[Diskussion] One Piece [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler]


ohhh man ich kann nicht mehr warten, ich will das der krieg zu ende ist...das warten auf das kapitel ist immer total anstrengend xD


♪音楽♫ (√ιק)™
Die ersten Spoiler sind schon eigentlich längst da...

mmm.it's from a Chinese forum.

chapter 568

ACE is in retrospect about his childhood.
At that time, Roger was regarded as a malefactor by the residents in the town and ACE was extremely ruthless about that.
Retrospect end.
Seeing buddies are fighting for him, ACE saying with falling tear that he will cherish his life.

At that moment, WB is taken bad with hematemesis suddenly, and beat by Akainu when he falling to the ground.
And Marco and Jozu..
Marco being shot by Kizaru, and Jozu's left arm being frozen by Aokiji...

NW pirates are starting to hesitate about this war because of this scene.

Luffy wakes up and demands Iva to inject him with stimulation-hormone, even injury will size him seriously.

The last scene is Luffy roaring "WOOOOOO AOOOOOO....".


Sengoku still sits on his chair saying "Dont you move" to Garp but not looking at him
Luffy is surrounded by iva and wb and else, Iva wants to treat luffy, but after thinking that it'll shorten his lifespan,
10 years of Luffy's life will be gone
After WB's doctors finished treating luffy, luffy raises up his hands(?), Iva is impressed
Luffy is unconscious again
Marco hits garp again, but is being thrown away

Akainu vs WB
6 of WB's captain surrounds WB
WB tells Sengoku and Garp "We've been on this world too long, we should give it to the youngsters.

WB is trying to destroy the execution platform
Akainu bursts out magma, destroying the captains
Akainu says "You wish", bursts out a magma fist, interfered WB, the fist heads sengoku, garp and
The execution platform crumbles
Sengoku takes a sword from a marine, tries to kill ace, but is gettin beaten by Garp, ace is shocked
Garp takes the sword, and throws it to sengoku
Garp calls out WB, and throws Ace to him
WB catches Ace

Sengoku asks Garp "whadda hell you are doing"
Garp closes his eyes and says, "justice, evil, marines and pirates, theres not a difference between them all, I just wanna carry my own justice, I cant bear to watch my grandson die in front of me"

Garp calls out Ace
Smilling "Live well Ace, do not hate roger, and remember my face, cause always your gramps"
"Help me take care of luffy"

Garp falls
Ace "Gramps!"
WB " Garp"
Luffy is still sleeping
Source : AP
Quote: Battle Franky

Small follow-up from the OP-chan source:

What happened to Garp?

A. Nothing in-particular, he doesn't do much (in this chap)

But, he calls a refers to Whitebeard as an "Old Soldier"
*edit by reraise_king*
jap. zeichen entfernt,da fehlerhafte anzeige. bitte bei jap. zeichen aufpassen bzw. weglassen..damit keine probleme mit vb auftreten ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

l33t bug

Spoiler sind cool und verraten wie immer alles:D
Hat Luffy wieder 10 Jahre seines Lebens veloren?
Das bedeutet zu 100%, er wird nach dem er PK geworden ist in kürzester Zeit sterben.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


♪音楽♫ (√ιק)™
Es ist noch nicht sicher welsche Spoiler echt sind, am besten noch bis morgen warten bis die Bilder erscheinen.


Die 10 jahre seines lebens hatte er doch nicht ducrh den Kräfteschub von Ivankov verloren.Soweit ich mich erinnern kann war das wegen Magellans Gift und der darauffolgeneden Behandlung.




will sehen will sehen will sehen vwill sehen will sehen will sehen will sehen will sehen will sehen will sehen

verdammt ey...das wär mal traurig aber doch so ein ende vom kampf wie man von OP vllt schon kannte un erwarten konnte.

also nich das er sich opfert aber jemand halt


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
so unwahrscheinlich ist es nicht das Garp Ace befreit wer soll es auch sonst tun WB und seine Crew pfeifen doch aus dem letzen Loch und bei der Marine sind immer noch Sengoku und Garp die beide noch nicht wirklich gefordert wurden.

das Bild mit Luffy lässt aber er drauf schliessen das der erste Spoiler der richtige ist.


Otaku Veteran
so unwahrscheinlich ist es nicht das Garp Ace befreit wer soll es auch sonst tun WB und seine Crew pfeifen doch aus dem letzen Loch und bei der Marine sind immer noch Sengoku und Garp die beide noch nicht wirklich gefordert wurden.

das Bild mit Luffy lässt aber er drauf schliessen das der erste Spoiler der richtige ist.
Der erste Spoiler ist eigentlich sehr vertrauensvoll, da er von der Person gepostet wurde, die in den letzten Wochen öfter die Spoiler veröffentlicht hat. Somit ist der zweite höchstens irreführend und verwirrend, ich würde mich auch nicht auf diesen beziehen.

Wäre echt interessant wenn jetzt gerade Ruffy im aufgepumpten Zustand auf Garp zurennt. Aber erstmal sehen was das ganze Kapitel so bringt ... Auf jeden Fall brauchen die Piraten langsam etwas, das die Wende herbeiführt.


Hmm, wurde Garp jetzt von Sengoku abgestochen, mit dem einen Schwert da?
Naja, wenn er noch lebt wird es wohl einen Kampf zwischen Sengoku und Garp geben und da Ace gerettet ist werden sich die Piraten zurückziehen, während WB sich um die Admiräle kümmert und mit diesem Satz von WB:"We've been on this world too long, we should give it to the youngsters", ist wohl auch klar, dass er sich opfern will, damit die anderen Piraten entkommen können.


Otaku Gott
Otaku Veteran
wir wissen ja noch gar nicht ob das stimmt :b deswegen eher noch warten auf die bilder sieht eh danach aus als wäre der 1. richtig^^


♪音楽♫ (√ιק)™
Source: 2ch
Credits: W32XxhfQ
Verification: Confirmed



Source: 2ch
Credits: W32XxhfQ
Verification: Confirmed


Source: AP
Credits: Aohige_AP
Verification: Confirmed

Chapter 568: Do as you damn want

Pic 1
Pirate: It's the legendary marine, Garp!!
(cut off AND blurry, guessin) He's joined the defence!!
Whitebeard: Don't let his fame intimidate you!! He's just one old soldier!!
Garp: Heh!
Akainu: Well, you're also his generation... you should be careful of the foe in front of you!!

Pic 2
(again, super blurry)
Akainu: Damn you, going around destroying the town...!
Whitebeard: I told you, try and protect it!!
Pirates: pave the way to rescue Ace!! Show them the might of the New World!!

Ace: ........
Sengoku: What's wrong, Fire-fist?
Garp: hm? Ace...
(pic too blurry to make out, towns people talking bad about Roger)
punk: It's all because of Gold Roger's fault!! He should never have been born!!
He's such a piece of trash... he was a nuisance in life, and even more trouble in death!
He's the biggest trash in the world, remember that.
punk: Huh? Why are you getting pissed? Who are you?

pic 3
Dadan?: What the hell did you do down there in town!?
They're saying the town's delinquents were nearly killed by a boy!
Ace: oh, they're alive? I thought I killed them.
Dadan?: What!?

thug: What? You want to know about Roger?
thug: Roger!? Don't mention that goddamn name!!
Garp: Bwahahahaha!! I heard you're getting pissed lately!
Ace: .... old man, you have a grandson, right? ....is he happy with his life?
Garp: Yeah, Luffy's growing up just fine!
Ace: gramps.... do you think it was ok for me to be born?
Garp: !?
Garp: Well... you'll only know by living

Luffy: Iva-chan...!!
Ivankov: You're concious!?
Luffy: I want you to hear... my final wish!!

Pirates: Clear the way!!!

Ace: I am.... rotten!!
(Jinbei's line cut off)
pirate: we're almost there!!

Pic 4
Pirates: Ace~!!! Ace, we're coming!! Hang in there, Ace!! Don't give up on us!!
Ace: I'm.... i'm no good!! At time like this... when pops...my brother.. and my friends are bleeding and falling all around.... yet I can't stop crying in joy!!
After all this... I finally value my own life!!

Pirates: Captain Buggy!! You're awake!! Gosh, you're alive!!
Buggy: What happened to me!?
Pirates: you were frozen by Aokiji, and then defrosted by sea water boiling by magma!!
Buggy: *pant..pant* Damn you marines, don't think I'm through just yet!!
Pirates: You hear that!? Unbelievable words coming from someone who just came out of frozen state!!

pic 5
(whitebeard falls down, bleeding)
Whitebeard: ..... Damn it!!
Division commanders: Pops!?
Akainu: It seems you can't beat your aging, Whitebeard!!

Marco: .....!!! (That's what I was afraid of the most!!)
Kizaru: Victory is decided in an instant, you know.
(shoots lasers through Marco)
Joz: Marco!!
Aokiji: You looked away just now, didn't you?
(freezes half of Joz)

pic 6
(Akainu lands a magma blow on Whitebeard)

Ivankov: You want another shot of Tention hormone!? Impossible!! No way!!
You've been fighting non-stop since Impel down...!!
You nearly died from poisoning, and your body has already gone beyond the limit!!
If you decieve your body any further, you'll be.... dead afterwards!!
Luffy: If I die after I did everything I can, then it's fine...!!
Let me fight, Iva-chan!!

Vista: pops went down!! Marco and Joz are in danger also!!
Luffy: If I don't fight now... and failed saving Ace....

pic 7
Luffy: I will want to die afterwards!!
Give me the power to fight right now!!
Ivankov: I told you!! If I let you die right now, what am I supposed to tell Dragon!? You idiot!!!
Fine..... do as you damn want!!!

Pirate: hey, what did you just do....!!
Ace: ....Luffy.....
Jetzt aber ist schon alles klar....