How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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ghost of freedom
Otaku Veteran
It isn't bad at all. I can watch Movies or read books/mangas ^^. English isn't very difficult, it's easy to learn. Perfection is hard, as always (I hope you understand what I mean xD).

I can say.. my English is better then my French (it's worse^^)... xD
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i'd say my english is quite good, since i pretty much watch all the tv series in english and been to new zealand for 6 months.


English is my native language.

I find it very interesting when English words slip in to other languages mostly unaltered and I typically enjoy when they speak English in Anime (not dubbed, but pieces of English alongside the Japanese). Having learned a small bit of German when I was attended college, I appreciate the difficulties in pronunciation and applying definitions across languages. It's humorous when there are obvious mistakes, but I smile more about the fact they're making the effort rather than snickering at them for mistakes.

I spent some of my time in school working for the school newspaper, so I have a certain love for language. I hope to learn more languages in the future, especially knowing that it's somewhat common for many Europeans to know three or four languages.


I'm learning it by reading english forums and watching movies in english. So, my english isterrible, at best to say about it. (hope, I got the spelling right)
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Its not hard to understand english, but it can be a hard challenge to write/speak proper english.

I think im not that good in english (fuck, i dont even know, if this is the right expression), but i try to improve my skills by frequenting different english forums and imageboards.


I speak and write English well. I even have family in America, although not born but who have emigrated from Germany to America.


My english is okay. I have trouble with my pronounciation and I sometimes forget vocabulary, I rarely use. But I have no problems when it comes to reading and understanding.


赤いオンドリ - 僕はオタクです!
Perhaps that´s the sense of a board like this ->

Germans try to use their learned english abilities and to get some improvement regarding the language,

foreigners perhaps try to understand some German and to make some improvement too.

But please believe me, learning English normally is much more easy than learning the German language, not only that some genders like sun and moon just are opposite in both languages...

Nevertheless there are enough people present here knowing both languages and able to translate into both directions if necessary.

In case there are problems with some terms or phrases -> just ask for help / assistance.
You know my English is f*cking horrible.
However, I'm not afraid to write and speak in English - Even I make mistakes.
I have no problems to switch from German to English and vice versa (Yeah, for speaking and writing).
I chat every week in English. So my English becomes quite good.
For improving my English, I watch movies in English without subtitle.
I know my English is quite good, but never good enough.