftauchen würde würde er sagen "hey du!... ich will deine Krone.." :D


♪音楽♫ (√ιק)™
One Piece 558 Spoiler

Source: ?
Credits: ?
Verification: Pending

I guess the title features Brook and says something like
"Acting tough in front of the long armed clan"
The start of the chapter is basically a conversation between Shirohige, Luffy, and Kizaru. Shirohige asks luffy what he's doing. Luffy says that he's going to fly to where Ace is.
Luffy stretches out his hands and with the intetion of going to Ace, but Kizaru obstructs him.
"It's pointless" says Kizaru "You shiny guy!" says Luffy "You'll all be executed by me." says kizaru "Get out of my way" says Luffy. "Well which one is first? " says kizaru
Kizaru hits Luffy with a bright shining Trance Kick.
The concerned Ivan yelps "Are you alright!?" as if his mouth was caught be an angler. "After that kick this is the end of the rubber boy?" says Kizaru. From the clouds of smoke come luffy doing an attack in gear 2nd. Kizaru sparkles and dodges. (Luffy has a cold stare in his eyes as if saying "Damn you".)

Kizaru and Luffy duke it out some more, Ivan is scared and concerned for luffy. Kizaru does a crazy beam attack which he calls Tennimuho or flawless. Marco tries to push Luffy out of the way...

end part
Then Sengoku says "Kuma you bastard!" Kuma says "Must have miscalculated..." Then looking in front of Kuma where Kuma was looking sengoku says "Don't tell me..." (or "It couldn't be...")
Source: ?
Credits: ?
Verification: Pending

Title: Ace and Luffy

Ivankov&Buggy: He's arguing with Whitebeard!..
Luffy: One-two... You just wait a little, Ace...
Whitebeard: A brat like you... Are you a big shot or just a big fool that does not know when to be afraid? Gurarara!
Crocodile: ......
Kizaru: Now that we have permission for elimination, let's carry it out right away.
Marco: Guys! Enough with sight-seeing! Break through! Go with full strength!

Luffy: It'll be nice to fly right over there

Sengoku: Damn you! Garp! What's going on!?
Garp: Ku... Luffy... Where have you popped out of at such a time...
Ace: Even Luffy... Ku... Stay away!
Sengoku: I won't let the plans be ruined any more than this! Garp, you understand!?
Kizaru: Of course, Sengoku-san, I will eliminate him in a moment.
Garp: Ku... Ku...
Kizaru: I'm coming...
He kicks Luffy with the speed of light from above.

Luffy: Eeeeee..
He evades by hair's bredth
Luffy: The shining guy! Don't get in my way!
Whitebeard: Are you going to take on two opponents, Kizaru?
Kizaru: Oops..
(Whitebeard?) shatters Kizaru's light with the air-quake

Luffy: Sorry, old man, but I leave the light-old-man to you. Gomu-gomu no...
Whitebeard: Impertinent brat...
Luffy: Pachinko!
Luffy jumps all over, pummeling the marine soldiers, the marines that are hit are blown off and collapse.
Donflamingo(?): What's that? Fufufu... That's fun, Mugiwara!
Smoker: Mugiwara:
Kuma: ...

Ivankov: !? Kuma...
Luffy: Oryaaaa! Gomu-gomu nooo
Aokiji: suuu
Luffy: !?
Luffy: GIGANTO...
Aikiji: ICE AGE
Luffy's arm is frozen

Luffy: Ice old man!.. my hand...
Aokiji: Suuuu Fu.. It's been a long time, Mugiwara. I'm sorry but you won't accomplish anything here. That time I could afford leaving you alive, but today I'll have you dead.
Luffy: I'll save Ace! I won't lose any more! Get out of my way! GIGANTO ICE PUNCH!
He punches down with the gigantic ice-frozen fist

Marines: Uoooo! Aaaa
The frozen sea is broken and tens of marines fall into the water. As the hand reaches under the water surface, ice is melted off.
Marine(s): You... are you dead?

Luffy: !?
Aokiji: ...!?
Marco at the rear (? not sure of tl)
Marco: I will be your opponent

Pirates: Hey hey! Now that the ice is broken we can't come across nicely any more!
Sengoku: Garp! Since you're here, I'll have your cooperation too! (not sure of tl)
Garp: Luffy...
Hancock: Ah... Luffy
Kuma: Mugiwara
(no idea what is this line about)
The End
FAKE oder nicht...


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Hört sich aber nicht so echt an oder? wäre ehrlich gesagt unter meinen erwartungen. Bitte nicht noch weiter tächtelchen sondern direkt den großen Kampf.


Sakurazuka Mori
Ich könnte mir schon vorstellen das dies kein Fake ist... eigendlich schon fast Typisch Oda, aber selbst wenn scheint es Interessante Bilder zu geben.
Falls dies der Wahrheit entspricht.


Interessant hört es sich auf jedenfall an, scheint auch so als hätte er noch keine Mittel gegen Logia gefunden mal sehen ob im Kampf noch was kommt. Wahrscheinlich wird ihm eher was gelingen wenn er fest entschlossen seinen Bruder zu retten einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod hat. So wie es da aussieht ebnen ihm die anderen ja den Weg ;)


♪音楽♫ (√ιק)™
Source: AP
Credits: Aohige_AP
Status: Confirmed

pic 1
Chapter 558: Little Brother
Final episode: Satan begins his music composition

pic 2
Iva: Kuma!!!
*dodges the beam* "Rolling Aesthetic! HEEWWWHAW!"
Iva: Bertholomew Kuma...!!
(How dare you!! I understand you have to keep your position as a Shichibukai...
But geez, don't shoot lasers at an acquaintance like me for real!)

pic 3
Hina: I'm not gonna let you get away! Awase-baori!!
Luffy: It's you!! from back in Alabasta!?
Hina: Everything that passes through my move... will be captured!
Luffy: I'm sick of jails!!
???: Hey!! Watch it Hina!
Hina: He's too fast... I couldn't see him! Hina is shocked!

pic 4
Giant marine: OoooooooohhhH!!!!!
Luffy: Gomu Gomu no.... Gigant Rifle!!

pic 5
Say whatever you want! I'm going to save you even if I die!!!
Whitebeard: Marco.... don't let that boy die.
Marco: Roger!


Otaku Veteran
Die Bilder sind schon alle raus und das wird mal wieder ein tolles Kapitel!

Kuma ist also tatsächlich einer der Revolutionäre, interessant. Das würde schonmal ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel bringen, aber sein Verhalten in diesem Krieg lässt sich nun nur schwer einschätzen.
Und Ruffy macht das was er am besten kann, losstürmen und alles weghauen! Die Giganten-Pistole gegen den Riesen ... Großartiges Bild! Freue mich schon alle Bilder in vernünftiger Qualität zu sehen.


Wie ist das mit Brook gemeint, komponiert er einen neuen Song? Kuma ist ein Revolutionär, wenn das mal keine unerwartete Überraschung ist, hätte es eigentlich noch eine andere Möglichkeit gegeben, wieso er Luffy und Co. In alle möglichen Richtungen geschickt hat. Aber hat doch auch gesagt, dass sie sich nicht wiedersehen werden. Könnte das ja nicht wissen, so schnell wieder sehen oder das seine art Tarnung nicht auffällt?

Bilder zum aktuellen Spoiler gibt es auch hier:

mfg snike


naja da er vondem mit Ace wusste hat er Ruffy und Co vill weg geschickt das sie dort nicht *mitmischen*. Villeicht geht er davona us der er dort stirbt und deshalb meinte er sie würden sich nie wiedersehen...