How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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iam te pest enklisch freek

quatscht mich blos nicht von der seite mit english an.

English for insiders, wirkliche uebersetzung Englisch fuer reingefallene.

Wegen einer stimme ist englisch die hauptsprache und nicht deutsch.:sob::mauer:


Otaku Veteran
My english is pretty good, i guess... could be better, but i'm still improving, although i left school a year ago. Actually, i need english, how could i watch all of my favourite TV-Shows if i couldn't speak english... and how could i surf all of those websites with english language?
English is getting more and more necessary with the globalisation, and you definitely will have problems finding a good job with poor english skills.


I think my English is not really good..........
The biggest problem for me is the vocabulary
Man...i cant get it in my fucking head >_<
I forget to many words.......
However...for me it's very difficult to write and speake english...
...but i can read and understand it very well : p


Otaku Elite
Otaku Veteran
Well, I definitely do not speak as good as a native speaker, but it's quite alike.


Well, I think understanding is no real problem for me, but writing can be a real mess :hot:...I often make a lot of grammar mistake and maybe use some words in the wrong direction, but i think its quite enough to communicate with other people and I hope, that my english will improve by-and-by....

best regards Green-J


the Death Seraph
Otaku Veteran
My English is not good, therefore I let everything translate with an English translator. Up to now I come well clearly thereby if I talk with people in the whole world. ^^
I think that I speak and write english very well since I have to talk everyday with more then hundred people of different countrys.
I already think that I am better at english then my motherlanguage. :omgnooo:


I think that my english is good but not enought. I can speak englisch but i have many problems with the grammatik. After the summer holidays i have a test about grammatik:nonono:. I hate the englisch grammatik there are so many things you must know. Present Tense then Present Perfect Tense and so one:twirly:. But i think that englisch is a very important language. Because when you was in an other country many people can speak englisch and you can speak with them.


I'd say my english is rather average. Since I don't have to use it daily, my ability of speaking this language is decreasing ever since school. But since I'm watching many animes, of which the least have been translated to german, my understanding of common spoken or written english is acceptable. In case I'm not in a hurry, writing in english seems to be good enough, as well. Listening to a clear speech of someone may go alright, but listening to a fast rap song won't at all.

Oh, by the way. "Goodly", as it is used in the vote, is no regular adverb. If I'm not completely mistaken, it should be "well" instead. I did'nt read through the whole thread, so please forgive me, if somebody else already mentioned this. ^^


Stamm User
Well because of my affinity in america i can speak english quite good.
I only have problems with difficult grammar i guess...
I rather speak english insteed of write but i have conntections to my affinity in america and im forced to write english e-mails and chat english in icq with them because they don´t speak german^^...

I will learn more languages, i guess i will learn more japanese next, i only can unterstand a little japanese right now^^....

I learned english since basic primary school and i also have learned business english in business school.

Two things are very important now, knowledge about computers and about languages, i think you must speak english if you will obtain something in life^^...thats my belief.


my english isnt very well... ive got some problems with the grammer.. but im confidently that it will be better in some years. :twitching:


My English is not the best. I do not know vintages as at all it very well, speeches as well...


first off all my grammar isn´t very good but when it comes on to it, I can have a good and long conversation with one who´s native language is english. Ore someone who can talk it quit good. But like i sad when i have to wride it down ( Like here,(I don´t wanna know how much wridingmisstakes i have in this few lines) :sob: