[Diskussion] One Piece [Vorsicht Mangaspoiler]


Otaku Veteran
Das Meiste ist auch nur einfach neutral gehalten und es wurde darauf geachtet, dass es nicht dem widerspricht, was später im Manga vorkommen wird. Es ist trotzdem nicht das was Oda im Kopf hat, sondern das was die Toei-Leute sich ausdenken. Und One Piece ist für mich nicht der Anime, das ist nur eine Adaption. Verstehe es ja, wenn man den Anime für wichtig hält, da man lieber bewegte Bilder sehen will (Wobei Odas Zeichenstil mit ein Grund ist warum OP klasse ist und das im Anime gar nicht mehr zutrifft). Aber es ist trotzdem keine Basis für eine Diskussion über den Manga. Und jeder Fan weiss das. Komm mal in einem OP-Forum damit, du wirst überall das selbe hören.

Ok ich hab nichts mehr zu sagen, also hasst mich, flamt mich, wenn ihr wollt, aber das ist halt meine meinung XD.
Das ist ein Diskussionsforum. Betonung auf "Diskussion". Jeder sagt hier seine Meinung und keiner sollte Angst haben geflamed zu werden oder sonstwas. Du brauchst dich nicht schon im Vornherein für deine Meinung zu verteidigen.
Zumal du oft sagst "Ist doch egal, bringt ja nichts darüber zu reden", wenn ich mich richtig erinnere. Dabei machen die ganzen Diskussionen doch den Spaß hier aus. Und Meinungsverschiedenheiten gibt es immer, sonst wäre es ja langweilig.


Otaku Veteran
Vielen Dank Oda. Jetzt ist alles wieder perfekt, weiter machen.

Und Ruffy ist genau so naiv wie Chopper, ha ha. :D


ahhh Oda oda oda X) ich weiss nic ht was in deinem kopf vorgeht aber warum warum verrascht du uns so hahah:stfu:

also darum dürfen wir nicht sagen das es nicht unmöglich ist das ruffy einen admiral oder diese sengoblabla besiegen kann xD


Achja, Oda kann einen ganz schön an der Nase herumführen (hehe wortwitz). Jetzt wissen wir wenigstens das Franky sein markenzeichen immer noch hat. Da is mir jetzt echt ein Stein vom Herzen gefallen^^. So jetzt bin ich mal drauf gespannt was jetzt zwischen Ruffy und Fzoro und Fanji ablaufen wird. Naja Oda wird uns in dem Punkt schon nicht entäuschen. Hat er ja schlussendlich bei Frankys Haaren auch nicht getan^^.

also bis dahin euer Mauke


Wie man sieht hat Franky n paar teile nur für die coolnes eingebaut ^^

Hallo? ne Hand in der Hand? xD ausfahrbare Haare? xD Franky ist und bleibt Franky :hahaha:


König der Piraten
Die ersten Soiler Texte sind raus...

Translated by rubia_ryu

Whoo! Spoilers are finally here, and I'm not too late for translations! よし!行きますよ!

*I'll update this post as I go along*

1st pic

Usopp: "Nose?"
Franky: "Hold it down for at least 3 seconds." *repeats line with Robo voice*
Usopp: "Talk normally!! You're like a robot!"

2nd pic


3rd pic

Franky: "Press my nose, look, nose" (I'm not sure if this sentence is complete, but it precedes the 1st pic)
Usopp, Chopper: "Hair came out~!!" *sugeEeEe* "On its own!? Your hairdo!!"
Franky: "Yup." "Oh! Hey, Nami."
Translated by Aohige_AP

Franky: Press my nose.
Usopp: Nose??
Franky: Yeah, hold it in long, more than 3 sec........
(In mechanical voice) "Please Press the button and hold it for over 3 seconds"
Usopp: He rephrased it, and said it like a robot!!


Usopp: Whoa!! Hair came out!!
Chopper: You can change your hair anyway you want?
Franky: Yeah, I can. Oh!! Hey Nami, what's up

Luffy (with a stache): You guys changed so much in 2 years! And you've become so quiet.
Fake Sanji: (Yeah, looks like this mustache dude knows the real Strawhats... who is he?)
Fake Zoro: (I dunno, but don't say nuthin' or he'll be on to us!)
Luffy: And I don't remember you to being so friendly with each other! Well, it's been two years... your face look so different. Are you disguising as well?
Fake Zoro: (We're almost there. We'll hand him over to captain and it's over)

Fake Sanji or Zoro: Catain!
Fake Luffy: I said call me big boss, you moron!
Fake Sanji or Zoro: We didn't find that genuine pet... but is this the guy you were looking for?

Usopp: But Franky, you can't do precise carpentry with huge hands like that, can you?
Franky: Eh? What are you talking about
(pulls out smaller hand)
Quelle: apforum

lol einfach geil...Luffy man ich hab es irgendwie gewusst das er seine Naivität auch ned verloren hat^^


Dark Messiah'z'
Otaku Veteran
Ja das gehört ja zu seinem charackter wobei ich sagen muss... nach dem Arch mit Ace muss sich doch da was verändert haben ^^

Aber was mich stört ist Choppers Naivität. Iwie passt es nicht zu ihm. Dieses "ich mag keinen Lob" Ding ist äuserst geil aber dieses übertriebene "ich fall selbst auf fakeSHB" ist schon sehr krass find ich :P


Hier noch mehr Text^^

Spoiler Summaries:
Originally Posted by Aohige_AP

Mr. T is here! That's where the title came from.

Chapter 600: Island of Fresh Start

"Sorry, I'm late this week lol
I've only read a little bit, but.... this week was fun too!
Title is Island of Fresh start (restart)

Originally Posted by Aohige_AP

From Mr.T

Looks like Nami, Usopp, and Chopper have come together.
There are rookies such as Cariboo gathered at 46GR
(There were others that had bounties as well)

Luffy goes to 46GR along with fake Sanji and fake Zoro.
Marines came during Brook's live concert, and the concert got canceled...
He was announcing that Strawhats are alive, and also singing a new song.
He is aware of what's going on thanks to a Den-Den mushi by Shakky.

All the other members other than Luffy have met up, and they chose 42GR as the grove to set sail from.
That grove is facing ocean, so they'll probably pick up Luffy and set sail.

Next week will probably end where they set sail?
Maybe Luffy will wipe out the fakes with Haoshoku, or maybe they'll get taken out by the marines?
Cariboo and Coriboo are nuts, but I think they're fodder like Brownbeard lol
And Rayleigh is cool as usual!

There's a lot of details and I didn't feel like going over them, sorry~
You'll have fun reading them on Jump

Originally Posted by Aohige_AP

Translation to the above quote.

(people bitching that T isn't giving details)

Ok, then.
First Chopper was running, looking for Robin
He came across Usopp, and also came across Nami
Chopper finally comes to realize there are fake Strawhats around
They reach Sunny, and meet up with Franky and Robin
Franky was showing off his new upgrades to Usopp and Chopper

After that, Zoro and Sanji meet up and argue as usual

The fakes are all gathered at 46GR.
The new rookies are there (Such as Cariboo and Coriboo that came for audition)
The Fake Luffy gives orders to find Luffy, but the fake Zoro and Sanji arrives bringintg the real Luffy

At Brook's live concert, the marines figured out Brook is the same person as the Brook (alive) on the wanted posters, and interrupted the concert.
Brook tells his fans the truth, and starts the final song.
The Marines try to stop the concert, but the fans gets in their way

Rayleigh and Shakky arrives at Sunny to teach Nami how to navigate the coated ship, and that's where it ends.

Is this detail enough?
Without lines, it's hard to tell I know

Also, please stop bitching

Originally Posted by Aohige_AP

(responding to people telling him to ignore the trolls)

I don't care what they say, but you'll be excited when you read Jump
Cariboo and Coriboo seemed to be insane, but they reek of being fodder like Brownbeard

Anyways, there's a lot of dialog this week...
I can't really convey it without writing out the lines...
So everyone just wait for Jump!

Also, no Sentoumaru.

ohana's summary
Originally Posted by Aohige_AP
ohana post first half

Chapter 600: Island of Fresh Start

Cover: Zoro is holding a 1t weight on one arm, and the other is holding an aligator (or crocodile, same word in Japanese)
He's practicing his swings.  The poor gator is crying.

Chopper is running around looking for Robin
Usopp finds him and Nami hugs Chopper in joy.
Chopper tells her he's glad to see them, but Robin is in trouble.
The three get on a Sabaody bike, and Nami tells Chopper that Robin is fake.
Nami says becuse our captain's become famous, this kind of stuff can't be helped, it happens.

Fake Sanji and Fake Zoro are running around looking for Chopper, but they got tired and started walking.
Luffy approaches them.
Luffy says he should put on the fake stache afterall like Hancock said, since he's supposed to stay put.
Fake Sanji realizes this man is the "kid wearing cloak" his boss (Fake Luffy) said to look for.

Zoro says he wants to go to the coast to fish.
Sanji tells him hell no, shit-head.
The usual argument starts
Sanji tells him everyone's getting together, so just shut up and come with me to the ship!
Zoro tells him he was the 7th person to get there, how dare he orders around the first.
Sanji argues back why in the hell are you ranking people in the order they came!? Just because you were miraculously the first, don't get cocky!

Originally Posted by Aohige_AP
second half of ohana

Fake Luffy's crew are gathering here. Lots of new pirate faces.
Fake Luffy: The reason why I gathered you all here is because some schmuck insulted me!! The perpetrators are somewhere on this archipelago!! Bring them in front of me!!
Fake Zoro, Fake Sanji, and Luffy arrives at the scene.
Luffy: You guys changed so much in 2 years! You became quiet too! I don't remember you two being buddies like that
Fake Sanji starts wondering if this man is a real Strawhat
Fake Sanji tells the Captain they couldn't find the real pet, but isn't this the man you were looking for?

Brook's live concert is in an encore. Marines arrive at the scene.
Marines: We know you're a Rumber Pirate, and we also have information that you are a crew of the Strawhat Luffy! You're under arrest!
The fans start crying
Brook's manager arrives. He's the one that told the marines.
Brook: Pirate Strawhat Luffy is alive!! He will one day become the King of the entire sea!! Guys, listen to my final Soul!!
The marines attempt to stop the live, but the fans stop the marines to listen to the song!

17G The Sunny
Chopper and Usopp are amazed at Franky's body.
Everyone's enjoying the reunion.
Shakky and Rayleigh arrives.
Shakky: I've wiretapped the Marines' communication, so I'm sure of it... They think the fake Monkey-chan gang to be the real one, and making a big move on it. I've told Brook-chan about it with a den-den mushi.
Rayleigh: Nami-chan, you have to memorize how to operate a coated ship
Usopp: Things getting tense all of a sudden... and Luffy's not here yet...
Rayleigh: Luffy's already on the island.
Franky: I've already handed Sanji a den-den mushi, he's with Zoro
Shakky: The Marines are already close by. So Monkey-chan is the only one we can't get hold of? I'll give you the vivre card. He's coming towards that, right?
Rayleigh: 42G is good, it's facing the ocean. Move the ship there, and gather everyone on it. We're in a bit of hurry... but you've all gotten through this 2 years. This is the time for a fresh start!!

The new Journey begins!

Bilder mit Übersetzung

Originally Posted by Aohige_AP

pic 1
Chapter 600 Island of Fresh Start

Anime theme song "One Day" by Rootless, on sale 10/20
Limited edition with Ace & Luffy 3D Jacket card
etc, etc

pic 2
Zoro: I want to go to a beach. I want to fish...
Sanji: HELL NO, Shit-head!!
Zoro: Why! How come I have to listen to YOU!
Sanji: You think I WANT to walk with you? If you wander around on this island, it's very cumbersome to find you, lost Marimo!!
Everyone's gonna gather up soon, so just shut up and follow me to the ship!!
Zoro: ..... damn "seventh" talking down the "first".
Sanji: Why the hell are you ranking in the order we got here!? Don't get cocky just because you "miraculously" got there first!!
Zoro: Yeah, sorry. "Seventh".
Sanji: Alright, fine! I'll pummel you with this leg I trained in HELL!
Zoro: Yeah right, just try! I'll slice in you half!!

pic 3
Fake Luffy: You are all now my underlings!! Crew member of the Strawhat gang!!
You will be my hands and my feet!! Fight with your lives!!
Pirates: UOOOO!!!! We can do that, big boss!! We won't forgive that fool!!
Fake Zoro: There's quite a few already...
Luffy: Over there, huh? I can't wait to see everyone!
But in this two years, you guys changed a lot. You've gotten so quiet!
Fake Sanji: (It seems like this moustache dude knows the real Strawhats... who is he?)
Fake Zoro: (I don't know, but keep your trap shut, or he'll be on to us!)
Luffy: Were you two so friendly with each other? It's been two years afterall... and your face look so different too! Are you guys disguising too?
Fake Zoro: We're almost there. It'll be all over once we hand him over to captain.
Fake Sanji: Captain!
Fake Luffy: I said call me big boss!
Fake Sanji: We didn't find the real pet, but isn't this the man you were looking for?
Luffy: Oh....

pic 4
17GR Where Sunny is docked
Usopp: ISN'T IT!? His body is amazing!!
Chopper: You're a robot!! Do you shoot beams!? Do you shoot missles!? What do you combine with!?
Usopp: Calm down Chopper, you'll die of excitement!!
Franky: Yeah!! Carrying the dreams of men, he finally mobilizes!! His name is!! Armored Me!
Usopp: But Franky, with a big hand like that, you can't do precise carpentry can you?
Franky: What are you talking about?
Usopp: Hands came out!!!???
Nami: Robin!
Robin: Nami! You've been doing ok, it seems!

pic 5
Nami: What kind of hilarity is that about? his body....
Robin: Ufufu, I don't know. I don't understand it.
Nami: Wow, so this is a coated ship....

Franky: Push my nose. The nose.
Usopp: Your nose?
Franky: Hold it down for more than 3 sec....
Chopper: He rephrased it! And said it like a robot!!

Usopp: Whoa!! Hair came out!!
Chopper: You can change the hair all you want!?
Franky: Yep, any way I want.
Nami: ..... what has he been doing for the past two years?
Franky: Oh hey Nami, what's up.
Nami: Yeah, yeah....

Chopper: Weapons! Show us weapons!
Franky: Don't be silly. That's a main event I'll keep under the curtains until Luffy gets here mecha.
Chopper: Whoa!! You said mecha at the end of your sentence!!

Rayleigh: How are you doing, fellows.
Nami: Rayleigh! Shakky!
Rayleigh: The situation on the island has become a bit unsettling.

pic 6
Nami: The marines have...?
Shakky: Yes, they think the fake Monkey-chan gang are the real ones, and moving in on them.
I'm sure of this information, I wiretapped the Marines' communication.
I've already told Brook-chan the situation through den-den mushi. He should be headed this way.
Franky: I see... he's going to throw away his celebrity status and come with us. He's got guts!

*aohige notes: He actually says he has bones, which is Japanese version of "have guts". SKULL JOKE! YOHOHOHOHO!*

Rayleigh: Nami, you're the navigator yes? I'll teach you how to operate a coated ship. Learn well.
Nami: oh... yes! I'll do my best!
Usopp: Oh, things are getting intense suddenly... but Rayleigh, Luffy isn't here yet...
Rayleigh: It's alright, Luffy is already on this island.

pic 7
Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Franky: !!
Robin: Can't wait.. (to see him)
Rayleigh: I've handed the baby den-den mushi to Sanji, who came here already. He's with Zoro.
Shakky: I see.. that's good. We have to hurry, the marines are nearby already.
The only one we can't get hold of is Monkey-chan. But I'll hand you this vivre card. That's what he's going by, right?
Rayleigh: 42GR facing the ocean is good... send the ship there, and gather everyone.
It's a little hectic, but you have all each gotten through this two years... and now is the time for your fresh start again!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Dieser Ruffy^^

Statt die Fakes der Marine zu überlassen, kommt er dahin wo die sich Sammeln(wozu hat er den Zettel von Ray) und nimmt die jetzt wohl auseinander, die anderen SHB's hören davon oder sehen es vllt. sogar und kommen zur Hilfe, die Fakes sind down und die Marine taucht auf und da stehen sie nun, die richtigen SHB's, statt den Fakes.^^