the "right" language


here's my try :
i can talk in three ways of language : business english (including slang and *bad words*=
l'allemands est ma langue maternelle *g* ...
german is my lang. cause i'm german ....
and : je peut aussi parler le français de commerce ...
ah oui, c'est trés bon. et vous? ... *g*
vous pouvez aussi le français ...
essayez! cette langue n'est pas dificile ...
c'mon this ... was my thread to the part of languagez ...

CU in Hell
Mes salutations disingués, je vous prié madames, messieurs ... yours sincerely



to say it in one word:



it´s my mother´s tongue. The language, I can express most of all I wanna say.
And IMHO it becomes kind of messy with all these english phrases in it.

btw English comes 2nd...

chris [the lovely]


A german King wantet to know waht Language is the NATURAL of the Humans....
So he has taken some newborn kids and let them grow up without saying a worth to them. In the hope taht this kids will speak the human Natural language .... but the kid´s died with 2 or 3 Years.

They died because they dont get enav love.


my favorite languages are:
1. german (coz i can express on german very well)
2. english (i like english because everyone speaks it)
3. russian (im speaking proper russian than english but i still prefer english)

@thtb: mir is aufgefallen dass wir uns am selben tag im forum angemeldet haben ^^


Original von Cubez
my favorite languages are:
1. german (coz i can express on german very well)
2. english (i like english because everyone speaks it)
3. russian (im speaking proper russian than english but i still prefer english)

@thtb: mir is aufgefallen dass wir uns am selben tag im forum angemeldet haben ^^
^^ wie geil aber ich war fleißiger hehe (nich übel nehmen) :lachen:

1. Deutsch
2. Kretanisch ^^ (natürlich Griechisch)
3. English

Eigentlich mochte ich einglish als 2te aber nach einem 1- wöchigen ausflug nach England sind die bei mir unten durch.


1. Russian (hard to learn easy to speak)
2. German (same here :D)
3. English (Easy to learn easy to speak ;) )
4. French (hard to lern hard to speak)
5. Latin (hard to lern impossible to speak)

I dont speak any other languages ;)


favorite languages... hmmmmm....

1. Japanese ( i am still learning an will never stop to learn, since there are too man kanji)
2. english (because its easy to speak and my favorite punkbands are from there^^)
3. german (my mothers tongue language, enough aid, huh :P)
4. latin (and i CAN speak it, but after that my tongue needs to be glued... latin breaks your tongue O.o)
Latin is a language,
as dead as dead can be
it killed all the romans
and know its killing me.
5. french (the last language i'm able to speak well... not really good, and not really bad -.-")

so in fact:
japanese is really very hard to learn and you need much enduration-ower to speak it properly, but in the end you will be impressed by how logicaly is build up (except for the writing)


Otaku Veteran
some of the above and:

chinese(mandarin) (pretty hard to learn - but easier than japanese, i think, but it's really fun to speak and easy, too)

-->two "but"s - speaking english isnt that easy... :]


German is of course one of my favorite Languages... okay... it's my native L. but... please dunt speak to me with that crappy "nu german", which is often spoke at german schools...
Everytime I see smb. who is speaking like "Yo Man, 'Ya old Nigga is checking... blablabla" I'm mentaly smashing his dumb face into the next wall ('-_-)
Okay, back to Topic... English... err... I think it have to be spoken oft, 'cause everybody is speaking it in quite every country... and with a bit practise, it's not really a Problem...
my third language i can... better said... i wish to can speak, 'cause i got big Problems in School with, is Latin... i hate it... it's just ruining my certification at School... Okay... grammer is quite no Problem, but the Vokabulary... every word has up to 40 forms in each grammar-form... ca. every third is an unusual word... and those are my problems xD

Yeah... i'm speaking a lot of crap, which is interesting nobody, but... argh... forget it... xD
mhm my favourite languages

1. Japanese (I think it sounds the best)
2. English (well even English sounds better than German, I'm always happy to write or speak in English, so i can practice a little)
3.Latin (Well I don't ask me y. I like it!)
4.German (Most easy to speak [for me], but it sounds sooooooo bad but)

Now it's like that, I'm german but i don't like the german language.
But there are a few advantages in the german language
- The germabn language contains more words an phrases for swearing than any other language
- In german there is more "common speech", in English f.e. there is not that much common speech

well that's it ^^


Hmmm easy to explain my opinion on languages ^^

1.Latin: Very complexe grammar and sentence buildings.But very easy to speak and it also has the something <3

2.German:My own language,very difficult to learn and speak also for a german guy

3.English:I don't like it very much,but its the number one spoken language,so i have to learn it ^^

4.France:I can't speak it now,but im going to start to learn it next year.It seems like a complexe language as german or latin but it should be an easy exercise to learn it :3