What makes a HENTAI GAME?


If you are like me you search and search for that perfect Hentai Game out there, you are willing to spend cash to find that one game you can play over and over again, and yet all to often so many things are called a "GAME" only for you to find it is just another short scene movie flash or another long winded Japanesse pick a path story. Would you like to find an actual GAME once in a while??? So let us hear some views on what we would call an actual real GAME that we are searching for, is it a shooter, an rpg, or something entirely different, for my money's worth a GAME is something that often doesn't have a limit to the scenes but may or may not have a definite ending, a GAME may have a limit to the choices but it gives you more than a yes or no type option every 20 to 50 pages of dialogue (Hey some of those stories are cute, and I have enjoyed a few of them but to me they just are NOT a GAME) Let us hear some thoughts on the matter, should we lump all this stuff as games, should we be a little better in ;isting the category, should we describe what we call or refer to as a game, give me something to work with folks and I hope this gets some brain clusters firing..........


I've dome this many times

I would realy like to play my dream game, a game I wish I could make myself.
I have written pages and pages of IF/THEN code many years ago. My goal was to make a multi-player single game. It would be a dating game like "To Heart" but you would be in competition with your classmates. It would be stat-driven like "True Love" with a cast of 14-14 and each NPC would evolve and maybe even change tastes. You would pick one of the 28 classmates and live your school year. Your goal is to have a lover by the end of the year.

I wrote dialog on and off, but stopped when I found I had written many pages all for only two characters.

For existing games, I don't mind shooting or fighting or menu choices, as long as it keeps me interested somehow. :huh:
I like "Gals Pani X" because it plays differently than many other shooting games. (But I want to try "BALDR FORCE EXE") "VG Max" and "Metal/Lace2" had lots of combos and were fun to play. "True Love" had plenty of secrets to find. Even flash-menu games have their own quirks. It is difficult to pick a general genre. Is there a hentai MMORPG yet?


not a big fan of the hentai games...there aren't made good enought
"the witcher" was a great game with some hentai cards^^


well an english version of School Days would be nice. afaik it still only japanese so it's running with a translation program but that isn't really a solution.


The best Game I ever play was "Yume Miru Kusuri". There wasn`t many Girls, but all the Girls had her own Storyline and they are very emotional. I love this game:noooo:
First off, none of that eyes rolling back with tongue sticking out shit. Just no. Secondly, no scat. It must have some decent proportions, nothing over the top. Facial expressions are good too. Lastly, good feet. I can't stand some of those animu feets that look like they were half chicken and birthed by a cripple.


For some reason, i prefer 2D h games to 3d ones. Nocturnal Illusion was my first ever h game, dont remember how i got it but it's really good :D


Otaku Veteran
The story is important for me in hentai games. A dramatic story takes you more into the game than just some nude chicks fucking around all the time. Different decisions changing the path of the story or even the ending are fine, too. But it gets kind of a pain in the ass, when you want a special event to happen and just can´t find the action which triggers it.

So called digital novels can be fine, but for me they are a waste of time. I liked "playing" Legend of Faries, but when you´re done with it, there´s no replay value. Such games are often very short, too.

Hard to say, how long a perfect hentai game should be. There was one called "Kango Shicyauzo" or so and it went on and on like forever. I really felt tired after some hours.
Interactivity is the keyword.
I don't like to click to all the text like in so many games out there.
The best is, if you can walk around in between the novelphases and choose what you want to do and how you progress in the story. If Artificial girl had a story and would be deeper gameplay it would be near perfect