How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


I speak this language very well. At least I hope so^^ and I try to come up with a minimum of accent. I my class at school there are some pupil who make some kind of competition to speak without an accent. I can tell you when you aware of speaking like an american (<- speaking a bit faster/ with some kind of slang) or like a britain (streching some vowels sometimes) it sounds strange, when a german tries to speak english...

Falls folgender Text Fehler enthalten sollte zögert nicht es mir zu sagen, ich möchte LERNEN^^


scheiße xD 2 von 4 jahren kein wirkliches englisch gehabt aber ich halt mich auf ne sichre 4 ^^

btw isses denn auch normal das meine seine lehrerin inna 5ten inan klapse schickt xD
my english is ok ^^ basicly scool english xD but that's enough to understand the most things:megane:

ach so mal nebenbei ^^ weiß ja nicht ob's schon jemand erwähnt hat, aber in der umfrage wurde das "English" nicht ganz korrekt geschrieben :D obwohl ich hier auch nicht drauf rumreiten will :twinkle:
I think my english is good enough to read an english book or write a short english letter but if I would have to speak with an english native speaking person he or she would just laugh at me, because my pronounciation is so crazy (not wrong but a bit :sob: )
I guess my biggest problem is speaking english. It is way more easy to understand what is meant than to express my own thaugts in words. Sometimes even true for german ...


I understand English good enought, to understand Animes and Books (even when it is sometimes very difficult), and i think i speak it good enough that someone can understand what i want xD


I rekon my english is quite good. It is far from perfect but I have no problems to read english books or talk to other native english speakers.
I read mostly english books, a very good way to get a feeling for the language.


Um, my English is very good. It might have something to do with where I'm from, but let's just say I'm VERY familiar with English! Hehe...please don't hurt me.


WELL, I kinda fancy with studying in england and therefore I hope my english is very good - at least in terms of writing and reading. I've got no practice in actually talking english _at all_ :( but I try to make up for it by visiting the USA for a few weeks this summer and ofc. watching movies in english (dubbed, not subbed :P)
At least it's good enoughe to score very well in high-school =D


After like 10 years in Online Games (Browser RPGs, MMOs) it feels like English is my second native Language. Altho its not perfect, i seem to have no problem to talk to others and usually play a big role in Discussions. It even comes so far that i dream in English even tough German is my native Language.

Even in Games i perfer to talk English because i like it far more than German.