How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


CNN on Naruto sub level would be great. :hahaha:
I exactly know what you mean..
Always try to listen to the CNN guy for more than 15 minutes but some of the following points always screw it up.
  • They are talking all the time about the same stuff like terrorism, war, terrorism and some conspiracy stuff.. oh did I mention terrorism?
  • Furthermore, sometimes it seems as if the reporters are not able to speak proper english. Especially if the reporter is an Indian..
    First I thought it was my fault in not understanding him but after a while I didnt even know if he is speaking english or another language now due to his dialect..
    (hope that doesnt let me sound racist ^^)
  • Nearly 24/7 they are talking crap. And when they finished their brainwashing program more terrorism and conspiracy follows..

But that is just my opinion.
You guys can of course watch whatever you want.
And besides I also sometimes watch it cause I think it is funny as hell :XD: ... sometimes ... but also a bit sad
Especially if people refer to stuff that was said in one of that brainwash programs.


My english is pretty good but i need to improve it though

(Good enough to speak with Americans etc. in Skype and such,read English mangas,anime subs &stuff)


It's getting better and better :D,
I started to translate Doujins wich helps me alot to improve it ^^
Ill hope i can speak it smooth one day ;), its one of my goal :D

Best Regards Blacko


only read the first page but man this thread rapes the english language. and yes I'm german but seriously, english is in the curriculum of every school you know. then there's movies, the fricking internet and so on. Also, is everyone here watching anime NOT in japanese with english subs? if so : YOU FUCKING SUCK ! there is simply no excuse. it's not "cool" to fail at english either is it cool to "hate" math, you'll see when you're older than 20 how suddenly everyone who's fluent in english basically gets a job and you don't.
Seriously, how hard is it to learn the most used language. we're not talking about russian or whatever (no offense)...the hell


only read the first page but man this thread rapes the english language. and yes I'm german but seriously, english is in the curriculum of every school you know. then there's movies, the fricking internet and so on. Also, is everyone here watching anime NOT in japanese with english subs? if so : YOU FUCKING SUCK ! there is simply no excuse. it's not "cool" to fail at english either is it cool to "hate" math, you'll see when you're older than 20 how suddenly everyone who's fluent in english basically gets a job and you don't.
Seriously, how hard is it to learn the most used language. we're not talking about russian or whatever (no offense)...the hell
Maybe most of us here ain't that good at the english language even if we're watching anime with eng subs or dubs.
But there is a big difference between using a language or just understaning it.
For example, I think it's much easier to understand Japanese than to build my own sentences.
Same with English. I'm not used to express my thoughts in another language than German.
That's why I post in this thread. I want to get better and become more fluent in English.
But you can only get better by using the language and improve from the mistakes you made.

Furthermore, even if English is the most used (not most spoken!) language today doesn't mean that everybody have to be able to speak it fluently.
First, most of the germans should learn to use their own mother tongue correctly and then have a try at another language.
Sure, even if you cannot generalize it it sometimes seems to me like that though.. (Just my opinion..)
But there is of course no doubt that being able to speak english is a big advantage in job search.

Concluding I wanna say that I agree with you in principle but you shouldn't exaggerate the worseness of the mistakes
which were made by the users on the first page and maybe on this page too... ^^ (okay.. gotta admit that this sentence somehow sucks :P)

So please don't be reluctant to help the guys here with their English instead of mock them for their bad English if they're asking for help :)


Personally i would say, my english is average/good.
Well i improved my english from "bad" to "average when i started playing Kreedz.
Now i write more english then german, because the most people i know on the internet
are from all over the world.


Blackwatch Supersoldier
"Sänk ju for träweling wis Deutsche Bahn" xD

ne, im quite good in english , cuz i love the language... just like England and America (the country, not the government ;) )

OMG sagen wir es mal so die Fähigkeit die Englische sprache zu verstehen besitze ich aber mit der sprache hapert eindeutig.

wie heißt es doch so schön

Can you speak English? Yes, a paar Brocken......


OMG sagen wir es mal so die Fähigkeit die Englische sprache zu verstehen besitze ich aber mit der sprache hapert eindeutig.

wie heißt es doch so schön

Can you speak English? Yes, a paar Brocken......
Even if you are not able to write sentences in proper English just try it.
We all make mistakes but you/we don't have to be ashamed about it.
And by the way, this is the English section of WoH. So you are not allowed to write in another language than English.
Please remember this next time.


#1 Silent Hunter
hm, i speak english pretty good, it was a good basic when i used to be in Polland...
no one understood German, but nearly everyone spoke English...
I learn it since 2nd class, and nowadays i play a lot of english games and use a lot of english websites and applications..
its good stuff for learning :)


oh,my english :kukukuh:

no,it's not so bad, I can read doujins,comics and so on,but my problems are grammar ,especially the tenses,no only the tenses and the pronunciation.
i hope to improve it,because you need english everywhere and ever.


My, my , my , I honestly really dont know whether I am that good in English.
Just kidding, I am probably that good enough to survive in foreign countries. But
it's just my thought.