Naruto / Shippuuden / Gaiden / Boruto [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler!]


Otaku Veteran
Deshalb steht ja auch extra Fanart dabei die wurden extra zu der Prediction zum Chapter 468 von einem Fan gezeichnet.

Die wurden von Hatifnatten gezeichnet.



das muss doch nich sein...
wäre wirklich dämlich wenn das so enden würde, außerdem müsste madara dann jetzt ja keine großen reden halten, sondern einfach mit sasukes augen abhauen
am ende is eh endfight gegen oro und nich gegen madara xD
Gegen Oro? Nja, man hat sich zwar die Option offen gelassen Oro wieder ins Spiel zu bringen, glaube aber weniger daran, dass man dies auch wirklich umsetzt.

Madaras plant scheint ja eher zu sein, dass er einen "Endkampf" Sasuke VS Naruto bezwecken will. (Soweit ich nicht irgendwas falsch interpretiert habe. *sigh)

Dass Sasuke nicht einfach "mal so stirbt", sollte eigentlich jedem klar sein. Kein Autor wirft 'nen (Haupt)Charakter einfach so inne Tonne.


White Fang
Otaku Veteran
Also das Oro nochmal auftaucht und irgendwas tolles macht dürfte so gut wie sicher sein, hätte aber momentan auch keine Ahnung was das sein sollte ^^.

Desweiteren würde ich ja mal sagen das einer der Endkämpfe wohl definitiv Kyuubi vs. Konoha und / oder etc. sein wird.

Madara wird wohl seinen tollen Plan im nächsten Chap erklären, daher brauch man sich darüber jetzt auch keinen Kopf zerbrechen...


Otaku Veteran

Chapter 467 - Declaration of War

Source: んじゃ @ 2ch
Verification: confirmed

Original Script

ガアラ なぜサスケをここに仕向けた!? 
マダラ スサノオまで開眼する眼は貴重だからここに仕向けてお前ら五影を倒し人質にする予定だ ったが
 俺の目的は世界を統治する事~  ここも長かったと思う
土影 お前さんくらいなら一人でそれくらいやれんだろう?
マダラ 俺の体は初代柱間との戦いで傷がふかすぎた為今の俺にはそんな力は残ってない
誰か  なぜ尾獣を集める~?
今の尾獣は元は一つで十尾から生まれたものだ~ テマリだかカンクロウが 尾獣は九匹のはずだ ろ?
マダラ その昔六道仙人が十尾から地球を救ったとき強大な力のため妖力を自分の体に入れ人柱力 に
    そして十尾の体は月を作り出しそこに封印した~(長いんだけどあんま覚えてないっす> <)
マダラ 十尾を復活させ自分が十尾の人柱力になり月に無限月読を写し
水影 そんな夢も希望もない世界など~
マダラ 今だって希望もくそもないだろ はやく八尾と九尾をこっちによこせ
Source: んじゃ @ 2ch
Verification: confirmed
Translation: shounensuki

The coloured cover is two pages wide and has Zabuza, Haku, and all the dead Akatsuki members!

Sakura is getting ready to set out to the Land of Iron. Three people are going, it seems: Sakura, Kiba, and Lee.

Well, to the conference room:
The Raikage uses a momentary oppertunity to attack Sasuke on Madara’s shoulder, but [Madara uses] a space-time ninjutsu to send Sasuke somewhere else.
[He] orders Karin to give [Sasuke] medical treatment and sends her away too

From here, the conversation starts:
Gaara: “Why did you make Sasuke come here!?”
Madara: “I sent him here because it’s very valuable [to me] that he activate his eyes all the way up to Susanoo. I also planned for him to bring you Five Kage down and imprison you, but it seems that was hopeless yet.”
Here ends the conversation about Sasuke
“My goal is to rule the world. I’ve wished this for a long time.”
Tsuchikage: “In your case, you should be able to do that by yourself, right?”
Madara: “My body was too gravely injured in the fight against the First, Hashirama. I don’t have such power left.”
Someone: “Why are you collecting the Tailed Beasts?”
To the story about the Eye of the Moon Plan:
The origin of the current Tailed Beasts is that they are born from a single Ten-Tails. Temari or Kankurou: “Shouldn’t there be only nine Tailed Beasts?”
Madara: “Long ago, the Sage of the Six Paths saved the world from the Ten-Tails, but because the beast’s power was so great, the Sage put the demonic power inside his own body, making himself a jinchuuriki. Then, he created the Moon and sealed the Ten-Tails’ body there. (the story was much longer, but I can’t remember the rest ><) Then, as his own death approached, he divided the power into nine pieces..."
I'm sorry, but I'm telling it extremely simplified
Madara: "[My goal is to] revive the Ten-Tails and become its jinchuuriki, project an infinite Tsukuyomi on the Moon, and so rule all of mankind, thus I will create a world without strife."
Mizukage: "This world has no place for such a dream or hope"
Madara: "Right now, it's neither hope nor anything. Hurry up and hand over the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails."

To be continued
That's the entire long spoiler

here is another part by Nja that was not posted here but was translated by Shounensuki:

Raikage: "The Eight-Tails!? Bee is still alive?"
Madara: "The capture of the Eight-Tails was a failure. Despite being your younger brother, he is a truly splendid shinobi."
Raikage: "What the hell! I'll bet he took this opportunity to go play somewhere else!! When he comes back, I'll Iron Claw¹ him!!!"
C, Darui: "Something like that was probably what he was thinking about..."

Gaara: "I won't hand over Uzumaki Naruto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tsuchikage: "Raikage, what about you?" "Of course I won't hand him over!!!!!"
Madara: "Are you okay with a breakdown? If it comes down to war, I don't think you guys will have a great chance of success against the Tailed Beasts"

Gaara: "I won't throw away my dream!!"

Madara: "All right then, I hereby declare the Fourth Great Ninja World War!!"

The end

write Earth, but perhaps it might have been the shinobi villages ><
I didn't look at it to that extent. It might be a popularity contest or a present.

After Sakura and co, a broken down Naruto appears
Although I remember [him] saying "Revenge is Sasuke's shinobi way!"...
[He] says something like "As I thought, have no chocie but to meet [you] in person and talk to you [directly]"

With Madara being such an extremely talkative person, I couldn't get everything in my head
It's rather difficult translating these answers without the questions ><
Source: ohana @ 2ch
Verification: confirmed
Translation: on3word <--- zu empfehlender Spoiler

My foolish youngerbrother bought it.

The front cover of the Jump issue is of Naruto eating Ichiraku Ramen.

In color to celebrate October 10 as Naruto’s birthday and the series’ 10th anniversary.

Sai: After we enter the Iron Country, please…search for Naruto, Kiba

Kiba: Understood!

Sakura is quiet/faithful.

Kiba: Ha…

Lee: What’s going on?
Kiba: Ino just cried back there, yet Sakura and her resolve…I don’t know if she’s going to cut it off with Naruto but, the mood has definitely become awkward.

Lee: …Sakura must be thinking about a lot of things I can imagine.

Kiba: However with 4 people as 1 team…to me, this is supposed to be a basic search mission, however, in secret, these are Sai’s orders…leave it to my nose to track Root.

Color cover featuring Madara, Kimimaro, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Haku, Zabuza, Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Sai.

On the Cover

Blades clashing everyday, guide the Shinobi’s deeds. And also welcome a new age.

Naruto’s thoughts are now…

Innkeeper: What the hell did you guys do here! It’s because of this SHinobi are…!

Yamato: So…sorry I will make sure to fix it…

The snow falling, Naruto is on the roof. Kakashi watches him.

Naruto recalls Madara’s words.

Madara: Sasuke is burdened with all the hate of the Uchiha…he intends to strike the world with this hate. Sasuke himself has chosen this.

Naruto: There’s nothing left to do but to directly confront Sasuke.

There’s a picture of white Zetsu’s head from an opening in a hole.

Raikage: It’s as Shii has seen, the Hokage seems to have run for it!

Tsuchikage: Yeah, it’s Sasuke’s fault.

Madara: !

The Raikage punches Madara.

Raikage: !!?

The punch connected but Madara’s mask vanishes like a whirpool with Sasuke getting sucked in with it.

Raikage: Akatsuki’s plan…there’s no way I’ll understand/approve!

Karin is surprised to see them disappear and thinks (!! Sasuke…!!)

Raikage: Return Sasuke!

Madara: Then listen first to what I have to say.

Tsuchikage: Calm down a little Raikage, let’s just listen.

Raikage: Chi…

Madara goes to Karin’s side. Madara: Restore Sasuke…

Karin gets sucked in.

Kankuro: This is Madara’s ability huh…

Temari: Space/time ninjutsu huh.

Karin (!?)

Karin is in some space/time secluded room with Sasuke. Kind of like where the white Ichigo from Bleach comes out. The room is lined by and made up of boxes. That’s how it looks.

Karin: …this place is?

Madara: Now…It seems like you guys are ready to pay attention…Gentlemen.

Gaara: Why did have Sasuke do this?

Madara: I wanted to awaken his Sharingan’s “Susano’o”… I need to stock up on good eyes. His fight with the 5 Kages and sending him here was like my way of training a pupil. I had thought he could weaken the 5 Kages for me to take hostage but it seems that was overdoing it.

Mizukage: Hostage?…What could you possibly want from that!?

Madara: Like I said, it’s to securely carry on my Eye of the Moon plan.

Tsuchi kage: For real? It’s surprising that Uchiha Madara is still alive but, why then if you’re him? Why such a roundabout way of doing things? With your power you should be able to do as you wish.

Madara: My fight with the Shodaime Hokage left me deeply wounded…

Shii: You…So is this plan to restore yourself to the way you were…?

Madara: Yes…you could say that…but not just that.

Mifune: What are you scheming!? What then is this Eye of the Moon plan!?

Madara: I want to take my time talking about this…so please sit down.

Madara sits. (Haha)

Kankuro: What kind of plan are you going to share with us?

Madara raises his index finger

Gaara: ?

Madara: I will become one with everything! I will unify all and obtain the perfect body.

Everyone: …!?

Tsuchikage: Become one…? Unify all…? What is this!?

Madara: There’s a stone monument that has been passed down for generations to the Uchiha. Even now, close to Konoha, the Rikudo Sennin once wrote about a secret there. Unless you have you pupil, you will be unable to read and decipher the Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan as well as increasing it’s contents.

Tsuchikage: This story has become like a fable, with the Rikudo Sennin and all…

Madara: This is the truth, he lived. And he left that stone monument.

Raikage: This talk is straying! How does the Rikudo Sennin related to your plan!?

Everyone: ?

It’s long from here. Continuing.

Madara: How did this legend among shinobi, become revered like a god. Do you know?

Mizukage: …Uchiha Madara…you, an Akatsuki weilding the Mangekyou Sharingan, and a companion with the Rinnegan…you must also know of its entirety right.

Tsuchikage: Lets listen.

Madara: He once created this world, from that monster…

Gaara: Monster…?

Madara: Gaara…a part of that monster was sealed in you. It is the the aggregation of all the biju. The being possessing the greatest chakra, the Jyubi (ten tails).

There’s a picture of the Jyubi but it only has 1 eye.

It’s eye has the Mangekyou Sharingan.

The figure/shape is similar to the Kyubi.

Gaara: !?

Temari: Aren’t there only 9 biju!?

Madara: I said didn’t I?…It’s a culmination of all the biju. From the Ichibi to the Kyubi, the Jyubi’s chakra was dispersed by the Rikudo Sennin.

Kankuro: This story has gone bad…so Akatsuki has been collecting the biju for…

Madara: The Rikudo Sennin protected the world from the Jyubi, and a ninjutsu was developed to to so. The mystery of that ninjutsu has been passed on even today, the system to seal Jinchuriki. That’s right, the Rikudo Sennin was the Jinchuriki of the Jyubi. In order to suppress the Jyubi, he sealed it into his own body. The Rikudo Sennin save the world from the Jyubi inflicting pain on the people as was praised like a god. But if he died, the seal would break and would release the Jyubi back into the world. Fearful of that, he used the greatest power and split the Jyubi into 9 parts. They were split and separated across the land. And to make the Jyubi’s power unobtainable, he flew into the sky and created the moon.

Darui: This story is too huge…can a human really do this?
Madara: By becoming the Jinchuriki of the Jyubi, the Rikudo Sennin, has already moved beyond us as a peer.
Mifune: You…those 9 separate chakras…I understand you intend to collect the biju to obtain this inhuman power but, what do you intend to do with this power?

Madara: Revive the Jyubi! And then as the Jyubi’s Jinchuriki, I’ll use this power to make my eye stronger, and to activate a jutsu.
Tsuchikage: A jutsu!? What are you talking about!? What is it you intend to do!?

Madara: I will project the greatest genjutsu on the moon, Mugen Tsukiyomi (Infinite Tsukiyomi)…All people living on this planet will be put in my genjutsu! I will control everyone with this genjutsu and unify this world.

Everyone: !!!

Madara: A world without ill feeling or strife. Everything will become one with me. Unify all. This is my Eye of the Moon plan.

Raikage: Stop messing around!! I won’t hand over the world to someone like you!!

Gaara: Decieved by a peace only in illusion. There’s meaning to (our) actions in the real world.
Tsuchikage: Unify the world huh…It’s true Danzo said the same thing however, you say you want to make the world one, but all I hear is you wanting the world for yourself.

Madara: Kukuku…I see, Do you see what you 5 Kage are doing and saying? You al must certainly understand…that there is no hope! Hope is like giving up…it’s just a word to cover up reality. Hand over the remaining Hachibi and Kyubi. If you don’t cooperate, this will mean war.

Gaara: War…?

Raikage: Hachibi…? ….What do you mean? Don’t you guys…!

Madara: The capture of the Hachibi was a failure and he escaped….As a Jinchuriki, he’s a perfect shinobi…despite being your younger brother.

Raikage is pissed…his facial expression is funny (to Ohana)

Darui: Ah…as thought…for him to do something like that…

Shii: Ha..

Raikage: That idiot!! To leave the village and go play!!!!

Gaara: I won’t hand over Uzumaki Naruto.

Mizukage: I won’t either!

Tsuchikage: And you Raikage?

Raikage: Of course I won’t hand over my younger brother!

Madara: I don’t have any power but…until now I have collected biju and none of you have any chance of winning.

GaaraL I won’t abandon hope.

Madara: Fine… I proclaim a declaration of the 4th Great Ninja War from here on out.

At last, a world war begins!

End !!

Source: NF
Credit: kazekunai, Nja
Verification: Ongoing

The coloured cover is 2 pages wide and features Haku, Zabuza, and all of the
Akatsuki members that have been killed.
Sakura Scene:
Sakura, Lee and Kiba are preparing to leave for the Land of Iron, sakura has a
sad expression.
Conference Room:
The Raikage shouts something at Madara, then charges with a lightning fist,
aiming at Sasuke. Madara uses his space/time jutsu to make Sasuke disapear. He
tells Karin to tend to Sasuke’s injuries, and sends to Sasuke.
Gaara: Why did you send Sasuke here?
Madara: I needed Sasuke’s eyes to develop the Susano’o technique, I thought
maybe he would have been able to capture you 5 kages aswell, but that part
seems to have failed…
Madara: Enough about Sasuke, let’s discuss my intentions. I aim to be in
control of the Ninja world, it’s been my goal for a long time.
Tsuchikage: If your as strong as they say, then you should be able to do that
by yourself, so why do you need the tailed-beasts?
Madara: During the fight against The first Hokage, Hashirama, my body was
gravely injured, I no longer wield the power to do it by myself.
Gaara(?): But there are 9 tailed beasts, and 1 of you, so how will they help
if a Jinchuuriki can only contain one beast within him?
Madara: Aha, for that, you need to know the origin of the tailed beasts!
Everyone: ?
Madara: Long ago, when the Sage of Six paths was still alive, a ferocious
beast terrorized the people of the clans, the beast was called the Juubi,
after it’s 10 tails, it’s this 10-tailed beast that all the current Bijuu were
born from.
Kankurou: But…
Temari: …there is only 9 tailed beasts! A tenth tail would be impossibly
Madara: That is exactly why the Sage of 6 paths used his ninjutsu to seal the
beasts powers into his own body. Making himself the first Jinchuuriki.
However, the beast was so powerful that the Sage couldn’t handle it, and so he
created the moon, and locked the beast within. But because the beast had been
within him for too long, it had reduced his life-span. Years later, as he lay on his
deathbed, he used the last of his power to split the 10 tails (which would be
released from the moon if he died) into 10 seperate beasts. But, if I use the
other 9 tailed beats, I can free the last beast from the moon, and resurrect
the 10 tailed beast, and become it’s Jinchuuriki, and use it’s power to use an
infinite Tsukuyomi and take control over the Ninja world! Only then will true
peace be achieved!
Mizukage: What a sick man you are to believe that this world has a place for
such an ambition!
Madara: It’ll stay an ambition if I don’t get the rest of those bijuu.
Now then, where are you hiding the 8 tails and the 9 tails!!!
Raikage: What!? So you haven’t captured Bee?
Madara: Yes, Sasuke failed to capture the Eight-Tails.
Raikage: Argh! That bastard! I bet he’s using this as an excuse to go and have
fun somewhere else! When he comes back I’m going to use an Iron claw technique
on him!
Darui: Well thats probably the reason why he didn’t come back then…
Gaara: You are wrong if you think I will let you take Uzumaki Naruto!
Tsuchikage: Raikage, what about Bee?
Raikage: Of course I won’t give him to you!
Madara: Well, if you want a war then thats fine, but can you succede against 7
Gaara: I don’t care how many Bijuu you have, I won’t let you throw away his*
Madara: Then I declare the 4th great Ninja War! (Sharingan shows through the hole)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Tötet User
Na endlich mal ein Typ der auch bei Naruto die Welt beherrschen will,das gabs noch nicht xD
Naja was soll man dazu noch sagen außer,dass Madara einfach nur krass ist? :D


Tötet User
habt ihr was anderes von einem Mainstream Shounen Manga erwartet?
Ich hatte mir schlimmeres vorgestellt xD
Naja das mit den 10-Tails war wirklich kacke :D
Aber deswegen muss man hier doch nicht den Thread dafür Schuld machen,oder? ;P
PS: Ich finde den Naruto Manga dennoch interessant und werde ihn mir bis zum Schluss durchlesen/ Anime anschauen ;)


Best in the World
Otaku Veteran
haha der Tobi erklärt allen den Krieg er leidet wirklich an Größenwahn. Das er die Biju benutz um sich selber zu pimpen ist jetzt keine Überaschung aber die ganze Welt mit Hilfe eines genjutsu zu behersschen das ist überraschend.


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Omg.... Madara will die Bijus vereinen um den 10Tail herauf zu beschwören? Na Super... wir können also davon ausgehen dass das 100% geschehen wird. Also wird Naruto seinen Kyuubi verlieren... Och nö.. Ich hätte einfach was besseres erwartet als das jetzt... und dieses scheiss Sharingan scheint die Atombombe unter den ganzen kekegenkais zu sein. :X


Sollte Naruto wirklich seinen Bijuu verlieren stirbt er. Naja wir haben ja ne Sakura die sich mit dem Wiederbelebungsjutzu opfern kann.