How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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the one and only
Otaku Veteran
kanns zwar verstehen wenn ich es lese oder höre aber Gramatikalisch denk ich zuviel an den Deutschen Satzbau wenn ich was schreiben muss


i think my english is bad


I think my english is good but not enough for really good discussions or something.
I often warning..."Sorry for mistakes. My english is far by perfect, but I try my best."

I guess I write better than I speak cos I practice more my writings.
Another I'm really unsecure if I talk.


Einer Unterhaltung folgen geht noch, aber das sprechen oder schreiben ist nicht so mein Ding.
Möchte nur auf die unzähligen Zeitformen hinweisen. Das werde ich nie kapieren!!!


My English is not very perfekt but i understand fast alles xDD
Bloß beim schreiben hab ich dann any Problems xDD

PS: Hoffe war verständlich ;)


Well, actually I am happy with my English... surely it isn't the best and not on the niveau of a native speaker, but at least I can read Shakespeare and understand pretty much everything I hear.

I think, my English is very good.


I think my english is good but uhhm well it could be better.
It's good enough for watching a movie on english or to talk with some people on english,but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to read a whole book.

Ich denke mein Englisch ist gut aber uhmm nunja es könnte besser sein.
Es ist gut genug um einen Film auf Englisch anzugucken oder sich mit ein paar Leuten zu unterhalten,aber ich bin mir sicher dass ich nicht in der Lage wäre ein ganzes Buch auf Englisch zu lesen.


I thought that in this forum only english is allowed
Ye thought the same.
Well, though i learn many words(new words)in english, there are many words who i never heard before. There are many words who has the same meaning but wont be used for a certain sentence. But i think my english is much better then from a ordinary pupil.
I wont say that my english is perfect.
I'll stay honest and say that it's very good.

Grammar, structure and body-language doesn't seem to be a big problem to me.
Of course, there are some times in which I do some mistakes, or don't use the correct tense.

I think it is good enough to live a happy english life. But yeah, there is obvisiously no chance of being something like an english novelist or jobs with really high, in-depth english knowledge.

btw. English r0xx0rs se b1g 0n3 (: I like it more than german. Sounds pretty cooler and doesn't have such difficult grammar as our language.
The saying that german is one of the most difficult languages isn't for nothing (;


Well, I guess that my english isn´t perfect. But it´s not bad either. I would say that my english is good but it´s still far away from being perfect. So I have train this language because english is very important because it´s the most spoken language in the world.


i voted for very good

of course my english is not perfect at all.. :hahaha:
i think that there are still many words i don't know
but it's enough for school, chatting and understanding texts and things like that it's good enought :tralalalala:


Smiling Demon
Otaku Veteran
I can write and read it properly
but I have problems with speaking it because I need more practise ^^'


my english isnt as good as yours, but i get an a grade on my last testimonial.
i have no idea how i get it but. maybe because i watch anime with english subtitles^^

keep on trying^^