How good is your English?

How good is your English?

  • Anzahl der Umfrageteilnehmer


Original von d4rksoldier
my english is bad^^
i often get five on my test because i dont learn it -.-
but i can well schimpfen, because thats normal in wien...
i dont know what "schimpfen" in english is^^
-use abusive language

I would say my English is pretty good but still not on native level.
Im working on it since my study is in english for a larger part.

Wel and typing english in this forum is a nice way to practice :yo:


Vocaloid 01
oh my god^^

the only english that i can is in chemikal things, how nucleos, orbit and that shit -.-
in vokabel tests i only write 5 but on the schoolwork i write a 2 thats good, because now i have a 3 in my "zeugniss"

oh i hate that when i dont know how to write a word right ^^ :yo:


Despite the fact that the question is about how we perform, i wonder, why someone started to write in english and everyone sticks to that decision.. but this may be due to herd-behaviour :lol:
I consider myself as a quite-fluent talker, since I am speaking english for about .. oh, I suck at maths ... since I grew 8 or 9, which was due to internet (that must be nearly a decade according to the formula pi-mal-daumen :lachen: ).
I decided to go for A-Levels once i was to choose my curriculum for the 'Oberstufe' , but then again my teacher has been so much of <me:gewalt:her>... I mean, she has no clue how to give classes and .. I simply do not like her (to put it the easy way) :mad:

Anyways, keep discussing - I'm looking forward to it :]

"No non-native can claim to be truely perfect if it comes to English" true. Most native-speaker do not even understand Havardian-English...
And yes, a handy would be some kind of 'Massagegerät' , if you get my hint :D
Well, I think that I'm skilled enough, to talk in english. I don't really need it in rl, but I'm on a training for technical english and stuff....
I think I could survive in america anyway.


My English I think is very good because I lived in America until I was eight and I`ve read a lot of English books from that time on. ;)

so ich denke das ist klar


Original von -FallenAngel-
And now, for those of you who have to much time, tell me if i made any mistakes, i wanna know it, i get worser and worser since I'm not in School anymore =/
Kann man "worse" steigern? :P
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeuh...nö :lachen:


But let us not turn this Thread in a German-English correction session.
Let us discus a method how to improve your English so you can read English mangas. :yo:
how good is my english?
hmm.. i think, enough to be able to understand some english-mangas hehe..
coz waiting for some german-translated mangas really do take a long time, thats why.. i pushed myself :P

learned it from the school and by watching tv's and hearing some english songs and it did well, just try it ^^


Well I think my English is good enough since I'm used to talking with my grandfather who was borne and lives in the US. Sadly I'm not able to speak English with many people around my place so every now and then it gets rusty after not talking to my grandfather for some time.
I have "English LK" at school but my marks aren't that good because I'm kinda bored and my teacher is... Well she is young and sexy but strange concerning the questions she asks during class.
Before that I always got an A or at least a B.
Maybe I am just distracted by her body. I'm a man after all.
I, myself am not happy with my spoken English, yet. Still gotta learn a lot.
Btw... school sucks X(


Nosce te ipsum
Original von animan
i´ve a question...
the first answer "I spaek english very goodly"... now i think it should be "i speak english very well...
am i right ??? because the adverb of good is well... there is no goodly ,it doesnt exist... but i´m not sure!! correct me if i am wrong...
Yeah, you're right dude.
But you forgot your "got" in your first sentence ("I've got a question").
I think it's a sort of "germanisation" (i don't mind if this word is completely wrong^^) according to the german terms like "Ich hab 'ne Frage" or something like this, that we try to use it in other languages as well.