How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


I'm satisfied with my english. The basics in english were taught to me in school. In classes 5 to 9 we had pretty good teachers, so it made fun to learn and speak it. But from class 10 on it became worse. We got a new teacher, who coulnd't handle our class. There was no more encourage to do homework (or anything for english). I, myself, luckily dicovered the Internet and it's P2P networks as a good way to learn english by myself. So I got all Futurama episodes for example. When watched several times, you get a good feelin of how to talk and comprehend englisch. Also most cartoons are funnier in english(especially FamilyGuy; almost peed in my pants 8) ).
Another thing that helped me were english books; basically Harry Poter, but also others like Paul Auster's "Moon Palace".
After this procedure I can say, that even translations are no bigger problem anymore.
When I have my final exams in april next year ("Abitur" in german), I'll see if I get rewarded for this.


British english sucks.
Same as Mangamaniac; my last english-teacher even taught american english.
Also...imagine the Simpson talking british :spuck:


@xe3tec: Hey, another "Leistungskurs" pupil. Is it also your final term, or do have to suffer another year under your BE-teacher?


most people say my english is very good, but im not so sure (when i use babelfish from i get different vocables) but im sure my english is better then my german


What a horrible thread. These whole bunch of grammar
mistakes is really irritating.
Some of you do really need more pratice.
Vocabulary is not all. :D

The way I see it, my english is samewhat above average.


vocables xD


Oh dear... English... speaking may be a little Problem, but when i write in English (read English sent.) it seams, that English isn't so difficult as speakin' with it =/

(okay, my English may be "crazy" but hey, nobody is perfect =P)