Your favorite Anime and Manga?(^o^)


My fav has to be Hokuto no Ken. It may be older than my grandma's grandma, but the Fist of the North Star is made of pure win


Private Eye
Otaku Veteran
Definitly Comic Party (ComiPa), because it was the first Anime I realized and imo the funniest Manga I've ever read :3


Full metal alchemist.
Perfect story and a beautiful ending of the first serie.

I like also:
Bleach (both a pity for that much fillers though i like those too)
and the newly 07-ghost.

I can't and don't read much manga. I read too much for my study.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I like Hellsing too, OVA and the normal Series, but I have not the Manga, the only
Non Hentai-Manga I ever read was Inuyasha and it was pretty good.


My favourite manga which I somehow ama little bit ashamed of is and will probably ever be OnePiece. Each weaks release is a new highlight for me, it can make me laughe, cry (lol not rly ^^) or just feel and experience the feeling of pure awesomeness that Oda creates. Also OnePiece doesn't tend to get boring even after it's 500 chapers I still can't wait for the next release.

My favourite anime on the other hand is "Mushishi" when I first red about that Anime I thought it'd be lame, boring and crazy but I'm quite the curious one so I still watched the first episode and in but a few minutes the Anime had me faszinated and trapped in it's amazing world. I could never get enoughe of it and still now when I want to have a calm evening I cook something for myself and then watch Mushishi.


My favorites are Bleach and One Piece! :twinkle:
I watch it on japanese Online TV.
Bleach every tuesday
One Piece every sunday :hahaha: