My story starts with me not having special place to store my stash.
So what does ever one like myself do...hide it on YOUR PSP OF COURSE! ,since no one touches my stuff.
Except for that one time... when I didnt have a ipod yet and stored my music on it and brought it ever where I went.
Soo I brought it to a friends Lan party with like 25 dudes and my friend asked me what im listening to, I told him the band name and he never heard of them soo I gave him my PSP. Now at the time I had a Ecchi Wallpaper as the background wich was fine he knew I was into that stuff and he didnt say anything but NOISE ASS HIM! HAD TO CHECK OUT NOT ONLY THE MUSIC FILES BUT THE PICTURES FILES?!
Why would he do this I still ask my self...
And what to his delight did he see oo why it was my PORN COLLECTION of Hentai he did see.
Now instead if being cool about it and just laughing to himself ,he doesn't like Hentai at all, soo he Yells out to everyone at the Lan party HOLY SHIT LOOK what I FOUND.
As soon as he said that I knew what he found and I freaked I grabed my Psp and put it in my pocket trying to play it cool and then the questions started to come... everyone asked him what he found and he told them.
I felt soo embarrassed, I couldn't lie about it face red as a cherry, trying to explain myself. The rest of the night everyone was asking me what Hentai was, Asking If they could see if, just kept adding to the embarrassment and even called me the porn dude the rest of the night.
Now that I look back on this whole story, I bet half thoes dudes had there own porn collection some where and some of them even went home and typed in hentai some place and liked what they found.
By best friend, the one that found it, still holds it over my head but now I just use his embarrassing moment when he brings up mine. That's for another time MU HAHAHHAHA