[Diskussion] Left 4 Dead - Zensur / Demo / Eindrücke


screen kann ich morgen machen... und wiegesagt.. bei mir liegt immer nur ne bestimmte anzahl leichen rum.. kann man sicher über ne eintsellung ändern... und schieß einfach ma mit der pumpe auf arme oder beine, sollten eig abreißen bei uncut^^


Hardstyle or no style
Otaku Veteran
So habs mir jetzt auch gekauft muss nur noch ankommen dann kann man ja mal Online zusammen bzw. gegeneinander spielen *hrhr*

Alle Zombies bleiben in meiner vorherigen nicht ganz legalen Version auch nicht liegen, du kannst es aber relativ einfach testen in dem du nah an einen von diesen immer rumstehenden Zombies gehst, bis die dich sehen haste ihnen ne ladung Schrott in den Schädel geschossen platzt dieser ist es Uncut ist dies nicht der fall halt Cut.


Das Spiel ansich ist echt genial. Nur die Zensur der DE Version ist eine Schande (dabei hatte die Uncut von der USK doch ne Freigabe bekommen, wenn ich richtig liege?!).
Hoffe mal, dass es bald so wie mit TF2 ist und per Patch uncut wird.

Ein Zombiespiel ohne Splatter ist wie ein Hamburger ohne Fleisch...


ich hab zum blück ne uncut version. und ich finde es einfach nur geil. vorallem wen man auf den kopf schist und einem das blud ins besicht schpritzt


ICh sag es ja immer .. Deutschland = ZensurStaat ... ich meine mal das mit dem Cover ist mir bis lang och nicht aufgefallen aber das ist wirklich die krönung ^^:stfu:


Hardstyle or no style
Otaku Veteran
ICh sag es ja immer .. Deutschland = ZensurStaat ... ich meine mal das mit dem Cover ist mir bis lang och nicht aufgefallen aber das ist wirklich die krönung ^^:stfu:
Sei froh das du nicht in Australien lebst die wollen uns solangsam die Krone abnehmen was Erwachsenenschutz und Zensur angeht.


Hardstyle or no style
Otaku Veteran
Hier mal noch was lustiges was ich in einem Forum gefunden hab und euch nicht vorenthalten möchte ^^

Shotgun Sally:
- Convinced the shotgun(s) is the be all end all
- Uses the Shotgun at long range
- Thinks peeling zombies off you with the shotgun is a good idea
- Usually likes to stand in the back

Petey Pyro:
- Doesn't know what a pipebomb is
- Shoots every gas tank / explosive as soon as it's in sight
- Thinks Molotovs are useful when someone is "boomed on"
- (duffdaddy67) Thinks throwing a Molotov on downed survivor with zombies swarming him is the ONLY way to save him

Ricky Rambo:
- Runs ahead of the pack no doubt trying to race to Zombie Genocide
- Complains when he gets jumped by a Zombie Special
- Usually also a Shotgun Sally
- (Disodium) Upon death proceeds to abuse team about how noob they are for not keeping up
- (MWM|Talon) Always rushes the people in the lobby, even if there is only you and him

Health Pack Harry:
- Never shares pills and/or health packs
- Heals himself from yellow health whilst you stand there with red health
- Sometimes a Ricky Rambo

Wally Witch B♥T♥H:
- Must disturb the witch
- Does not know the essence of stealth
- Will never get "Do Not Disturb"

Car Alarm Carl:
- Shoots the car alarm... everytime
- Will run back from the safe room, just to shoot the car on the apartments map
- Almost always a Wally Witch B♥T♥H as well

Stu Spammy Spam:
- Doesn't know you can turn off the mic once it's been turned on in the lobby
- Plays music in game
- Doesn't hear your pleas to turn off the mic over his own mic spam
- Generally a young male who has not hit puberty yet
- (XM20k) Offenses increase in direct relation to their alcohol consumption

Norman No-Melee:
- Prefers to shoot the Smoker / Hunter that's got you pinned, even tho he's standing right next to you
- When told meleeing is faster, will argue to the death you're wrong
- Almost always in the "dedicated to" category
- Jumps out in the open after being "boomed on" versus finding a corner
- Requires the most healing indirectly making him a Health Pack Harry
- Almost always a Shotgun Sally

Schoolmaster Steve: (Zombie Pawn)
- Bosses his fellow gamers around in-game because he perceives everyone else as a stupid pupil (i.e., newb) who isn't taking the game seriously
- When not playing the game, he is writing long forum postings on how other players are stupid and/or publishes various "Survival Guides for Newbs"
- Like a boss zombie, generally ruins the game for everyone else

Pistol Pump Petey: (Gunner_Guardian)
- Always uses a pump shotgun and never an autoshottie
- OR Always uses pistols because he "looks cool"
- Has trouble understanding why tanks, witchs, all special infected keep killing him.

Friendly fire Freddy: (Gunner_Guardian)
- Will shoot you in attempt to shoot zombies near you
- Gets startled easily when you jump in front of you and accidently shoots
- Claims Expert and advanced are way too hard.
- Often a Shotgun Sally

Take my Sweet A♥♥ Time Terry: (PFC Erik(music))
- Must explore every room
- Has always walk turned on because
- Can't understand why everyone is in such a rush
- (Mongis) Usually Hunter / Smoker bait
- Ricky Rambo's sworn enemy

Dancing Dan: (frederf)
- Does not know the meaning of tactical camping
- Is constantly moving
- Usually in front of your line of fire

Competitive Craig: (Stryde22)
- MUST kill the most infected
- Gets angry when he/she isnt first on the stat lists
- Weakens the AI characters so he/she can do better than them
- NEVER is greatful when someone saves them
- Always is cocky when they save someone
- Generally isnt saved when attacked by hunters, then left in every
subsequent closet

No-Knees Nobu:(Stryde22)
- Cannot grasp the idea of crouching
- Has difficulty climbing the ladders
- Will never travel to an area that involves climbing or jumping (such as
the high roof in the no mercy finale)
- Always ruins the 'safety first' runs

Sam the Sneaky Sniper (Rhllor)
- Always picks the Hunting Rifle
- Failing that, uses Pistols
- Insists on everyone waiting while he picks of every Infected in the area
from afar
- Had Jump Shot and Brain Salad as his very first achievements
- Will always take his time and aim for a headshot
- Even when his target is just two metres away
- Especially when it is a tank
- Gets into strange/useless positions just to have as much distance as
possible between him and incoming hordes
- Quite often also a Norman No-Melee and/or Competetive Craig

Boom Box Jacob: (Sh4dowz)
- Always claims to be the best Boomer
- Says that Smokers and Hunters got to attack first
- Thinks he "owned" everyone, even if he vomitted on one person only
- Keeps waiting at the wrong spots
- Keeps killing himself when he is not a Boomer

Sergeant Green Bars: (Sh4dowz)
- Claims to have the best internet connection
- Never has any lag, according to his greenbars
- Does not know the net_graph command
- Keeps being annoyed if people try to go back to the lobby, to find another server

Nigel Rage: (Sh4dowz)
- Has the command "quit" binded to at least three keys on the keyboard
- Quits after he has lost one round as survivor
- Enjoys playing infected rather then survivor
- His number one rule, if you die as a survivor, you failed, you need to QUIT

Infected Jack Red: (Sh4dowz)
- Only plays infected
- Always starts of playing infected
- When it's time to changes sides, its time for him to change server
- Even though he plays infected so much, he still sucks
- Is usually a Boom Box Jack aswell

Will Wannabe Bill: (Sh4dowz)
- Hates everything about left4dead
- Keeps playing to find more things to hate
- Keeps posting on the forums about how much the game fails
- The only thing he likes about l4d, is Bill, because he hates everything too
- But eventually he will hate Bill too

Silent Bob: (AngryJawa)
- Has no microphone
- When hes getting choked out or pounced he fails to tell his teams hes
being hit (usually happens when everyones been boomed)
- Never communicates at all

Oblivious Oscar: (Luckseven)
- Continues pouring lead into any zombies within a 10 mile radius despite
the fact that other players are incapacitated
- Walks right by any incapacitated players
- What health kit? I forgot I had one (you can also insert guns, ammo,
bombs, or basically anything remotely helpful)
- Is liable to let you die to a smoker/hunter despite the fact you have 100% health
- More than likely is stoned/drunk off their gourd and is suffering from
severely reduced reaction time
- Probably watching porn in the background while playing
- Mic is on so you can enjoy too!

Gas Can Gary: (Lunarbunny)
- Has to pick up every gas can, propane tank, and oxygen tank he sees.
- Has an order to which he prefers and will always drop (and possibly then shoot it) "lesser" containers to pick up a "better" one.
- Will carry a container until he finds a better one or finds a "good use" for it, even if the group is overrun and needs more than a melee attack
- Will try to carefully place the container for "optimal coverage" no matter what the situation

and last but certainly not the least

The N00B:
- Three or more of the above


Das Spiel ist nun auf der Liste der jugendgefährdender Inhalte gekommen und wurde vorläufig indiziert.

Irgentwie geht Deutschalnd meiner Meinung zu hart mit der Freigabe von Spielen um.


Hardstyle or no style
Otaku Veteran
Trotz der Zensur ist es Indiziert worden? Die hammse auch nicht mehr alle naja mir wayne ich habs schon und zwar deutsch und unzensiert ^^


Stamm User
ich habs gezockt bei nem kollegen die 360 version und ich weiß nich es macht nicht wirklich fun...(online konnte ich noch nich testen) es sind 4 spieler im game trotzdem können nur 2 an einer konsole zocken das find ich mies weil es sidn ja schon 4 chas im game drin das hätte man ja dann auch so machen können nicht wahr?


Hardstyle or no style
Otaku Veteran
bwahah schaut mal was ich gefunden hab beim zufälligen Serven ^^

Warnung enthält Alternativ Hentai ^^



Germanischer Pirat
Yeah, die allgemeingültige Rule 34 hat wiedermal zugeschlagen^^
Wies ausschaut muss ich Left4Dead auch endlich mal ausprobieren... wenn ich nur mehr Zeit hätte :-/