Naruto / Shippuuden / Gaiden / Boruto [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler!]


naja soviel dazu das sasuke ohne cursed seal des öfteren schon gestorben wäre stimmt aber dieses jutsu hat er auch meisterlich beherscht finde ich o.ô ! das neue mangekyou hat ja auch seinen preis > blind

aber davon mal abgesehen naruto hat was viel schöneres bekommen 9-tailed
ohne ihn wär naruto schon wirklch oft gestorben xD

was das wirklich gemeine an pain ist ! er hat sasukes traum kaputt gemacht xD!

ala konoha zerstören *hust* und sasuke durfte net mal zu sehen^^


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Ist das Narutos Kraft? Ohne Einfluss von kyuubi? Weil wenn Naruto so stark wird.... dann kann ich mir auch vorstellen das kyuubi iwann frei kommt und Naruto ihn bekämpfen muss?! :o


also momentan ist er ja im sage-mode also quasi seine eigene "trainierte" Kraft

Reaper363 schrieb:
...und zum eremiten modus...sagt naruto nicht selbst das er,um gleichzeitig stehn und sich bewegenzu können,einen kage bunshin benutzt,der die eine hälfte für ihn erledigt? und sobald er mal im eremiten modus ist is es ja egal ob er sich bewegt oder nicht oder?
...die andere alternative wäre,das er das unmögliche geschaft hat,und die naturenergie auch dann bündeln kann wenn er sich bewegt...was laut dem frosch für einen menschen ein ding der unmöglichkeit ist...andererseits...was ist bei naruto schon unmöglich...wär ja nciht das erste mal
ich glaube ja das 2. trifft zu denn ich sehe keinen kagebunshin


Wenn er wirklich mit einem Kage den Sagemode aufrecht erhält ,darf man den Kage gar nicht sehen ,erstrecht nicht Pain.Der müßte dann nur den Kage ausschalten und alles wär hin.


Wenn er wirklich mit einem Kage den Sagemode aufrecht erhält ,darf man den Kage gar nicht sehen ,erstrecht nicht Pain.Der müßte dann nur den Kage ausschalten und alles wär hin.
Vllt. trägt er ja irgendwas am Körper das für ihn Chakra sammelt, oder er hat nen Kage Bunshin verwandelt in nen Armband oder was weiß ich. Das käme mir am ehesten in den Sinn.


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
*hust* meine alt bekannte Frage! Gibts schon spoiler? ^^ -> posten. Thx.

Ich denke ja so oder so das dieser Kampf schnell zu ende geht da die Körper ja nicht der wahre pain sind?! sondern lediglich marionetten. Ich will mal gerne wieder Madara sehen. Von dem gabs bisher fast kaum was spektakuläres :o

Meint ihr das noch die 3 Nins von dem (Sorry vergessen wie das land heißt) ankommen bevor der Kampf zu ende geht?


ich hab vier spoiler gefunden also poste ich die mal
Spoiler chapter 432:
Now Naruto is in full sage mode… things that are going to happen

1. In the waves of rage…Naruto sets up multiple rasengans in the air. (Just as he did with the fight with Orochimaru when he was transformed to 4 tails)
2. There will be full of fyuton rasengans flying here and there and hitting the pains at full force.
3. Then pain will try to absorb one of the rasengan power but will die in the process and burst.
4. Naruto will go in full sage mode again and then do the jitter technique like his father Namikaze Minato.
5. He will then hit everyone with his sage power + the previous rasengans.
6. One of the pain will escape back to the hidden rain village.

Naruto produces an extravagant amount of shadow clones. The clones surround the entire area)

(Naruto grabs his wrist and places his arm up in the air)
Naruto: “Mass Shadow Clone jutsu. My new technique should take them out in one sweep. These clones should buy me some time,”

Human Realm: “The sheer volume of chakra among the clones is staggering,”
God Realm.“Truly its the power of the 9 Tails. But its alright now. My chakra has recovered,”

Shima. “Mass shadow clones. What is that boy planning,”
Fukasku: “Who knows? But can’t you feel the natural energy surrounding the real one,”.
(Close up on Naruto shows huge arrays of natural energy gathering around him)
Shima: “Whatever it is. I don’ think it will be safe here any longer,”.

Hell realm: “He must be planning something,”
(Hell realm revives Hungry Ghost Realm)
God Realm: “Animal Beast will use summonings to protect realms. I’ll move forward, while the rest stay back until I give the go ahead,".

Animal Beast realm summons Chimera lizard that turns invisible. Animal Beast realm also summons a defensive summoning. Animal Beast and Ghost Realm hides in the lizard, the others hide behind the panda

(shadow clone notices Hungry Ghost)
Shadow Clone 1: “So it seems one of them is capable of using a
regenerative techinque to bring them back to life,”.
Shadow Clone 2: “Like it really matters. My new technique will kill them all anyway,”.
Shadow Clone: “So they can vanish, with that type of summon,”.

(Fuuton: Rasengan forms in Naruto’s hand)

Naruto: “Damn it. The chakra control is too great, even for Sage Mode. Its because I have so many clones. I’ve never practiced with this many before. I still need more time,”.

(The ground starts shaking)

God Realm: “What’s that jutsu. What ever it is, I have to stop it now,”.
(God Realm rushes in the fray head first.)
Naruto: “Now. Don’t let him near my jutsu,”.
(The Shadow Clones all Surrond Pain.)

Three shadow clones grab a shadow clone from the right and the left and uses Henge to transform them into Huge Shuriken. Three shadow clones tosses six huge Shuriken toward Pain with extreme speeds. As they reach his location. They poof into shadow clones. God Realm stopped in his tracks.

God Realm: “Not bad,”.
They prepare to unleash massive punishment until God Realm uses his technique to blow them away.

Naruto: “What’s going on,”.
Katsuyu: “That is another power of Pain. He can deflect and repel any ninjutsu, as well as phyiscal attacks,”.
Naruto: I was sure that attack was going to work,”.
God Realm: “The jutsu is getting more deadlier,”.

Naruto holds (regular) Oodama Rasengan while its influenced by the wind element. It looks like Rasen Shuriken, except the Rasengan is bigger. God Realm continues pushing on. The Shadow Clones surronds Pain in a circle. Cutting him off.

Naruto: “All Direction Shuriken,” yells .
(The Shadow Clone launches a huge volume of shuriken toward Pain.
Pain: “Shinra Tensei,”.

The shadow clones surrounding Pain the closest are destroyed. Pain sores in the Air. He is then followed by a barrage of Exploding Tags with Kunai attached. A Huge Explosion in the sky appears.

(In the smoke)

God Realm: “I can use a smaller version to stop the jutsu,”

He pops out the smoke and sees a sight giving him even shivers. An Ultimate Rasengan Infused with Wind Element. The stems from the jutsu stretches about 15 feet from all ends. The Ground starts to crack. People in Konoha feels a small quake

Fukasku: “Shima are you seeing this,”.
Shima: “He’s not serious about activating that thing,”.
Fukasku: “We’ve got to get out of here. Warn the Buna,”.
(Before they leave. Naruto’s shadow clone stops them).
Fukasku: “BOy what the heck are you planin,”.
Shima: “Are you mad, trying to take us with you,”.
Naruto: “Don’t worry. I’ve been practicing,”.
Fukasku: “Wait, all the techniques we’ve taught you and I don’t remember this one,”.
Naruto: “I have Kakashi sensei to thank for this one,”. (The shadow clone poof)

All the Shadow clones vanish

Naruto: “I need as much control as possible,”.
Pain: “NOW,”.

An invisible suspect appears to strike Naruto from behind. However Shima uses her tongue to bind the lizard down. She slams it to the ground. Followed by that attack, Gamabunta’s blade comes rushing down.

Pain: “They saw through it,”.
Close on Animal Beast and Hungry Ghost shows them defeated, blood spewing from their mouth
Gamabunta: “That’s another one grandma,”

God Realm: “I can’t risk using the technique again. If I do. The bodies won’t recover. Looks like I’ll have no choice. His jutsu must not ge through,”.

(Close up on Naruto)
Naruto: “Sage Tech: Fuuton: Oodama Rasen Tendrils,”
(A quick flash of Konan’s face)
Konan: “Nagato, don’t,”

A quick spoiler.

Human Pain charges forward making a seal and he grabs Naruto's head, but right after Naruto does a mass kagebunshin and there are Narutos all over the place.

Human Pain takes some distance and comes back to protect God Pain and Hell Pain. But Naruto in mass kagebunshin keeps attacking, does a multiple sage rasengan and Human Pain is swallowed up before he can avoid it.

The dog summoned by Animal Pain divides and jumps towards Naruto, but the frog team traps it with another kick.

God Pain acknowledges Naruto's strength, but has no intention of withdrawing.
Next, Hell Pain does a seal and a gate appears behind God Pain and Hell Pain. The chapter ends with grabby hands appearing from the gate.

Title Text: NARUTO HAS A NEW JUTSU!? What is this new found power and what is [does] PAIN have a chance!?


Naruto: Granny Tsunade! What are you doing!? GET OUTTA HERE! LEAVE THIS FREAK TO ME!
Sakura: Naruto...

(Naruto summons two shadow clones then they form two rasengans, along with Naruto creating his own)

They attack three different bodies [Left Clone - Human Path] [Main Naruto - Deva Path] [Right Clone - Naraka Path]

Deva Path reflects NARUTO's attack.

Pain: Nine Tails...
Six Paths Speak: You are weak; you lack the power needed to defeat God. Sharingan Kakashi recognised that all too well. Do not worry, you'll [you are going to] join him!

Another slide of Naruto's face growing angry (like in 430)
Naruto: You.... BASTARD! Don't dare speak of Kakashi [dont you dare!?] speak of Kakashi like that!!!

Naruto Summons many clones, and all of them start for form rasengans of their own.
The clones revert to regular Naruto and Naruto remains in Sage Mode.

The clones charge the six bodies of Pain at once, it has about half of the strength of the `Shinra Tensei' that Pain used.


Ending Text:
Naruto Unleashes his new attack! What is the destiny of Pain!?

Next Chapter: RETREAT!!



Yap, also wir erfahren:
1. Naruto ruft nur 2 Kage Bunshins.
2. Seine tolle Technik ist ein großes Rasenshuriken, das er werfen kann.
3. Mindestens Deva übersteht alle Techniken (Naruto trifft ihn am Chapterende ja nochmals mit irgendeiner Technik)
4. Die Pains scheinen die Oberhand zurückzugewinnen/zu behalten (siehe Naruto keuchend und die Frösche umgeben von Hunden/Wölfen)


hier nochn bisl text dazu:

Verification: Confirmed
source: NF
Credits: vered, Ona

naruto gets mad at pain and throws FRS
everyone is surprised and the long haired one is beaten

meanwhile, shikamaru
カツユからナルトが帰還した事と仙術の事を知らさ れ助けに行こうとするもパパさんに止められる
Shika learns from Katsuya, naruto has come back and goes to help but his dad stops him
パパ「仙術を身に付けたならレベルが違う。足手まとい にならないことがチームワークだ」
Shikaku: if he's learned senin then he's on a different level to you. Not getting in the way is also a part of teamwork
something about jiraiya's tearful eyes?

back to Garuto
sennin mode is over
the woman gets near naruto
Bunta: watch your head!

フカサク「これからブンちゃんをナルトめがけて投� �つける!」
Fukusaku: from now on Bunta aim at naruto and throw
(ND -not sure what is being thrown here)

ブン太はナルトと女を口に含み口の中でナルトが女� �やりたい放題する(ボコボコ的な意味で)
それで口から出る と同時に残り二人に螺旋丸
bunta puts naruto and the girl in his mouth so that naruto can go at it to his heart's content. At the same time he is released from the mouth he blast the remaining two with RASEN-REN-GANs [Spiraling LINKED Sphere]

then senin power runs out and it ends[/quote]

hätte gedacht der sage mode hat n bisl mehr drauf als nur 5 min. action. und naruto scheint schon ziemlich fertig zu sein, wenn jez nichts mehr passiert war das ja nicht der hit...


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Yap, also wir erfahren:
1. Naruto ruft nur 2 Kage Bunshins.
2. Seine tolle Technik ist ein großes Rasenshuriken, das er werfen kann.
3. Mindestens Deva übersteht alle Techniken (Naruto trifft ihn am Chapterende ja nochmals mit irgendeiner Technik)
4. Die Pains scheinen die Oberhand zurückzugewinnen/zu behalten (siehe Naruto keuchend und die Frösche umgeben von Hunden/Wölfen)

Was? Wo sind die PICS?? Ich sehe nur 2!? wo haste die Infos her?


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Kommisch gestern habe ich die Spoiler aufgemacht da kammen nur 2 Bilder raus habe dann aktualisiert und immernoch 2 deshalb meine Frage :P

Thx :D

Rofl... wenn Naruto jetzt schon müde wird... Das kann doch net sein :( Wird das wieder eine Enttäuschung nach seinem ersten Auftritt?
kann auch am server gelegen haben...
aber ob naruto jetzt so schnell schlapp macht naja,das wag ich zu bezweifeln. dem fällt doch immer was ein.aber ich finde das gleicht den fight zwischen ihm un pain auch wieder aus,denn wer ist den pain überhaupt;)