[Frage] What the heck are you doing in a german hentai forum?

Akira Akarui

Hi CrisGer,
Many thanks for the examples of your work :)
Maybe it would make sense that you create your own thread for this as here it is more about the reason why being in a German hentai forum.
I would like to talk more about you and your work :)

Just in short: The first example looks like a photo, it is very moody (do you say so in English?) The third one looks Japanese with a bonsai and maybe a tea ceremony? But it's a pity that the pictures are so small and therefore the details cannot be easily recognized :(

More in the separate thread you hopefully will open :)


OK i will soon. Yes first one is a painting the others are digital. I will start something when i can. will also add a few examples of my work on anime series and manga.


The posts here are nutrient and well organised those are the reason I'm here, and it happened to be a German forum


well... there aren't much of good hentai forums, even in english nowadays, so googled it and it pointed here...


I'm German, too. But I asked already myself the question: "What the heck are you doing in a german hentai forum".
To the beginning it was the same then all... I looked for an Anime and only this forums offered the last available chance to get it.

Then slowly I begun to read and follow the topics here, but wasn't really interested to join into the discussions.
I think at the beginning it was a little bite shameless for my taste. (because I was more shy then)

But years past and to get one specific Anime forced myself to join into more discussions.
Quickly it getting more and more fun to write and there we are now.+

With a little bit patience and attention, WoH offers really interesting topics to discuss and often allow to think about things you probably never thought about.


I have found that this site has a lot of german dubbed and subbed animes to download. So It's really good chance to practice german with these anime.


after a couple of years off, it was time to check back on this site
happy that it's still there (on the Internet)


I was browising internet and was very bored. One thing let to another and here I am. I can speak English and French, but not German. I should learn it somethime