How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


I speak english very well, but es geht halt nicht so schnell.... ;) Nein, mal Spaß beiseite! Ich spreche Englisch sehr gut (fliessend), was am Konsum englischer Fernsehserien, Animes, englischer Fachliteratur auf Grund des Studiums und gelegentlichen Übersetzungen liegt.


English is not my mother tongue but it would seem that it's the only language I can speak now. It's kind of weird, one day my brain decided english would replace my mother tongue,


Well my English is okay, not perfect but also not bad.
So what up with this Topic?
I mean does it make any Sense to ask how good your English is?
I mean we can see if your English is good enough wenn u write...
I guess there isn't really that many other topics to talk in....
I mean, there's a grand total of 5 active English topics, so there isn't really much to discuss.
I would make a few more but all the topics I start are made of failure...


I actually doubt the result of the poll. Yes indeed...i doubt all your english skills. "Very good" want me to laugh? It was so easy so spot all the grammar mistakes.

Ist doch wahr...ihr Lügner! ^^
My english isn't as much as god as should be, but good enough to communicate with other people. In school I was really bad in this language but after that my interests in using english are rising and in this way I became better only by reading some (or better say much) english stuff in the www.

Graf Anis

I think my English is not that bad, at least when written ^^
Learning a language is never finished as language always changes. One problem is: if you do not use a language, you may not be able to really learn it or even forget what you learned.