[Frage] IF you could turn back time...

well mine would be going back to grade school and apply myself there and forcing my parents to take me to german and italian learning classes that would be cool. I wouldnt mind bringing a winning lottery number with me lol.


I would've tried going to mixed gender school instead all danshi school just to stick to the brotherhood code.


The ability to rewind time for only a few seconds, maybe a minute, would be awesome.
But there is one problem, there would be many many Realities left behind, and many you's since i don't think that it would be possible to just rewind an event without having any leftovers of it. But who am I to make theories about that, I'm not a Scientist.
But if there is a way to control time in a way that makes time traveling possible for a human being and surviving that, i hope it wont be used.

The fact, that Dinosaurs still live if you just look to the earth from many Lightyears away is awesome enough.


Being more confident and not being bothered about what people might think about me.
Having better health and respect my family more, not talking back.


I would go back to my secondary school and go to a language class. I think I would study English and German :D


I'm going to be honest here, I would try to do better in school.

It's not like I did poorly, I even have "Abitur" (I'm German), but after several years of work (manual labor), you start to realize that school was heaven. You are home at ~14:00 instead of 17:00 or 18:00 (sometimes earlier) and it's not nearly as boring as most jobs. So in preperation of my future (better job = more pay and more freedom), I'd spend more time for school.