How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


i have no problems with the language english... but i do some little misstakes and the reason of this is that i left school some years ago.


I would say: it's okay. (nice that rhymes)

My poor English lessons in grammar school, hasn't helped that it gets better.


Wenns ums lesen und verstehen geht
funktioniert das alles super

Aber das schreiben und sprechen will i wie nich so
... aber für Animes brauch ich das ja nich xD


赤いオンドリ - 僕はオタクです!
Wenns ums lesen und verstehen geht
funktioniert das alles super

Aber das schreiben und sprechen will i wie nich so
... aber für Animes brauch ich das ja nich xD
Kannst du mir bitte verraten, warum du im englischen Teil des Forums deutsch schreibst? Hier wird englisch geschrieben...


I speak english very well.

Of course i like speaking this language.... it's funny, i dont know why XDD

English > French -.- XD


It's perfect of course! Oh well, I speak it fluently at least. I even think in english from time to time. Still there are sometimes new words I have to check upon. But I guess that's only natural since you never stop learning.


I would say my English is good, but not perfect, but I'm not sad about this fact, because not even native speakers can speak it perfectly^^
For all, who said that they keep forgetting more and more about the English language, after they left school:
watch English movies, watch anime with English subs, read or watch English news, etc.
It helps me allot, to not only keep my English at this level, but to improve it as well^^


Well..I don't think that my english is perfect..sometimes i set the sentences just like it would be a german one :p
But people can understand me and well..I think thats what language is all about, right?;o


Diplompsychopath mit *
I can speak english very well, but i found the Wörter nicht so schnell^^

My english is good enough to come through. Since i lifed two years in singapore when i was a child, i was able to learn a lot. it's like when other countries try to learn german: the gramma and speaking is not perfect, but its good enough so the people can understand you^^. And it's like Aquamarus said before: I sometimes try to build sentences, like i would in german. But as long as someone understands me, im happy *g*

The best way to learn english is just playing the games you have in english^^ thats the way i learned it as a child


Otaku Veteran
very bad ... man verlernt einiges, wenn man es länger nicht mehr gesprochen hat ...
und vom schreiben will ich garnet erst anfangen ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


[...] I sometimes try to build sentences, like i would in german. But as long as someone understands me, im happy *g*
that is one of the biggest mistakes and actual faux-pas you can do. think about it - we german dont like foreigner who cannot speak our language properly and if they try to form sentences like they would do in their own mother tongue - heaven forbid. because you sound really stupid when youre doing this. its sad but true and thats the reason why everyone should try to learn english as best as he is able to.
my english isnt the best in the world too but i always try to improve it by watching english movies and british newscast. because i really developed a preference for british and i try to mix my pronounciation and stuff. its really fun though


I'm not bad at speaking English, but also not that good.
I know the basics, hardly learned in ten years of school (eight years learning English), but now I've got not enough endurance to learn more ^^
AND I hate writing in this language, its horrible, isn't it ?

Angora Kitty

Otaku Veteran
My english is rather poor, but it's good enough for chatting with men in foreighn nations like USA, Ghana, Indonesia and else. I like to use it at holiday and fairs. Ofcourse I also use it to contact my fosterchildren at philippines. Tagalog (Filipino) is the next language I like to learn, but It's hard as a rock for me and I fear, I never will learn it. Maybe t's better for me to refresh my rusian first. ^^

@Kotaro: Das kann ich gut verstehen. Ich hatte 15 Jahre keinen Englischunterricht gehabt, doch als ich wegen verschiedener Computerfragen zur CeBIT ging und mit Briten, Amerikanern, Japanern sprach, war es wieder da. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich es mir so lange ungenutzt merken konnte. :-D
(That I can understand very good. When I had visited the CeBIT because different questions about computers, my last english-units was 15 years ago.
During I asked americans, british and japans, I felt that my english is rather good yet and foreighn people can understand me.
I don't know what happened, but 15 years my english unused kept in rememberence.

Umm, the voting: I choosed 'good but not good enough' :-D

Finaly it's schoolenglish and some words technical english. :-)
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