jiraiya had a sad end.
gama Pa frog's back has this seal on it
9 looks a buit like 'ta' タ also
Pein sends jiraiya's arm flying and destroys him
Jiraiya sinks into the swamp
Jiraiya: (ah I guess the tale of gallant jiraiya is a little better now
final chapter...scattering in the middle of the giant frog swamp..hoho...splendid
completly sinks
Jiraiya: (well then...I guess I should start writing then.
ahhh...that's it...! what should i call the sequal? Hmmmm...
the tale of Uzumaki naruto... yeah...that sounds good...
at that time, Tsunade is staring of into space boozing. She sees a frog leap into a pond
later naruto and Tobi are messing around
kakashi: you're really messing around huh?...what are you after?
at that time itachi and sasuke
itachi: you can see my death?
itachi looks up at the sky and in an instant appears at sasuke's side.
itachi: try and make it come true then.
finish with sasuke grinning and facing Itachi