How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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englisch zu verstehn ist kein problem nur mitm sprechen hab ich probleme :XD:

"I only did this....Ugggh"
"That doesn't mean a person Is dead"


am coolsten fand ich ja den Spruch, den Stefan Raab mal in einer seiner Sendungen abgespielt hat:

"Then can come, what want!"

Für diejenigen, die etwas besser in Englisch sind:

"Da kann kommen was will!"


I can read English without any problems. Writing is also very fluent. Well, but talking... I haven't got a good pronounciation, but I think one can understand it. (I hope^^)

So Long


The End.
Otaku Veteran
i can speak english well but i do not understand some words. but i guess the meaning often if its in a sentece.


Playing on international servers of MMORPGs and Second Life, I am forced to write English all the time and since now others only recognized my roots are german, if and when I told them. Also the master part of my study at university will be up to 50% in english as I heard. But even if it would not be: For my kind of job I am interested in, I have to speak English fluently, have to understand customers, if they speak and cannot ask after every sentence "Can you repeat this please?". I think it is necessary to speak at least your own language perfectly and be able to speak English, perhaps another language. But I am very sad I succeded "Great Latin" and cannot use it for my further business ^^ (Or I have to find a job I can combine with Jura/Medicine/Theology).


My English is not bad but it is also not so good because i left school 3 Years ago^^
At this case I didnt had much english lessons but in the Kitchen i don´t need english because i don´t talk with the food or the other cooks in english xD

please rate this sentence @all english speaking people hier^^

Ok ich hoffe das ist für die englischen unter uns hier verständlich^^

Cat D. Kiara

I think, thats my english is ok. Have left school for over 15 years and so there's sometimes a big black hole in my head. Fortunaly I have a Dictionary on my table. To talk with british oder american people is very hard, because its to many slang.


Freedom Fighter
Otaku Veteran
well my english is good enough for a forum or on games, aber in der realität is es was anderes. lol...

Mr. KP

Oh , my english is not best , but still good enough to get good grades in school .Ok , I was 7 months in America and this wasn't everytime such easy like most people think . But in the end I just need a bit time to collect all lost words in my mind (especially before my ABITUR in 7 days *g*) to speak good english again . It's more than enough to read english game texts and to play english games , but could be more if I try to join a political discussion , especially if these people are all from english-speaking countries . Slang is not the biggest problem I got with this language , it's more the use of the correct time ^^' .


warum sprechen hier den alle englisch^^
naja meins ist nich so gut aber wenn ich english lese kann ich das meiste verstehen