Naruto / Shippuuden / Gaiden / Boruto [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler!]


Otaku Gott
Otaku Veteran
Ich denke es Läuft am ende drauf raus das Mandra versucht sasukes augen zu stehlen er das aber irgent wie verhindern kann und weg läuft dann macht mandra sich übermächtig mit cen byuus und dann kämpfen naruto und sasuke gegen ihn kämpfen dann bekommt sasuke noch was auf die finger weil er so böse war aba das dorf und die ninja welt gerettet hat und alles ist wieder toll ende-.- ich wette um alles was ich hab das es so kommen wird -.-
mh naja ich denke das madara nen sehr guten plan hat und ...naja wenn man sich die letzten ereignisse ansieht,dann sollte man auch drauf kommen ;D
er will es erzählen,damit sie es wissen und dann machtlos sind ...trotzdem ;P


bin mal gespannt was zetsu noch alles kann ausser leichen fressen, chakra klauen und aus dem boden kommen :)

Ich denke es Läuft am ende drauf raus das Mandra versucht sasukes augen zu stehlen er das aber irgent wie verhindern kann und weg läuft dann macht mandra sich übermächtig mit cen byuus und dann kämpfen naruto und sasuke gegen ihn kämpfen dann bekommt sasuke noch was auf die finger weil er so böse war aba das dorf und die ninja welt gerettet hat und alles ist wieder toll ende-.- ich wette um alles was ich hab das es so kommen wird -.-
das muss doch nich sein...
wäre wirklich dämlich wenn das so enden würde, außerdem müsste madara dann jetzt ja keine großen reden halten, sondern einfach mit sasukes augen abhauen
am ende is eh endfight gegen oro und nich gegen madara xD

Loose Control

oder die eine schlange die am Ende des Kampfes abgehauen ist... (Sasuke vs Itachi...Ch393p1)
falls diese nicht von dem Felsen der im 3. und 4. Panel gezeigt wird zerquetscht worden ist^^


Naja alles in allem ist langsam echtmal zeit dafür das Sasuke entweder klein begibt und wieder nach Konoha zurückkehrt oder einfach nur stribt.^^ sry aber ich hasse ihn. xD Vorallem seine Truppe die der sich da zusammen gebastelt hat. Hoffe das es besser wird weil langsam wird das zu lange gezogen mit Sasukes Team.
Ich würde mich mehr darauf freuen das Narutos entwicklung vorangetrieben wird. ^^ bzw das doch ein paar mehr leute rausfinden wer sein Vater ist. und vorallem aber das der 6echste Hokage endlich wieder abtritt! ^^ Weil ich finde das doch ein paar zuviele Handlungsstränge mit einbracht wurden. das werden viel zu viel.


Otaku Veteran
Hab hier noch was zur Mizukage kp ob es einige interessiert.
Gibt auch ein paar Kolorierte Bilder.

Godaime (5th) Mizukage

The Fifth Mizukage (五代目水影, Godaime Mizukage) is suggested to have only recently become the leader of Kirigakure. As Mizukage, her word holds sway over all political and military issues that present themselves regarding Kiri and its inhabitants. She is a young, beautiful woman, and is one of two known female Kage, with the other being Tsunade.

The Fifth Mizukage is a beautiful woman who appears to be in her late twenties or very early thirties. Her hair, which not only falls down to just above her ankles but also has part of it tied upwards in what appears to be a topknot, is russet-red, and her eyes are jade green. It has covered her right eye in all of her appearances. She has been seen wearing webbing as an inner layer, with a blue garment covering it. Even so, she dresses rather provocatively, as much of her legs, upper torso and breasts can be seen in this outfit.



Otaku Veteran
War ja klar das Madara Sasuke rettet. :x
Und wiedermal will er reden...
Er hat wohl keine freunde denen er was erzählen kann der arme.


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Ein recht gutes Chap. Endlich endet das treffen der 5 Kages bald (ich schätze noch 1 Folge dann gehen alle wieder ihre Wege). Die werden sicherlich noch nen Plan entwickeln und dann taucht noch Naruto auf..

Wäre schön wenn Naruto gleich auftaucht dammit er noch sehen kann wie Madara Sasuke abschleppt. Das Sasuke hier einfach nicht sterben wird sollte jedem klar sein... und wir sollten uns dammit abfinden ;) Jedoch wird sein Charackter so oder so drauf gehen. Auch wenn es am Ende ist. Kann mir kaum vorstellen das er weinend sagt "mimi es tut mir alles leid....". Ne der wird irgendeine Sache machen wommit er Narutos Wut komplett frei lässt. Das wars dann für ihn *gg*

Zetsu -> total geikles Char. - Wir wissen immernoch nicht was er alles genau kann ^^
Seine 2 Gesichter und das was er bisher gezeigt hat... göttlich . Zumal er sagt was für Idioten die Kages sind weil sie nichtmal entdeckt haben das er lebt.

Was mich etwas wundert.. war Deidara so stark das man ihn erwehnen muss? ich meine der Opa drückt sich auch aus als ob Deidara stärker als der Ninja war der den 1. Hokage auf dem gewissen hat (Was eigentlich an sich totaler Schmach ist... Wie soll ein Ninja der Madara besiegt hat von so einem besiegt worden sein? Ok er hat ja gemeint das er mit einer Lisst gewonnen hat und so aber naja andere Geschichte.. ).

Und mich nervt langsam das mit dem Moon Eye plan... der soll endlich mal rausrücken was er will..

ps: haha Sasuke mal ordentlich auf die Schnauze bekommen ^^


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
Madara leidet wie die meisten bösen Buben an totaller Selbstüberschätzung deshalb muss er auch jeden erzählen was er vorhat :tralalalala:
Er ist ja schonmal böse auf die Schnauze gefallen als Pain gegen Naruto verlor.

Auch weiß er nicht das Itachi Naruto ein kleines "Geschenk" mit auf den Weg gegeben hat. Dieses Geschenk wird wohl der Schlüssel zu seiner Niederlage sein.


Otaku Veteran

Chapter: 467 Hesitation

by: Numinous
posted: 02 Oct 09

(Madara Scene)
Madara: Since I'll come clean about myself, I guess I won't needing this.(he puts Sasuke on the floor and takes off his mask, revealing his face) Zetsu, take him. (White Zetsu grabs Sasuke and disappears with him)

(Naruto Scene)
(Yamato has fixed the roof; Naruto wanders in the room; Kakashi and Yamato are sitted, staring at Naruto)
Kakashi: You need to calm down. Since Madara left, you didn't stop wandering.
Naruto: How can I be calm when that guy is plotting something with Sasuke?! We need to find Sasuke before Madara makes his move!
Yamato: Naruto, you know Sasuke won't comply with that. Like he said, he severed all the bonds he had in the past.
Naruto: But not me! I'll find Sasuke and bring him back home, even if it takes my whole life to do it!
Yamato: Naruto.
Naruto: First, we got to go to the summit and talk with the Kage to forgive Sasuke!
Kakashi: Do you even listened to the Raikage? It's not their affair, so they won't listen, or even worse, they might find themselves offended and war might rage in. Besides, we already are in the risk of being considered missing-nin, we got to be careful.
Yamato: Kakashi-senpai is right, Naruto. (sounds of fight are heard) What's this? (everyone rushes to the window; they see Danzou and his guards from afar, against Ao)
Kakashi: Danzou? What he's doing here, fighting?
Yamato: Something's wrong. (Naruto jumps from the window to the ground)
Yamato & Kakashi: Naruto! (they follow him)

(Danzou Scene)
(Danzou and his guards are close to Ao; Ao is injured and on his knees)
Danzou: Any last words?
Ao: Even if I die, don't think you'll get away with it. The Mizukage will hunt you down. and the Raikage, too.
Danzou: Hmph, what a disgrace. (wood sprouts from the ground and restrains Danzou and his guards)
Danzou: (thinking) Mokuton? That means. (Naruto approaches with Kakashi and Yamato; still thinking) So, Sai betrayed me. I'll dispose of him later.
Naruto: What's happening here?
Ao: (thinking) His chakra is out of the charts. Is he. the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki? (talking) The Hokage was mind controlling the moderator of the Summit and, in top of that, he ran away when the Akatsuki invaded the building.
Naruto: Akatsuki?!
Ao: Yes. Uchiha Sasuke was the one.
Kakashi: Oh boy.
Naruto: We got to go there, before the other Kages kill him!
Kakashi: Naruto, please, don't rush things.
Naruto: But.!
Kakashi: You go there and then what? What you'll do?
Yamato: Kakashi-senpai is right, we need to think before we act.
Ao: Excuse me, but the Hokage must return to the summit, to answer for his actions.
Danzou: Hmpf, again with the accusations...
Ao: Since you have such a formidable restraining jutsu, I'd be glad if you join me, to escort the Hokage back to the Summit.
Naruto: Of course!
Yamato: It seems we don't have a choice.
Kakashi: And, Danzou. (uncovers his sharingan) I'll keep an eye on you.
Danzou: Hmpf. we'll talk later about your little escapade.
Naruto: .
Kakashi: (to Ao) Can you walk?
Ao: Yes, but now. let's return.

(Madara Scene)
Raikage: You think we'll sit here and let you speak? (rushes towards Madara) I don't think so! (punches Madara, but Raikage's fist passes through him) What the hell?
Gaara: (thinking) The attack passed right though him!
Madara: Please don't interrupt me. (he steps back; Karin tries to escape, but is stopped by Choujuurou and Akatsuchi)
Raikage: You'll pay for what Akatsuki did to my brother!
Madara: If you listen to what I have to say, I'll tell you what happened to your brother.
Raikage: I don't trust you!
Shii: Raikage-sama!
Raikage: What now, Shii? Don't you see the situation?
Shii: I know, but his chakra isn't changing. He speaks the truth.
Raikage: What?! You got to be kidding me!
Shii: Unfortunatly, I am not.
Tsuchikage: (thinking) Since taijutsu doesn't work with him. (speaking) Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu! (the cube of energy engulfs Madara) Got him!
Madara: (appears behind Tsuchikage) I thought I was clear when I said "don't interrupt me".
Mizukage: (thinking) How did he..?
Madara: Now that I notice, the Hokage is missing. shall we wait for him?

(Naruto Scene)
(Naruto and co arrives at the outskirts of the Summit's building)
Kakashi: Look at this mess.
Naruto: (thinking) What happened to you, Sasuke?
Kurotsuchi: (appearing from beneath the pillars ruins; thinking) Oof, for a moment there, I thought I was a goner. (Kakashi grabs her hand)
Kakashi: Are you alright?
Kurotsuchi: I think so.
Ao: You're from Iwagakure, right? As the fight stopped?
Kurotsuchi: I don't know, I was hidden in the pillars, watching the battle between the Raikage and Uchiha Sasuke, and that Sasuke guy destroyed the pillars, and if it wasn't for my Underground Move Jutsu I think I would die in there!
Naruto: You know where Sasuke is?
Kurotsuchi: I think he went inside the Summit's building.
Naruto: Let's go!
(they enter the Summit's room; everyone stares at them)
Tsuchikage: (thinking) Who are those two? One looks like the White Fang, the other reminds me of the Yellow Flash.
Raikage: (thinking) It's that brat from before.
Gaara: Naruto.
Karin: (thinking) So that's Naruto.
Madara: You sure took your sweet time, Hokage. And glad you could make it, Naruto.
Ao: (thinking) Another Sharingan user, they just keep coming.
Danzou: (thinking) His face. Madara.
Naruto: What the hell are you doing here? Where's Sasuke?!
Madara: Sorry, but Sasuke already left the building.
Naruto: You!!!
Madara: My, my, my, don't be so hasty. Grab a seat and listen to what I have to say.

Tsuchikage: Weak? But he was defeated easily.

Madara: I never said you knew your weakness yet. Have you noticed I've appeared to you while Konoha is absent? This is not a coincidence.

Garra: As allies of the Leaf, the Sand will make sure they know every detail of what occurs here.

Madara: We will see.. Are you aware that over the last 16 years Konoha has been developing a deadly weapon capable of destroying an entire village in the blink of an eye?

Garra: !

Mizukage: And I thought my village was the untrustworthy one. We were that close to giving Konoha power. So what is this weapon?

Madara: Not what, who. 16 years ago as you may know Konoha was attacked by the Nine-tailed fox. The Hokage at the time erroneously believed the fox was controlled by someone else and in defense of whoever could control such a power began construction of the weapon.

Garra: (starting to figure it out) You're wrong-

Madara: Listen first, argue later! The Hokage gave up his life to create this weapon, by sealing up the Nine-tailed fox in his infant son.

Garra: No!

Zetsu, this time assisted by his black half binds Garra and his siblings.

Madara: As you can see, the Sand has already fallen prey to the weapon. The son of the Fourth Hokage (Mizukage: ! And blinks) not only possesses destructive physical powers but also destructive powers of persuasion which make even the most decent genjutsu pale in comparison. My most recent protégé, possessor of the legendary rinnegan, the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, the eyes that control life and death, the architect of and leader of Akatsuki, was defeated by this weapon. First he lost his body and then his mind! Truly a dangerous power.

Mizukage: And we wasted our time going after that idiot on your shoulder.

Raikage: Enough of this crap! The Cloud does not worry. We have our own power-

Madara: You speak of the Eight-tails? The man who faked his own death and betrayed his own brother just to for freedom?

Raikage: (Angry but starting to cry) What are you talking about?
Madara: The truth. Even I was fooled.

Black Zetsu: Its true..

White Zetsu: … the little octopussy ran away!

Raikage: (grieving) My brother.. what have I done?

Madara: Don't worry, I sent my man after him, one of your old sharks Mizukage, Hoshigaki Kisame.

Mizukage: Kisame

Chojuro: Big brother...

Madara: He will keep him safe from Konoha's weapon. Now that you understand your situation I need to know one thing before I can proceed with telling you about my plan, the eye of the moon plan. Answer this question, will you join me to defeat Konoha, to destroy their weapon?

Darui: We just got a report about Konoha, its been completely destroyed, I don't understand what the threat is.

Madara: The weapon convinced my protégé to use his final jutsu to revive everyone in the village. The people of Konoha possess the will of fire, regardless of the state of their village they are still a threat, and the weapon still lives.

Raikage: Fine then.

Tsuchikage: (thinking: for the time being I'll agree to learn about this plan) Heh, we're in.

Madara: (looks at Garra) I'm getting a distinct “no” from you, for the moment you will abstain.

Mizukage: (thinking: what a situation, for now I have no choice, sorry old friend) We will agree.

Madara: Very well, the tale begins when I fought the first Hokage....

Back to Naruto

Naruto is standing in thought, Kakashi and Yamato are standing with him.

There's a knock at the door.

It opens.

Sakura: Naruto!!

Naruto: Sakura!?

Sakura: When I heard the noise and saw the roof caved in...

Shikamaru and Hinata walk in.

Kakashi: Shikamaru whats going on?

Shikamaru: Its not my call.

Naruto: Sakura, I thought I told you not to worry about me, I'll get Sasuke.

Sakura: Naruto that's what I'm here about.

Hinata: Please, listen to her.

Back to Kages

Mizukage: What a fairy tale.

Tsuchikage: Yet I believe it.

Madara: So you see in order to defeat Konoha we must use their own blood against them. That is me. When I am complete I will be the weapon to counter Konoha's weapon.

Sasuke: What rubbish!

The Sasuke on Madara turns into Zetsu goo.

Madara: I see, why don't you come with me.

Sasuke: Why should I follow such a deranged madman? As if Naruto poses any threat to anybody.

Madara: His power has grown since you last fought him and will continue to grow.

Sasuke: Tsk! Power is nothing to do with it. You don't know Naruto. He would never be a weapon and never be controlled. Go against him and he will fight you. Whether he'd win, who cares? I'll beat him anyway.

Madara: Did you listen to a word I said?

Sasuke: I will not make your mistakes.

Madara: (smiling) Then you will fight him?

(Everyone is blown out of their minds.) “Why is everyone looking at me like that? I’m not a ghost; I’m live and in the flesh,” said the Joking Madara. “The only sharingan inhabitating Mizugakure… So, it was you controlling the 4th Mizukage, Yugura,” said the groaning Mizukage. (Everyone takes notice to Raikage’s veins on his forehead. Zetsu reforms and appear next to Madara.)

“When you see all of the Kage like this, it kinda makes you shake a little,” though Karin.

“Are you sure about this,” asked Zetsu. “Don’t worry, its fine,” said Madara.

“Heh, looks like the ruffian is about to start mothing off to this big wig,” said the grinning Tsuchikage. (He nudges Akatushki as in a sign to bring in humor. Raikage points his finger at Danzou.)

“Akatuski garbage I can’t understand a word you’re talkin about. Though judgement on you will arrive at a later date but, if you don’t leave Sasuke here and tell me the location of Killer Bee, don’t think you’ll just walk away,” said Raikage. “This is The Uchiha Madara, it would be wise Raikage not to urge him,” said Tsuchikage. “Mind your damn business,” yelled Raikage.

“Idiot, no respect for elders don’t know how whipper snappers like you become Kage anyway,” mumbled Tsuchikage. “I can’t leave Sasuke here unfortunately,” said Madara.

“THE FUCK YOU CAN,” yelled Raikage. “I can however, tell you about your brother’s situation, but on one condition,” said Madara. “Depending on your answer I might accept,” said Raikage. “You listen to what I have to say, we have a deal,” asked Madara. (Raikage closes his eyes and pictures Killer Bee.)
“Hmm,” grunted Raikage. “The Boss seems to have calmed down,” said Darui. “This guy’s chakra, It’s dark, like Sasuke’s no, his is even more sinister,” thought Shii.

“Uchiha Madara, so he really exists,” thought Mifune. “Now that I have your undivided attention, I’d like to proceed with explaining the Eye of the Moon Project,” said Madara. (The Scene switches to an area somewhere in the land of Iron. Aoi has caught up to Danzou’s group. )

“That’s as far as you go Hokage,” said Aoi. “We’re away from the Summit, you’re under no obligation to restrain me,” said Danzou. “Nice try, but your crimes at the Summit will not go unpunished,” said Aoi. “Is that so? Fu, Torune,” yelled Danzou. “Sir,” said Fu. “We’ll kill him,” said Torune. (Aoi makes a handseal and activates Byakugan.) “I’m no pushover, as I’ve fought a powerful Uchiha like Shisui, I can handle a cheap imitation,” said Aoi.

“How does your body react to the Byakugan,” asked Danzou. “So that’s your game,” smirked Aoi. “Fu, Torune, make sure you don’t destroy his corpse, we’ll need to run some tests,” said Danzou.

(The Scene Switches to a hut out some where in the land of Iron, it appears as though the hut as been reconstructed by Yamato’s wood release. Naruto lays around on mat, while Yamato and Kakashi walk into the room to greet Naruto.)

“Naruto, you’ve been like that for an hour; is everything alright with you,” asked Kakashi. “I’m fine, it’s, I’ve just been thinking about what Madara said and about Sasuke,” said Naruto. “Naruto, there is something you have to,” said Yamato before getting cut off. “I’m never giving up! The moment I give up on Sasuke, is the moment I give up on being a shinobi. If I can’t save one person, just one person.. One of the people closest to me; I can never speak of peace among people,” said Naruto.

(Yamato sighs.) “Naruto, have you considered that he has filled his heart with so much hate that he has no more room for anything else,” said Yamato. “Yamato,” mumbled Kakashi. “I don’t care who it is, no life is born hating! Something inspired that hate, and I will make it my goal to defend against that hatred,” said Naruto.

“It’s hopeless,” sighed Yamato. “He’s naïve though, that one tracked mind saved our village; maybe in due time he really could,” said Kakashi. (Naruto stands up.) “So, you’re ready to leave for home,” asked
Kakashi. “No, I’m heading for the Kage Summit,” said Naruto. “But Naruto, it’ll be more of the same, you could end up putting our village in a hot spot with your pressing concerns. These are the kage, they don’t have the time to listen to you, besides, we are already in breach of national and global law, not only will Danzou be displeased, but the other nations will consider it an embarrassment on Konoha’s part,” said Yamato.

“I’m going to ask them to forgive Sasuke,” said Naruto. “Are you listening to a damn word I say! Kakashi, he’s your student, straighten him out,” said Yamato. “Naruto, this is much bigger than your feeligns here, you have to weigh the village’s saftey over Sasuke’s at this point,” said Kakashi. “I can’t, because I made a promise to Itachi that I’d save both Sasuke and the village, and I don’t break my promisses,” said Naruto.

(Both Kakashi and Yamato Sighs.) “I’ll tell them about Nagato and how Madara used Akatuski to control him, and if that doesn’t work I’ll beg and scream until my voice runs out,” smiled Naruto.

“This isn’t the behavior of a typical shinobi,” smiled Yamato. “Maybe so, but Naruto is not a typical shinobi,” said the smilling Kakashi.

(The Scene Switches back to the Summit, the Kages are again in shock after hearing Madara’s plans.)

“WHY? What do you have against us,” yelled Tsuchikage. “You 5 great nations are nothing but saps who has forgotten their ways. How is the world going to flurish? Without wars and squabbles between nations, the people will starve. How can a land who has only been known to flurish for generations survive on anything else? The purpose of ninjutsu is to exact one’s skills on the opposing side. Gain pieces to establish one’s wealth. It is survival of the fittest, that is how the world is run and that is how funds are gained. Raikage, you should know this better than anyone one else,” said Madara.

“DON’T LUMP ME TOGETHET WITH YOU CONSPRICAL GOONS,” yelled Raikage. “The times have changed, even Raikage has to adapt to the rules or, be globally charged eventually; disarmament is slow, but soon, a new age of peace will arrive,” said Tsuchikage. “No! Ninjutsu was brought into this world to establish peace, without it, we’d be powerless humans unable to change the world as we see it,” said Madara. “Who instilled such power in you to make those choices,” asked Gaara. “God has guided his hand down through us and gave us the chakras to fight and protect what we hold dear with higher powers. That is what it means to have ninjutsu create peace, that is the purpose for ninjutsu. Now, with
the Eye of the Moon, I will show this world why the Uchiha should command true and ultimate peace,” said Madara.

“So that’s why you are using the kid,” said Mizukage. “Raikage, your brother is as powerful as you think he is; Sasuke botched it, but that doesn’t mean we have given up on looking for him,” said Madara. “Fuck, he escaped and didn’t come back,” yelled Raikage.

“Farewell my little kiddies,” said Madara. “Wait don’t leave me, and what about Juugo and Suigetsu,” questioned Karin. (With his sharingan he opens up a swirl like portal, Karin runs in, and then he goes inside; Zetsu makes a zu, zu, zu sound as he melts into the earth and leaves as well.) “He’s gone,” said Darui. “Sir, we’re sorry,” said Shii. “Instead of worrying about it, we should piece together what we know about the project,” said Mizukage.

“He said something about using the Mangekyou’s Sharingan to open up a spiritual realm connected to the moon in order to control the Bijuu,” said Tsuchikage. “From our reports from Konoha, it was said that Itachi used a Mangekyou genjutsu called Tsukuyomi to control time and space inside the mind of an individual,” said Shii.

“Hmm! The Bijuu are masses of chakra in a beast like manifestation,” said Raikage. “And performing such a genjutsu on a being with no actual physical form can make them incorporal,” said Shii.

“Why is that,” asked Kankuro. “Genjutsu extends the shinobi’s chakra flow into the victim’s brain, therefore controlling the victim’s mental chakra, which is linked to the five senses. Since a Bijuu is nothing but chakra in physical form, the Mangekyou can control the Bijuu’s original form which is chakra and can seal it within an unreachable plain only known to the Mangekyou Sharingan user,” said Shii.

“Impossible, certainly there’s a cost for such power,” said Tsuchikage. “There has to be, no shinobi without the Mangekyou Sharingan can cast it, but it must exert some for penalty,” said Shii.

“Well at the meantime, we need to settle this meeting,” said Tsuchikage. “Where’s Hokage,” asked Raikage. “He escaped, one of my men took off looking for him,” said Mizukage. (Raikage grinds his teeth.

“Arggh, you have to be shitin me. Well let’s hurry it up, we need to find my brother, I have a feeling I might be needing him,” yelled Raikage.

Chapter: 468 The Shadow of Eternity
Also read previous chapter prediction:

by: Numinous
posted: 02 Oct 09

(Madara Scene)

Madara: Uchiha Madara, a name that has fallen in disgrace and passed into the realm of myth, almost forgotten by the cold mistress that is time. Since that cursed day on the now called Valley of the End, I kept myself preying on the living's spiritual energy and hid myself in the shadows, waiting for the right time to get my revenge upon Konoha.

Kakashi: (thinking) Preying on the living's. spiritual energy?

Madara: Many years ago, I thought "To destroy an Hidden Village, what's better than another Hidden Village?" so that's what I did. To avoid suspicions about me, I placed a genjutsu on the Yondaime Mizukage to do my biding.

Ao: So it was you! I should have known!

Madara: And it was you who discovered my dirty little secret, ten years ago. You should feel honored to perceive my technique. where was I, ah, with the graduation exam I installed, I was turning Kirigakure into a full-fledged army to overthrow Konoha. It was working at first, but unfortunately people started to rebel against my guinea pig, so I left Kirigakure before they found me. Also, there were rumors that, in a distant land, something was ravaging the villages.

Naruto: You don't mean...

Madara: Yes, the Kyuubi. It was almost eighty years without it in my control, I couldn't resist. I waited a couple of years to Kirigakure's situation to cool off, and attacked Konoha with the Kyuubi.

Naruto: You bastard.

Madara: It's not my fault that your father promptly sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi within you. Your father is the "bastard" in all this, not me!

Naruto: YOU!!! (starts to release Kyuubi's chakra)

Mizukage: (thinking) He's a Jinchuuriki?!

Madara: Oh, don't make such a spectacle, Naruto! In the failure of my attack, I found some of my revenge being successful: the Uchiha clan, that turned their backs on me so many years ago, was being blamed for the attack. I knew that, sooner or later, they would rebel against the imposed authority, so I played the waiting game. And yes, it was me who aided Uchiha Itachi in the Uchiha clan's genocide, by your commands, Danzou. (everone is shocked; Danzou is silent) But, while I was waiting, I discovered quite the happy bunch, a newly formed organization called "Akatsuki".

Raikage: So, you're not the founder of Akatsuki?

Madara: I'm afraid that honor is Nagato's own merit. First I was spying on them, to see what they were all about. Then I discovered their goal: to build the ultimate weapon. But I only made my move to enter Akatsuki an year ago.

Tsuchikage: The ultimate weapon?

Madara: A weapon so powerful that it would erase a nation from the land in a blink of an eye!

Raikage: So you're trying to destroy the world?!

Madara: Not so hasty, my musclehead friend! That weapon could only be formed from the gathering of an exorbitant mass of chakra, and the only way possible to gather so much chakra was to capture all the Bijuu and seal them into a chakra collector, the Gedou Mazou.

Gaara: So that's why you captured me.

Raikage: And my brother!

Naruto: Grrrr.. (stares with anger at Madara)

Madara: Well, you're brother has escaped us, but we're still after your brother, Raikage. As we speak, Hoshigake Kisame is after him.

Raikage: You son of a b*tch!

Madara: Next will be the Hachibi, then you, Naruto. it will be glorious! Now, what nation I'll destroy first? Konohagakure, for what they have done to me? Kirigakure, for abandoning my teachings? Iwakagure, for supporting the Akatsuki even knowing their methods? Kumogakure for not wanting peace, even if other nations do? Sunagakure for not standing in their own two feet, depending on everyone? Or the Land of Iron, for being so puny?

Mifune: .

Madara: Hmph. you wretched fools, you're not worthy of my wrath! I will not point at you my weapon, but I'll point it to a place almost four hundred thousand kilometers from here.

Tsuchikage: Four hundred thousand kilometers from here? But that's impossible! No place is that far!

Madara: Perhaps is easier to show. (darkness surrounds everyone; the Gedou Mazou is shown in a field at night, with a full moon illuminating it)

Shii: It's a genjutsu.

Madara: This is the Gedou Mazou, your future home, Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto: SHUT UP!!!

Madara: How rude. when the Bijuu have been gathered, I'll control it with the Tsukuyomi, and this will happen. (the Gedou Mazou lifts its face to the sky and opens its mouth wide)

Naruto: What the hell is it doing? (Something similar to a Bijuu's Menacing Ball comes out of his mouth, shooting to the sky; the moon explodes, shocking everyone)

Madara: The moon, the moon was the right answer! (Lunar debris start to fall into the earth, looking like a rain of fire; strings come out of Gedou Mazou's fingers, forming a net that is cast to the sky) You see, the moon was made by the Rikudou Sennin himself, but it wasn't just for the looks. It conceals the product of his epiphany, Tsuki no Usagi* (Gedou Mazo, with its strings, puts on the floor a giant pot shaped like an hare) The key to the Rikudou Sennin's body, its life force and its immortality! And to know the skies will cry fire and villages will be wiped off the map, it feels my heat with glee! Oh, eternal glory, eternal youth, eternal life, I'll be the Eikyuukage**, immortal and invincible! Tremble, mortals!

Raikage: This guy is sick!

Kakashi: You're a looney.

Naruto: You think we'll let you do that?! (the genjutsu disappears)

Madara: The wheels of destiny are already in motion, there's nothing you can do to stop it! (starts to disappear) Farewell, mortals, until the day of fate. tootles! (vanishes)

* Rabbit of the Moon: an ancient Buddhist story tells us that three animals (a fox, a monkey and a rabbit) found an old man begging for food. While the monkey gathered food from the trees and the fox pilfered a pot of milk, the rabbit couldn't gather anything for the man to eat, so the rabbit offered itself and jumped to the bonfire the man had made. Because of the altruist gesture of the Rabbit, the old man (revealing himself to be Śakra, ruler of the heavens) drew a rabbit in the moon, preparing the Elixir of Immortality.

** Eternity's Shadow

(Kirabi Scene)

(Walking in the forest)

Kirabi: Oh yeah, oh yo, Kirabi da master is goin' to Konoha to master some Uchiha butt, oh yeah, oh yo!!!

Hachibi: (in Kirabi's mind) You still suck at rapping.

Kirabi: Oh, chill up, Bully, don't get so cranky!

Hachibi: Why do I even bother. so, you still think that Sharingan guy is in Konoha?

Kirabi: Oh yeah!

Hachibi: But he's an Akatsuki, don't you think he's somewhere else than Konoha?

Kirabi: Geez, way to ruin the mood, Bull! Can't I do some sightseeing? Besides, the dudes in Konoha must know about that Sharingan dude.

Hachibi: If you say so.

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