What makes a HENTAI GAME?


Don't eat the help! ツ
Otaku Veteran
A really good hentai game should set the focus on game content.
It shouldn't be just a "hentai" game but even so a game.
The hentai part should take the next role otherwise it's just senseless imo.


Would you like to find an actual GAME once in a while??? So let us hear some views on what we would call an actual real GAME that we are searching for
Every Alicesoft (all rance games, especially after the 4th) or Eushully games (kamidori, Soukoku no arterial,madou koukaku) then.

True, others are not "games", but Visuals novels with erotic content, nothing more, nothing less.


In my earlier days learning about hentai, i could find enjoyment in VN's with wall of text and CG.
But now days, i hardly find enjoying those anymore and hardly finished it.

But now we have a lot of alternative of wall of text and CG type game, such as Bunny Black series, Rance Series, Eushully series, Alicesoft series which i enjoyed the most.
Hopefully more and more those type games will be localized in english.


usually i get bored with visual novels, with more text than cg, unless the story catches my eye (good ending of deardrops, love it ^^)
so i prefer H-games wich are actual games, with H-toppings, i dont care how silly the game is, as long as the cg is good, and the game is entertaining
Well good hentai games should have good visual and voice which really make you hard, and the story too of course.
But still the voice and cries of the girl must be really charming for a good game.


Visual novels can be good, but they're just not all that exciting. Games like Sexy Beach and the other Illusion games are pretty fun, but I wish they had better stories.


For me, what makes a hentai game a HENTAI GAME!! and not a cheap money grab or shitty nukige is one that leaves you with feels. Something that would want you to cry "Man Tears". How is this different from one of those non-hentai visual novels...well there isn't much difference, but the best visual novels are EROGE and I hate any kind of censorship. In regards to OP's choice in options. I prefer little at most, I hate having that inkling of a feeling that you should have made a different choice. However, I prefer multiple routes over a single kinetic route anytime.