How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


hmmm... i think i can use my english for the basic conversation but everything going further is going to be very different...


I would say that it is ok for myself. I use it pretty often aswell. Writing in game forums and at work of course. So I don't have problems with it.^^


think my english isn´t the worst. i´m able to understand most dialogs even in english movies, but i still make a lot of mistakes in writing. :(


well, my english is very good in speaking ability as well as in listening comprehention and writing.

an advice for all, who would like to improve their abilities concerning the english language:
you should get used to watch or listen to english new at least 5 times a week. By listening native speakers you get used to the typical pronounciation, sentence structure and vocabulary. By the time I started to improve my english i was quiet bad but know I can nearly speak fluently without any problems in understanding other people. I can very much advice that method.

Yes you can! Try it!"


My english is great.
15 years english in school, 4 years livin' in Belgium, playing only english games, reading quiet a lot in english and last but not least many trips to GB.


I hope that my English is good enough to success in future with it, especially because I'm having an advanced course at school and my career depends on it :D
Mei Inglisch is not wärry gud bat´s gud enaff for än konwersäischon. :D

just a joke i think it´s good enough 8)
hehe thats rly funny.. u are the best?!?!?!


hm i think my english is enough for playing diablo 2 .. there u only have to say "pp" or "bb" or "please trade" thats all... hehe

pp=party please
bb= bye bye
please trade = please shut up xD

english isnt rly hard lang. U can speak it in less then 2 month,,


I think it depends on the Situation.
I watch the TV shows: 24, LOST, Coupling, Superman, Stargate, Star Trek and Star Wars and everythink else i want to see FIRST in english.
The Translation to German is even in the good Shows like 24 and LOST mostly bad at all. Some Sentences are wrong translated or translated into somethink that is close but not the Point. If someone wants so make a specific point exacly and unmisstaken clear, than even a minor glitch can make this sentence not so important as it should be.
So for TV Shows my english is perfekt.
But when i speak english, sometimes i'm in the loss of words, because sometime it takes a while to bring them into my mind.


"My english is very goodly" --> FAIL :3

Even though I am not a native speaker (German) I speak it quite well. Of course I have it in school since 5 years and I play many video games in Englisch and watch Animes (and Hentais :D) with English subs.


Mai Inglisch is feri gud Ai swär it bai mai masas neim.xD
Quite good i think. My teachers never complained about it and i understand english conversations so it´s acceptable at least.
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