How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


I think my english is very good. I am in australia right now until june to improve my english. But my writing skils are very bad because i got legasthenie , ich denke schond as ich sehr gut englisch kann :)


My written English is pretty good. But I suck at pronounciation =(

Even my japanese pronounciation is better (heh... i dont really speak japanese xDDD)


Well my english is ok i think, not to good but not bad.
I need to learn more words and improve my language skills.
I learned english by play Computer games and of course at school. But in germany in the simply life i don´t need to use it but i hope can use it in my Job later to get further.
My native languages are Chinese and german. I think french is also a good language but difficult. I learn sometimes also a bit japanese.
I think languages was the best i was in school in


Well, I have to recognize that my English is not as good as I thought. *gg*
If you lean and use this language only at school communicating with English speaking people in life situations is still really hard.


well i think i speak english skills are super kick ass awesome!
but unfortunately that wasnt a option to vote for. :D

no seriously, i think im pretty good.
im also looking forward to do the first bec test, thats business english.
but i guess ill stay at the first bec level. ^^

i learnd most of my english by watching televison and later in school.
so i prefer to talk. :)

ou and, i didnt really knew engrish.- sounds cool, i like to talk wrong sometimes myself. ^^

ei laik it veri matsch, it meyks mi läff. :D


It is very weird for me to write on this page something in english.

If you are a little bit interested in my english experience then listen...

Two years ago I played on a GameBoy emulator a game called Meitantei Konan (Detective Conan), although the game was complete in japanese I did very well.
I solved almost all cases but one case I could not solve with my skills because there was a message written in japanese and afterwards I had to write a code down in japanese (hiraganara/katakana). You know, I cant speak japanese at all but I really wanted to finish the game so what should I do?
I checked the internet and found some pages where you can meet/mail penpals (kind of online friends). Well, I thought no problem in one or two weeks the case will be solved easily. But I was totally wrong. 95% of all japanese cant speak english well + I guess they can not even read japanese, too. As I asked them solve it for me, translate it or just tell me what I must write down, most of them say: sorry I dont know, I have no idea, sorry or somehting like that.
I felt very pissed off cuz nobody could help me. But I didnt give up. And about two years later finally a girl called Chiaki could send me a picture with the solution.

Well, and as I had the solution finally I didnt want to play the game again.
I know this story sounds maybe unbelieveable but here is the image.
For this little piece of nothing, I spent almost 2years of my life...
I remember the case was somehting about pyramids and their steps anyway,

If you dont trust me that japanese girls are little dangerous cats find it
I promise you'll have no fun with them..."catch" a korean girl by the way!


Actually I only speak English and a functional level of Spanish. It is actually fairly difficult for me to understand a whole thread here in German but I make do. Babelfish helps more than you'd think and knowing a few German words and also having to deal with Spanglish it becomes easier to read the stuff that comes out of Babelfish... Anyway that's about the extent of my comments.


my english is too bad , but i can nummbers

one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine, ten ...

no perfect but i can read some words


my english is more than terrible i understand some in english and 3 languages and 1 code but i speak only 1 language (german deutsch)


I often speak English,and I must say it`s beautiful ^^.
My mother comes from england,she can speaks very well.
I often spoke english in the school or in other countries.
But in germany I never speak english,it`s too boring,because nobody can speak english,when you see a person how can speak english it`s a miracle ^^.

I have a little problem with the grammar,but I want to be better ^^.

Its better when you lern English.
English is a very important language!
You can everywhere can speak english,because the people will understand you.
(Es ist besser wenn du Englisch lernst.
Englisch ist eine sehr wichtige Sprache!
Du kanns überall Englisch sprechen,denn die Leute werden dich verstehen.)
Du kannst überall Englisch sprechen,die Leute werden dich verstehen


wer schön wenn es so wär ist leider eine sehr deutsche ansicht und auf die weltgesehen hast du auch recht aber nicht ansatzweise überall und wichitg ?

wie kann man von einer sprache behaupten das sie wichitg ist ist eine sprache denn wichtiger als eine andere?

würd ja gerne in englisch schreiben aber ich sehe mich dazu nicht instande (ich lege wert darauf das man mich versteht)


naja mein englisch geht so^^
ich kann alles verstehn aber wenn ich selber was schrieben/sagen muss komm ich ins schwitzen:sob:
aber ich muss langsam mal richtig englisch beherrschen da ich in nem jahr für lange zeit nach australien geh:onegai: