How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


he who writes German in here has already answered the question...

Understanding texts and normal language is no problem, but writing and especially talking is really difficult for me because we never really talked in class in English, bad education I guess... so all in all I would say my English is... good. "I speak English very goodly" :D (i understand!)


OUCH ! When i read ur english i aint think ur english is "good" re - read ur first sentence and tell me again that ur english is good <.< i think my english is good but ofc it can be better .


I won't say I speak english well. At the time at school I totally failed in english.
But after playing some MMORPG's my english knowledge improved. ._O löl
I think my passive vocabulary is quite good, but active... well it's okay, but I need to practice
a little bit, which is not that easy, because I don't usually speak English... I just don't need
to xD


I can speak good english and i understand all the animes with english sub. It is also a good practice to look animes in english to talk better. You will understand all the terms automatically. ^^

I've choosen "good!".



Ich würd bekloppt werden ohne Englisch !

Am Anfang als ich inne Schule angefangen hab Englisch zu lernen dachte ich das ist voll dumm ... als ich dann irgendwann Final Fantasy IV auf der Playstation gespielt hab in Englisch ... woah ... da fings an <3

Und das Internet ist ja soviel größer und "besser" mit Englisch ^-^
Allein wie viel umfangreicher das englische Wikipedia ist xD
Da findet man ja echt ALLES xD

I <3 Englisch

Und ich denke es ist auch ne sehr schöne Sprache !!!

Ich bevorzuge auch englische Subs , auch wenns deutsche gibt !

Und Avatar the last Airbender zB hab ich auch original-dub gesehen ...viel besser als deutsche ...


South Park auch nur in englisch !!! (ist einfach ... besser ? xD)

PS. alles persönliche Meinung


I think my englisch is goog enougt too understand the most speakin and easear what is written. But speaking is not so easy for me.


My English is quite good I think. At least good enough to know that the adverb of "good" isn't "goodly" but "well" like in the poll :p I'm in some English forums, and I can really say that my English got a lot better since I registered there. School English hasn't very much to do with the spoken or written language^^