How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


I´m very good at speaking english.
Since most of my Family lives in Canada and i talk regulary
to them i´m used to it.By the way it would be horrible not to be able to speak and read english because almost
every anime fan-sub group uses this language. :]


I love english... and had a test today in english :)

Isn't that hard... i like watching the movies in english, much cooler then the german versions!


No problems with english in conversations or for reading. ^.^

It's a good thing to have many exchange students for friends, you get a lot of practice if you have to talk shit all the time. xD

Nihongo mo chotto hanasemasu. Mada tokidoki tomodachi ga amari wakaranai, demo ganbaru yo. ;_;


@Genji: it might seem a little bit off-topic, but could you please tell me a good way to learn Japanese? I mean: do you know good books and/or guides that would help me to learn it?


Stamm User
The main problem I have, is to
speak english. When I have enough time I can write english very well (well, here, I don't take the time, so there'll be lots of mistakes, don't blame me! ^^)
But I think it's more important to speak english well than to write it well, and so I would say: my english is good enough to chat (via I-net) but it isn't good enough to chat in the real world.
I believe devoutly that i'll become a good english speaker one day... at least when I find time to practise english speaking ;)

'With friendly Grretingz"



I think my English is very good.

My marks in class ten are incredible. I've gote twelve times the mark 1, mark 2 once and a 1 in the pre-exam (114 of 120 pts.). My English teacher said, that I'm the best English talking/writing/reading pupil for more than 10 years, that was teached by him. I'm very proud of this, but my classmates or maybe the whole school hates me, cause of my nearly perfect English :lachen:


Original von Someone
@Genji: it might seem a little bit off-topic, but could you please tell me a good way to learn Japanese? I mean: do you know good books and/or guides that would help me to learn it?
Well... I took the easy but painful way... I made a one year exchange for Japan. xD I learned japanese by living here. (Actually, I'm still staying in Tokyo. Will return next february back to Germany... .__. ) And honestly I think, Japans is one of the craziest countries ever! \o/ (Man, dont know how i will survive in Germany, without the chicks... There is nothing more cute, than a japanese girl. .,.)

Anyhow. Learning japanese was rather painful. The truth is... In my opninion foreign people can't learn japanese by yourself, even if they take lessons. (Okay, except for the auto-didact). Still after 8 months here, my japanese is rather bad... and... you can't use the japanese here, that is taught in germany. Honestly, they just teach you polite forms, you will never use...

Well... I cant recommend you some books, cuz imho they won't help you too much. The only thing you can do, is going to the next... äh... Volkshochschule (:D) and look for some courses... But like i said before, it also wont help too much. ._.

@HarrybO: Nice ego. :/bb


Basically, my English is good enough to get through all day´s life in an English-speaking country.
And it´s good enough to understand English texts in chemistry books.
I don´t need it to be better.


Yo, i think, my english is good enough to understand
the biggest part of conversations.
Hm, 3 years ago, I began to learn this language in school. But,
the method, how we learn it, is just boring. In every unit, there
are alway repetitions about the last year...


Otaku Veteran
Hm... I used to play a lot of old SNES games from the Final Fantasy-series in english and I had no problems with understanding, what they said.
However, I often have gramatical mistakes and I´m not really comfortable with speaking english. Most of is because I´m kind of to excited and afraid of saying something wrong.