[Diskussion] Biggest waste of money?


there are several ones but more often i forgett about them because they are so crappy xD
especially some old ones ( before 2000)


Kenshin Vol. 1-3. they got soaked from icetea ;( I hate myself for this. Didnt even Finished reading them.

but in other stuff it was my iPod Nano (First Gen.)
it got into the washer (was still in my Jeans as it got washed) :)
ofcourse its broken. BUT i can still use it as an USB storage device for stuff like pics or something.
only the Screen and output are broken.
THis thing is like an really expensive USB storage with 4GB for only 199€ ;)

now tell me: Why SHOULDNT i hate water?


Full-Time Otaku
M.D. Geist DVD (OVA 1+2) 30€
Urotsukidoji - Perfect Collection Deluxe Box Set VHS-Video (OVA 1+2) ~160€ :nonono:


God of the Lolis
Neon Genesis Evangelion JapDub-GerSub because few days later came the GerDup release. :twitching:
Now I have two NGE versions.


Otogi Story Tenshi no Shippo. It was one of my first series. After that one, I started to investigate the series before I would buy them.


Otaku Elite
Otaku Veteran
Before I buy a manga or anime, I'll look for it on the internet. If I like it then, I'll buy it.

the stardine

i only bought mangas before, i like animes, but haven`t bought one yet.

like lone-tiger said, i always read the first chapters online. if i like the story or the art ( it`s even better when i like both^^) i buy the first issue.

i don´t want to waste my money, because i could buy other nice mangas for it!!!

(i just recognized, that typing english is difficult and i`m sooo slow...)


last two *volumes* from the goldenboy manga Vol. 9 and 10
Me no nitpicker but I corrected it. I see your point to be exasperated because the Author first lured innocent readers with an entertaining erotical Manga and afterwards annoyed the readers with his weird philosophy.

As for me, I found Yoake mae yori ruri iro na pretty poor of quality in very many aspects, and sucky repetition. This is especially sad for me because I am a big fan of August's H-Games and those are of superb quality. I think I feel like Tekken players after seeing Tekken the movie.

Oh and there was this incedent where I bought an H-DVD (Rated 18+) in a shop and apparently there multiple are versions of this H-Movie and the german company in charge messed up and included a version where [ALL] erotical scenes ere cut out, including the ones that had screenshots on the DVD-backside.
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i wouldnt say it is a waste of money if you at least buy an anime or a manga!

Nowadays people are doing anything with these topics online: they stream their fav. anime episodes, or read their mangas on reader-pages!
Well, thats not the way how these complanies and developers can earn money!
I think thats why it is always a good act by buying stuff of these categories... u always provide then in a way


Otaku Veteran
hmm.. *thinks* my biggest waste of money was on... nothing o.o
I love all my manga <3 each of them was worth buying >.<