How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer
Well if you compare my english grades with my german grades I am actually better with english than I am with german. Though I have to admit that I fluked because of those two subjects once. After I started watching anime with english dub and sub I got better (and stoped learning english for school). Now I understand english pretty well talking takes a bit longer than german but well english isn't my native language after all.


Well i speak english ok^^ i hate grammer and i have not enough practise to speak it very well... but i understand most animes and that is the only thing i needed english in the moment for... but i want to speak better so i´ll go to england 1 year or so we´ll see :D


My english is somewhat decent. Even people that normally speak english, sometimes can't speak it very well either! But I can hold my own.


hmpf, my eng is good enough to talk about the weather :P....but it's not enough to explain a path :D....

nja i fogot the most words because i havn't spoke enough..(srry für rechtschreibfehler :D)


hmmm, explain the path - I just remember that time, i worked in England for 2 months in an amusement park XD. So this a question I often heard. And let me say it: the best way to answer it is: "*show somewhere with your finger* This way!" ^^. And nowadays it's maybe better you can speak polish or russian, 'cause most workers there were easteuropeans XD.

After this "experience" I started watsching Anime - first with german subtitels/dub, short time after with english one(only sub XD, english dub is mostly worse than german - and that isn't so hard!). And maybe 2 months ago, I started subbing anime for my non-english-speaking community =). So becomes my best friend XD.

I have still problems with conversations, but this isn't the using of a non-mother tongue - it is my own problem to talk with people. I hate small talk - if I really have sth. to say it - I say it.

I reached my aim, if you can understand me - if you count my mistakes and mark them, you have definitly too much spare time ^^


myenglish is good and bad,
reading is very good i have nearly problem to understand written,
writing is a little different cuz u know it perhaps on our own sometimes u dont know the exactl word for the thing u want to say in english but when u read it u know in immediately in german....
hearing is average i would say,when they talk to fast, have a strange dialect, akcent (is this right this word for german Akzent ?) or unclear speech its difficult to understand,
and speaking englisch is it the same like in writing plus i dont often speak englisch so teh problem that i aren´t used to speak enlish but i think that i can comunicate with less problem in english, can´t i ?


Actually, my english is quite good, after studying for several years.
Too bad that after a long time without practice, now I feel kinda rusty,
especially when it comes to conversation. But for reading or writing:
no problem! (or "No hay problema" as we say in my country:hahaha:).

Funky Dude

My english is enough to do everyday stuff :)

I dunno if an American would understand me thaaaaat good, but i think, we'd somehow get along.

( i got used to wrong grammar and slang so sry plzzz : ( )


Stamm User
English is like my native language ^^" I grew up with english and german, but my parents are both german. When I was a child I wanted to learn how to read. I had a book with pictures of dogs, cats and such things.. everything was written in german, english and french "ein Hund - a dog - un chien (?)" (well.. I'm not sure if the last one is right... I don't really care about french ^^") and guess what! At the school (german lessons), I couldn't read until I was 7 years old, but my english was perfect o.O"" kinda strange, isn't it?


Kokutou no Kyou-Ou
Hmm,What can I say? I know,my English is very very good,but I do sometimes an mistake. I live in Germany,but my friends and my family said,that I should go to England,because I should go study. I think English is better to speak as to wright. The vocabulary in England is very difficult,but if you speak this language,its something easier. So I can say:"The german language is an difficult language and the english language is an easy language."