How good is your English?

How good is your English?

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englisch?Whats this? :lachen:
My englisch is not very good.I can not speak englisch.I speak German,but not englisch!


Seems like british english isn't that appreciated. :D My interest in more polite or older forms of english, which has been there ever since, has grown over the past months. That interest somehow experienced a new boost after I've seen the the trials for the newest Harry Potter movie only. The way some of the voice actors talked like was kinda inspiring.
There's also been a time when I experienced major interest in middle english. However, it didn't last for long, amongst other reasons also for the lack of too well conserved examples of how one would speak that ancient form of english (since pronounciation was one of the major aspects that drove me in - together with interest for words or orthography).

By the way, online-games indeed can serve greatly to improve english-skills. English-skills that are of matter for school may also improve more or less, depending on one's ambition (some minor attention to certain "theoretical" aspects like spelling or grammar will certainly help to improve the educational effect).

About my english, well, people seem to consider it quite good. However, I'm not satisfied, especially not about my everyday-pronounciation. But, there is to say, even the pronounciation seems to be considered quite good by some people. Also, I have some doubts I'd pass an english-test that was going to test out if my abilities in english would be sufficient to matriculate at an english institute of education (like an international or english university) ^^,


my english is not really good and i not good at speaking in any language :D mostly i listen and read


Am a native english speaker so i guess my english is great and i also know spanish, although i would like to learn german. i wasnt albe to take a german class in my school so i took spanish.

The Ridler

I don´t no.
I´m in a retraining and so i´ve to learn English better.
In my exam I´ve to write a essay in English -.- -.- -.-


hmm... I took "good". If I have english speaking people around me it would be better but I am able to communicate in this language.


Sure thing ...

Most of my english skills are based on english computer-games like san andreas an/or multiplayer games.

U still have to learn to communicate to others and read the server rules for example. At least its a quite easy-to-learn world language.

pssss .. the inofficial second one is german :P


Deutsch ist viel schöner für einen Autor als Englisch, finde ich. Daß die Wege und Möglichkeiten, etwas zu umschreiben, in Deutsch eh vielfältiger sind, ist ja eine Meinung, mit der ich nicht allein dastehe. Die Scheiße ist nur - man schreibt eine Story auf Deutsch - und kaum einer kann das dann online lesen. :(

Me as a hentai fanfiction author (a wannabe if it comes to English Fanfiction, I admit) got a so-so feeling about my english. When making up a hentai story in English that extends 2000 words, it*s pretty noticeable even a good basic set of vocabulary ain't enough. The big time difference in daily use and writing is - you think "Fine, me has enough words to know one equivalent to any german word that could be required in some situation - so am I equipped for conversations? Uhm yes, I get along great."
To put it well, your knowledge of a language is never enough. One word for every thing is way too less to make up descriptions of repetive actions without their descriptions themself going repetive. (And that*s the parade example. I just used repetive two times. Whats the alternate way to say reptive. No idea. You got me.)

But at least I say cellphone and not handy.
No non-native can claim to be truely perfect if it comes to English,
but still, we try hard, and we know what it*s NOT:
Denglish. I HATE Denglish. But let's submit before this post turns out to be a rant in the end.


Well, my english is good enough i think.

My biggest problem is the "Thing with the vocabulary", which would also exist in 20 years!
Grammar isn´t that problem.


How good is your Englisch

Well i guess my englisch is quite good...
Maybe the reason for this is that a part of my family lives
in UK and even i lived there since i was about 3 years old,
and i visit them every year blablabla... ^^

Anyone who sux @ englisch hf with translating ^^

Weiss nicht ich glaub mein englisch geht schon durch...


i think my english is good enough to survive in an english speaking country :D i really like this language and try to all the movies and to play all the games on english. i would have got a 2 as my mark if i wasn't too lazy. anyway, the standard language sucks. in my opinion, some dialects like the australian one sound much better.


Original von snersen
i think my english is good enough to survive in an english speaking country :D i really like this language and try to all the movies and to play all the games on english. i would have got a 2 as my mark if i wasn't too lazy. anyway, the standard language sucks. in my opinion, some dialects like the australian one sound much better.

but: my mark was (hehe..finished school) 1 + oxford english rox


Vocaloid 01
my english is bad^^
i often get five on my test because i dont learn it -.-
but i can well schimpfen, because thats normal in wien...
i dont know what "schimpfen" in english is^^